That's fucking reverse sexism! WHy would you take just fucking girlies? Because they are "cleaner than boys"? You should have seen my ex-gf house and her dust-carpet under the bed. I hope all you ass-fucked sexist landlords die in an attack by dust mites in your lungs, swallowing and breathing the taste of your own shitty blood.
Fuck you world, especially women: you are fucking ruining my life.
What about you Sup Forums? Are you ok with that just because you live in your basement? Or you are starting wisely to think about the time when your parents will be no more?

>reverse sexism
It's just called sexism.


it's a matter of safety, generally

because guys want to live with girls cus they horny

Came here just to post that

Women are less likely to start fights, kill each other, sell drugs out of their apartment, etc. It's nothing to do with clean. It's absolutely sexist and it might be illegal so if it actually affects you talk to your city counsellors.

>Protected Classes and Housing Rights
When it comes to protected classes and the FHA, the key to compliance is whether a landlord treats prospects and tenants differently because of the underlying characteristic that the prospects and tenants have. Landlords can legally reject applicants, evict tenants, and take other adverse action against people who may be protected under the FHA if the reasons are legitimate and unrelated to any protected class.

>For example, a landlord who rejects an applicant because she's female and Hindu is violating the FHA's ban on discrimination based on sex and religion. But a landlord who rejects a female Hindu applicant because she has poor credit or can't afford the rent isn't violating the FHA—assuming the landlord applies the same screening requirements to all applicants.

Yeah, they can't do that unless they are willing to face litigation.

It's not reverse sexism, it's just sexism

I want to own a women only apartment building in a college town and set up hidden cameras in the showers.

Oh really? Hope they all find some Aileen Wuornos to fuck their ass with a knife.
And by the way, NO: it's not a matter of "you can sell drugs! In any digs you can't take visitors in the house so what's the point?!?!?

Why wouldn't you just find an attractive girl and have sex with her?

Don't worry, this is just bait m8. Reverse Sexism is known to trigger people.

It's not bate you mororns!!! Call it as you want: it's always treating someone different due to his sex.
Transgenders can have separate bathrooms and I can't HAVE A ROOF UPON MY HEAD? I HATE YOU STUPID UNLOGICAL WORLD.

Go find somewhere else to live you lazy fag. Also read . Go fucking research and stop complaining, fag.

guys wouldnt want to live in guys only apartments. that would be gay af


Oh, and besides: 70% of the ads for students' accomodation in my town are FOR FEMALES ONLY and I believe it's the same quite everywhere.
WHere can I find it? ANOTHER TOWN!?!?!?

Life is unfair. Now deal with it fag. Justice is a meme made by the SJWs.

Sure. Why not? Unless you are a poorfag then you could drive there.

Bacause the university accepting me is in that town and not in others.

>implying that's a viable option

I have friends that live in other towns other than the university just so they can live in comfort. Do the same. Unless they are over 5 miles away you should be taking public transportation or a car/bike.

Well, I didn't want to take a train for 1 and half hour every morning for a house at the same price or few less.But you may be right: could be the last solution before sleeping in a shared room with a random guy raping my anus or pissing on my pillow when i'm outside. Thanks for the idea: it's desperate but could work (untill I burn out and kill ppl on the train).