Would Idris Elba make a good Bond?
Would Idris Elba make a good Bond?
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would make a nice sex scene.
>this is what white women consider attractive in 2016
>Helen Mirren
literally who?
The white race is doomed
>literally millenial
get out
>white women
Go back to bed grandpa
White men, too.
This is bait right?
its all bidness
Shouldn't you be out playing, son?
>"Thank you for the great honour of recognising that I too am a f*****g whore - and I am very very proud of it."
>-Helen Mirren at the 25th European Film Awards
Oh it shows Helen, it shows.
t. Sven Bergkvist
>implying you all aren't jelly as fuck
No he's too old and isnt upper class enough. Now I prefer my Bonds to be sociopathic white guys with dark hair (and as such I consider craig an abomination), but if you want to give a twist to the character while keeping it somewhat in line with the origins an Indian or Chinese (Hong Kong) Bond would make way more sense. Nothing against Elba personally, he's a great actor, just not James Bond.
He's a very charismatic man desu
>No he's too old and isnt upper class enough
Like Craig? Or Lazenby?
Both terrible Bonds, so you're only helping his argument
>while keeping it somewhat in line with the origins an Indian or Chinese (Hong Kong) Bond would make way more sense.
None of the Bonds except Dalton was "upper class" though
Idri looks like Craig if someone dumped Craig in brown paint.
And Dalton was the best. You can't think this is a coincidence.
Dalton was an awful Bond
I love him as an actor, but he was way too brooding and serious for Bond
Holy shit is America really like that?
>Dalton was an awful Bond
lolOpinion discarded.
That's why I love Dalt. He's a pure pleb filter.
Hong Kong yes, Indian no.
Roger Moore looked it. Pierce Brosnan did too without looking like a faggot too.
>he's too old
He's 43.
Timothy Dalton was 43 when his first Bond movie came out. Roger Moore was 46.
He looks pretty bad.
Probably gets a pass for being 6'3. Large nignog=beauty.
America is the best place in the world to be black.
People think "blacks are poor"="america hates blacks." It's just a legacy of poverty carried over from the past. Just like everyone else is poorer than the descendants of royals.
End of the day, if you were in the same income bracket anyway, it's much better to be black than white in America.
t. minority
What actors do you think look good, also how fast would you get on your knees to suck their cock faggot?
god tier casting
Only biased sources capitalize black.
Fuck off nigger.
So is the black race
Every generation will get whiter and whiter until they look and act Jewish.
She's just being nice because nigger skin is so repulsive.
Is that thing jewish? It's fucking disgusting. TAKE IT AWAY
It's actually mixed bag of black, white, native american, etc.
Helen is a legit classless whore so I don't know why you find this so hard to believe
He's also a faggot
Fake tweet
that's what happens when you have depression your entire life
Same shit with nearly every Sup Forums poster
I mean I was exaggerating but there's definitely something "off" about him that's very unappealing. It might be his nappy hair. Black people hair was always repulsive to me.
lol it's not but the sources are bullshit 2bh. It's still good for trolling Sup Forumsacks
>depression makes you gay
Okay Dr.
>America is the best place in the world to be black.
Nigga that is just a lie. Legacy of poverty? It's called fucking poverty. 1 in a 100 citizens in jail, most of them black, most of them in poverty, most of them in there for weed or some trivial shit - black people are farmed for cheaper labour by the prison industry. Race issues in the states are 50 years behind the rest of the first world. Slavery ended 50 years later, segregation ended 50 years later, racism will recede down 50 years later.
Not to mention that, as a black man in the states, you are constantly surrounded by fucking racists and will likely be one yourself.
Obviously north-western europe have high standards of living and less racism, and a few carribean islands have insanely high reported levels of happiness when surveyed, so that's where I'd want to be black.
that guy looks mixed as fuck.
That's what happens with mixed hair. It's straight until a certain length and then goes wild.
Pic related off the top of my head. And I wouldn't because I'm not gay.
Look at Elba's fucking face, head-on. Not from the side, photoshopped to hell for a fashion shoot. The weird nose, ridiculously wide septum, facial asymmetry, totally average jaw.
I'm saying he isn't that good looking and he probably rides on the fact that he's tall and black.
Brain dead sjw who is lent an air of credence because she lived past 50. Still alone and childless though.
This, but someone like chiwetel could possibly pull it off
GB had a major presence in those areas, a mixed Bond from there would work as someone serving the establishment.
genetic mixing is a hell of a drug.
don't forget his ridiculous head shape
i'm completely convinced finding him attractive is a meme
he's like a vessel for white women to express their affection for black guys
>Michael B. Jordan
Nice bait, his head is fucking weird
Also lauded because she's ancient but still looks good.
It's only thanks to being childless though that she still has a nice body.
would look better with the right headgear
Rather move to a third world country than the greatest country on earth.
You deserve everything you get nigger.
Doesn't look that bad compared to this
he looks gay and his chin is laughable
This is fake btw
Acting wise, Idris Elba could dominate it.
Besides white bond fucked plenty of non-white women
Nobody likes niggers in Europe
niggers in Europe are literally subhuman, they have no place there
>Helen "White men holding their girlfriends is rape" Mirren sucks black cock
Surprise fucking surprise.
Ayy this would never happen in Europe for example. Sure you can see an interracial couple once in a blue moon but this shit is ridiculous.
You don't understand the concept. Longpost incoming:
Think about this. Say "X" family subjugates "Y" family, and makes a shit ton of money. Then they release "Y" family from their bonds, dirt poor. 50 years later, 100 after that, 500 after that--whose descendants are richer? It's still "X" family. It'll never even out because there is a legacy of poverty. It doesn't mean "X" family is still oppressing "Y" family in the present.
We don't think that the descendants of King George owe scholarships and reparations to the descendants of his peasants. We don't think about it because race isn't involved. But if race is truly a social construct, then the slavery situation is exactly the same.
I can go into more detail about this concept if you like. Western Europe and the Caribbean, maybe. The Caribbean is poor as fuck, and Western Europe... do you really want to be paraded around as the diversity elf? Everywhere else it sucks to be black, including Africa. Whereas black people are a dominant force in American popular culture.
I've lived in Britain, France and Scotland and I've visited every country in western europe, including the weird ones like Belgium.
Latin countries like Spain tend to be racist, but Britain, France, Germany and Scandinavia have good standards of living and very good education, so there is way less racism than elsewhere.
Pick one and only one.