Anybody afraid of dying and standing face to face with the Creator...

Anybody afraid of dying and standing face to face with the Creator, and him telling you to cast yourself into the endless pit of flames...

Pretty often actually, it wouldn't make sense to condemn someone for a life they lived because what could be extremely sinful to others could be everyday for another. Unless it goes by relativity, but it just wouldnt make sense to eternally damn somebody for a single lifetime.


What's it like being a crazy person? But socially accepted crazy because other people also believe the same crazy shit? Its surreal to watch from outside, gotta say.

I am a crazy..i am not accepted by other in the same faith. I believe in God but not by what the fake satanic church has taught me, but by what he has shown me and what i have read and concluded.

Its just crazy, one day your breathing the next day its over.. . never to do another thing under the light of the sun. All the hollow things in this lift dont gleam like gold anymore.

So you're extra crazy. Thats cool, I guess. Since you don't really realize it, asking you to describe what it's like is pointless.

Enjoy your psychosis

No. Because he sure as shit isn't clear about what will/won't get you cast into said pit; and that's just fucking psychotic.
So fuck him.

so you dont think there will be justice for all the things youve done in evil.. and foe the evil things that have been done to you.? then who will weigh in the balances?

So who brings justice to God for all his evils?
Or does he get to be immune?

What has he done to you? Or what evil do you attribute to him?

Where do you think pain came from? Suffering? Death? Starvation? Torture?
God created ALL of those things; imagined them, willed them into being.

Glory to Atom!

Boy Bands
People saying yolo
Big Pharma

Fuck god

I dont think he willed them, but he does allow. So you do believe there is a god.. but you prefer to slap him in his face?

Not really

>I dont think he willed them
Fucking lol.
THEY WOULD NOT EXIST UNLESS HE CREATED THEM. Creatures would not be able to feel pain. Not be able to feel the agony of starvation. Not unless he designed all of us specifically to be able to.
After all he is infallible, is he not?

Yes, I do believe there is one.
I believe he is a psychotic egomaniac, unworthy of the worship he demands, and I believe feeds off of.

nah brue i'm going to heaven.

Infallibility means HE DOESN'T MAKE MISTAKES.
So none of those things were mistakes, HE INTENDED THEM TO BE EXACTLY AS THEY ARE.

which makes him an evil, sadistic asshole. Like that guy said, fuck that shithead.

why you think your going to make it..?

Does not good come out of evil things..? Does distress and anguish make human hearts turn away from evil..?

If trips god is fake
if dubs god is bad
if quads god is real


Better be sure you're following the right set of rules.
Not like He's going to clear up which ones those are; so your guess as to which ones are correct are as good as mine or anyone else's.

He'll still burn you for eternity for following the wrong ones, though, even though he'll never tell you which the wrong ones are.

Like I said; psychotic. Like a fucking kid playing Sims sadistically.

But he did tell you what is the key and what is the door that leads you unto rest. . . youve heard it but sadly churches are a dead spirit. Wolves have taken over the pulpits. Dont give up your search.

any god who'd condemn someone to infinite torture is a piece of shit unworthy of worship; especially when the god made that person so flawed as to "deserve" such punishment in the first place

>Does not good come out of evil things
10% of good doesn't justify 90% of bad; fyi.
No matter how good that 10% is.

>Does distress and anguish make human hearts turn away from evil
Fuck that; what about the motherfucking beasts? Why create thousands of different species of creatures specifically to be enslaved by your special snowflakes, give them all the same ability to feel pain, fear, love, with none of the intelligent ability to quantify it; deny them your idea of "salvation", sentence them to this eternal cycle of domination & hopeless abuse?

There's a video you'll see if you hang out in the rekt threads enough; of a preying mantis eating the fucking face of a fly, for a good 5 solid minutes. While the thing squirms in agony the entire time.
What does that fly's ability to feel that agony have to do with anything? Why is any of it necessary?

enjoy the lake of fire you stupid faggot!

God cant work on your heart to undo the flaw? You were born fallen, not from Gods hand but by your fathers of old,

You think thats not a real judgment, hate to say it.. its NO freak accident

>he did tell you what is the key and what is the door that leads you unto rest. . . youve heard it

Lmao which fucking religion are we talking about here?
I've not EVER heard ONE FUCKING WORD from God, ever. Only bullshit human words from human books, most of them contradicting the others; most control mechanisms for humans to justify human bullshit.
He's not going to indisputably clear that up? Just expects us to pick out "his right word/set of instructions" out of all that noise? And damn us eternally for getting it wrong?

When/what was this?

>You were born fallen, not from Gods hand but by your fathers of old
Yeah, very mature, holding A FUCKING PIECE OF FRUIT BEING EATEN BY AN ANCESTOR against all of us, with eternal flames, for all eternity. Definitely a loving being you want to trust and devote your life to the hope of saving you.

As the story goes, Adam and Eve were tricked by a being much more intelligent than them to do something they were told not to.

If your kid was tricked by some prick teenager into touching a hot stove when you told him not to, what would you do?

Punish the teenager? Or punish the kid, along with EVERY SINGLE DESCENDENT of the kid who had nothing to do with their parents' "crimes" for the rest of forever?

Congratulations, you're retarded

what if god only created life and allowed it to decide itself on how to evolve and change, develop and grow? What if the first testament is just a collection of stories to explain things and the second only goes to the relevant parts about humanity.

Hey man .. all i have to say is i hope the creator grants you more time to see things in a clearer light.. I hope he gets your attention in some form or fashion.

>a being much more intelligent than them

Yes, the firstborn Son of God.

Why do you think your wiser than the creator of all things.? You cant even put the desk together your sitting at? Trust me... humans dont know shit.. I still only see things half dim, but better than total darkness

He will punish the adversary.. but he redeamed you.. but you dont want it...sorry

>You cant even put the desk together your sitting at?
I built my own desk, Nostradamus.
>humans dont know shit
So wtf are you? You're right, we don't, but he's certainly not fucking clearing any of that up.
He'll punish us if we can't figure it out correctly on our own, though.
And love us the entire time, as we burn forever; exactly as he knew we would when he created us for the express purpose of doing so.


>He will punish the adversary
Is that what he calls his firstborn son?
You know, that one he created, and could undo at anytime, with less than a thought?
Certainly seems like a serious rivalry. You'd almost think we didn't have the entire story there...

you dont have every detail, but you have enough. the adversary is not an angel like the churches produces.. the bible says he is a cheribum, not an angel. There are only a couple of them, very powerful beings. One went rouge and it want humans dead in body and soul. More crazy than hollywood can produce.

im going to go enjoy the rest of my night with the wife... so thanx for the talk.. Goodnight n Godspeed

he hasn't done shit to the guy that tricked his other kids in the first place but continues to create his kids broken out of spite...

then sends himself to die as a sacrifice to himself, to save us from the punishment which he himself would condemn us to, for acting on the flaws which he himself designed us with...

you apologetics dumb shits drive me up the wall

Seriously, anything good He gets the credit for, while anything bad, it's either the fault of us, the "adversary", or gets brushed off with "mysterious ways"....

All parts of why I ultimately ended up misotheist.

no good reason to believe in it in the first place, and they can't even make the character logically consistent, just, or even a little bit likable

I am Pagan in belief... so wherever I go after death.. it will be quite a nice place :3 folkswang is a nice place.. :3

You're not really supposed to like him, I think, as long as you fear & worship him enough to listen to whatever those who supposedly know what he wants tell you to do.