ITT: Great children's movies

ITT: Great children's movies

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Best Disney movie from 2000 and forward


Fucking cat in the hat is atrocious.

Kill yourself



This movie was so fucking bad that you can't even like it ironically


Paris Hilton was strangely hot in it.

you're wrong.


WEED (also trips and dubs)


my fav movie is kys


Fuck this shit, this movie made me cry.

Holy shit they made a film out of this? I remember the comics.


Watch it, you won't regret it.

Also epic soundtrack:

Lego: The movie.

I surprisingly really fucking enjoyed this one.

Don't be fooled just because it has Sandler. It actually came off as a really good light hearted drama with comedy elements.



Joke's aside, that movie is underrated as hell

>those eject sequences
>that tripwire scene

it's the closest to a Metal Gear Solid movie we'll ever get

Cat in the Hat is an irreverent masterpiece

People are just buttmad because it barely resembles the source material


this was so bad seuss's estate wont agree to another live action adaptation of any of his work any more

The Lorax was much worse than this, ironically

*bad ass

>expect a flick
>get kino
That amazing fucking feel

>implying we can discuss movies

Iron Giant


>30% on RT

>following the r/t meme
Easy to spot the capeshit crowd

Swallow glass you fuck.

All adaptations of Suess' work are absolute garbage except the cartoons Chuck Jones did.

i want to stick my dick in her puppet


>kids movie


>children's movie

>those fucking army dog tags are so shittily photoshopped
>this can't be real
>look it up
>it is real

>that part where army dog uses orphan blood as lube

user you know damn well this movie isn't for kids

This film was pure magic

>that part where army dog tries to look away as mark wahlberg burns those Vietnamese villagers

I hope someone has the rest of Marky Mark's war crime photos...

the cinematographer for this one is Lubezsky


You have to go back.

You have to go back.

I've been here, it's you who are the unwashed invaders.

>I've been here
Here isn't reddit frendo, you must be confused.

(You) both have to go back, cucks.

Loved it as a kid, watched it again a couple of years ago and it's still great.

short circuit 2


Simple, cute and a good message behind it.

Fuck you PE was actually good. One of the only true weedkinos.

I have a few

Y'all are fags. This movie is so funny. I'm dead serious. Based Quan. Also that mom was MILFy as fuck.

>giving a shit about RT

>watch this right after Robin Williams killed himself
>"I'm not gonna make it to my next birthday!" in the first ten minutes

>dat metal as fuck intro
>Tim Curry

this movie was the shit

Holy shit I can't believe people are shitting on Cat in the Hat

Probably my favorite movie as a kid, it's straight fuckin kino

It honestly has more adult humor than kiddie shit

God damn I need to watch this again.

Best film in thread so far.

I barely ever see it get any love


Will I like Boxtrolls if I liked Coraline and loved Paranorman?


The Grinch and Cat in the Hat were fucking kino movies for kids.

I don't understand the meme hate for them.



bored the shit out of me.

It's so fucking stupid but it's well paced and some of the lines are great
Something about the henchman arguing over whether scooby doo was real or not in the live action movie just gets me

When's Henry Selick's next movie?

What did he mean by this?

Coraline is legitimately my second favourite movie of all time but I'm always too afraid to tell people.


It has some good scenes but overall it's not very good