Is it just me, or did they focus WAY too much on the transsexual character in Season 1...

Is it just me, or did they focus WAY too much on the transsexual character in Season 1? I feel like we got way more of her story than any others and at times I felt exhausted by AGAIN hearing how hard her life is.
In one scene she's in the Hospital and we meet her Mother. Her Mother doesn't accept that she's trans, thinks it's a phase, calls her by her boy name and doesn't let her gay lesbian girlfriend see her. It's a bit on the nose but it's a strong scene. Mothers are very important emotionally for many people, seeing a mother not supporting her child is quite striking.
But then it just goes on and on..
>Her Lesbian girlfriend introduces her to her other lesbian friends at pride parade
>The Lesbians don't accept her, and basically hate on her for just being another MAN trying to get into a WYMENS place.
oh.. ok?
>The scene as a kid, where the other kids hate her for being different (this far I get) but then hold her under a shower with boiling radiator water almost killing her for being gayish.
the fuck? Kids beating up kids they don't like sure.. But I'm pretty sure most kids don't go for the "Boiling alive" method.
Anyway It's like "yeeeaahhh... we get it, being trans is difficult". I feel like by going on and on about it they kinda ruined the point.

meanwhile, "Van Damme" lives in fucking africa, struggling to get by and barely able to afford shitty AIDS Medicine for his dying mother, and somehow it isn't shown nearly as dramatic as the trans scenes.

I did however love the series towards the end, when it became a bit more action heavy.

>watching this faggot series

im literally trans and deeply leftist. this show is plain bad, fags dont likeit, retards do

has your willy stopped working??

>Is it just me, or did they focus WAY too much on the transsexual character
well who made it? a pair of trannies

I don't like how everyone interacted the same. I don't know if it was just because the tranny brother showrunners wanted some "everyone is really the same despite their differences" message but it was just plain bad.

I'm leaning left, And I feel like when the show is NOT shoving a fucking Agenda down your throat, (basically every scene Nomi is not in) it's quite good. When it's focused on the action or them interchanging their abilities. Like I said, Towards the end, when they Infiltrated that compound, I really enjoyed it.

I liked it a lot. I admit the first half was either shit or just slow, but after it got started I enjoyed it. wolfgang guy is the best.

Exactly how I feel really. Once it picks up the pace it's quite good. It's just absolutely terrible when it tries to raise a point about social issues, because it is WAY too on the nose.
