Are they the only grunge band with 3 10/10 albuns ?

are they the only grunge band with 3 10/10 albuns ?

like, i can accept someone liking and enjoying bush, but if you sincerely rate their albums as perfect 10s i can't even begin to fathom how fucked your metric is

also their lead singer is a gayboi who ensured no straight dudes could bang gwen stefani. that ass went untapped for 20 solid years. which is morally disgusting tbqhh

they only did a decent 6/10 album (Sixteen Stone) and the rest is crap

Sixteen Stone [Trauma/Interscope, 1995]

You think the million-plus American rockers who've purchased Gavin Rossdale's not altogether unmusical howl of male pain are this far gone? For that matter, you think Rossdale is? Nah. It's an idealization--a level of despair to aspire toward rather than shared pain requiring collective catharsis. In other words, things could get worse. B-

truly he is the master of saying absolutely nothing in as many words as possible

how is this even a review

The epitome of pretentious

they were nickelback before being nickelback was nickelback

I think he writes a bunch of these "reviews" in his spare time and then just assigns them to albums randomly without listening.

Bush has like three good songs. Also they're post-grunge.

>a grunge band
>from the UK

It's funny how they are unknown in the UK but in US they were bigger than bands like Radiohead and Oasis

If you were intelligent you'd understand that said review was quite appropo.

Manufactured and fake as fuck.

Correct. He's basically saying that by that time (1995), grunge was a fashion statement and acting all angsty was just done for appearing cool rather than any genuine sentiment, and that Bush were almost a caricature of alternative rock.

Winner winner chicken dinner.

thats not a review of the album thats a review of their cheap stolen aesthetic

>and that Bush were almost a caricature of alternative rock
Well, they were.

Didn't Billy Corgan say that Bush were a bunch of fake bullshit?

billy corgan believes in chemtrails and think he's still a good, relevant artist

as does gavin rossdale

Cobain offed himself because he saw the coming of Bush and Nickelback.