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underrated characters edition


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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting

I'll ask in this thread since the last one is full.

So now that Bran is gonna be lost in winter wonderland with Meera, does that mean Coldhands is finally gonna show up?

Most enjoyable character still alive.


1st for Lhara



ColdHands already showed up in season one :p

Who /HYPED/?

looks that way

Tell me about Willys. Why does he hold the door?


>After finishing Season 4 and working on Season 5, D&D decide to give Jon Stannis's Winds of Winter plot because Jon having this story will be more impacting on more viewers
>Season 5 finishes, Stannis has been killed off, the more tragic part of his arc rushed way too quickly so they could sweep him off the screen
>But a big chunk of the female audience were angry about Sansa's rape in season 5
>D&D rewrite their season 6 plot
>Now SANSA will rally the northern lords to face down the Boltons instead of Jon, he'll take the backseat...gotta appease those angry women

>yfw D&D made the sweet but peaceful Sansa take King Stannis Baratheon's northern military campaign storyline

>He interviewed Joe Hill (Stephen King's son) at the Jean Cocteau. Afterwards he answered questions while Joe Hill was signing books. Someone asked him about the show's Hodor name reveal. He said that his name reveal in the books will differ in the context and how it happens. So while the name will still mean the same thing (Hold the Door), it will be very different from the show's reveal. He said he came up with the name idea in 1991 and seemed depressed that the show got to reveal it before he did. He said he had no one to blame but himself for his slow writing. He joked about how jealous he was of Stephen King's writing speed. He said he seemed to release an entire book every time he's only just written about a chapter and a half.

>Someone else asked him if he was caught up on this season and GRRM said all his focus is on the books. Someone complemented his chapter that he recently released online. GRRM said that this is a character that isn't in the TV show as his response. The tone of his show related responses made it seem like he no longer likes it. He did defend the show writer's need to make major cuts to the books.


Why does he do that triple blink after he says "I would do anything to undo what's been done to you"

Seriously go and watch it, it's pretty weird.

OFFICIAL best living characters ranking, updated 6x05

1. Night's King
2. Qyburn
3. Dolorous Edd
4. Meera Reed
5. Ser Robert Strong
6. Varys
7. Smalljon Umber
8. The Blackfish
9. Edmure Tully
10. Yohn Royce

Honorable mention: Roslin Frey

Night's king
High sparrow



first for frogfu


Euron is the underdog in the books
>is known as a bit of a scoundrel as well as a heretic
>going up against established and respected leaders
>only wins the kingsmoot because of his charisma and the stunt with the dragonhorn
>in the show he talks like some common sailor
>muh dick
>admits to kinslaying
>no dragonhorn, only a dumbass plan to take the fleet to another continent to steal someone's army and dragons somehow
>somehow becomes king

How do I tell which posts are shitposts

based qyburn in top 3, list is canon confirmed

Frogfu or Smirkfu?

does anybody know the actress whose tits we saw in this episode? from the theater part with arya?


I think you guys get too carried away hating the show. I'm sure there's things he's not over the moon about but it's still his baby


it was exteremly painful for him to say

Maybe if GRRM didn't spend time describing the feast of the suckling pig, whose loins were cut from the kingswood in the days since passed, and the suckling pig was born of mildred the ditch sow who was daughter of kolgeg the lord of the bog who was slain by the puret the elder during the battle for the dinge logs by wicked bay

"If you want to know if someone is telling the truth, keep an eye on the eyes. Liars blink in different ways during and after a falsehood, researchers claim. They blink less than normal during the lie, and then have a flurry up to eight times faster than usual afterwards."


goodjob reddit we trick le evil jews xD

What the hell has Howland Reed been doing this whole time? Obviously he's not the high sparrow so fuck off with that


fuck off

We might as well ignore all of /got/ then

Delete this

Asking here since last thread is full,

Why did Sansa lie to Jon? what does she lose by revealing she received word about her uncle blackfish army from LF? What does she gain by hiding that bit of info?

Davos in Kavos


lurk more

The Hound
I want to believe

But thats the best part.

Because she's a dumb Tully.

Howland Reed was Ned Stark all along



>Yohn Royce
Fucking why?

Anyone with half a brain knows not to trust Littlefinger. Jon Snow would have her locked up fearing a trap.

Night's King, Ghost, and Jon.

Sansa seems to have a soft spot for LF and doesn't want Jon to know about it

He was right all along. The Children were out to get us, and the Others are fucked up humans.

Jon doesn't know who LF is though

Maybe because Jon would think its another lie from LF and because they know he gave her to the Boltons

No clue

Jon has literally no idea who Littlefinger even is, they've never met and Jon knows nothing about politics




Because Ser Rodrik is dead.

first for cia obviously sent the pink letter.

Meera killing a white walker was stupid.

Both jon and sam killing one are shown to be monumentous acts. Meera just haphazardly throws a spear at one and it shatters into CGI like its nothing.

Sansa is a stupid bitch.

>10. Yohn Royce
>Not Mace "The Ace" Tyrell

You are doing it wrong.

I'm not gay.

But I want to live in a log cabin in the woods with Kit Harington. We won't ever have sex, but there will be a simmering erotic undercurrent as I stand in the kitchen window watching him chopping wood, shirtless, sweat pouring off his body.

I'll run upstairs and masturbate, the entire time forcing myself to think of women while my thoughts drift back to Kit. I won't be able to climax and I'll eventually go back downstairs, angry.

Sometimes we will look across the table and catch each other's eyes, and in that second, anything is possible, but we both deny ourselves and go back to what we were doing.

One day one of us will die, and the other will bury him outside the log cabin.

Then he'll go inside, pen a brief missive to his departed friend, and commit suicide, never able to deal with life without his one true platonic love.


Probably because he calls out balish on all his shit. Seems to be the only one who sees through cia's obvious villainous disguise.

if Hodor wasn't made retarded, he'd essentially have become a good guy version of the Mountain. With a really big cock.

Just think how great his life would've been...

Oh well, I guess being brain damaged so he could be a glorified door stopper for twenty seconds is good too.

come and see

Book Euron had his anime villain moments but at least he was charismatic

Show Euron has nothing going for him

>he doesn't know the cleganebowl has been cancelled

Doesn't mean Yohn Royce is remotely interesting in the show.

Agree 100%. No buildup, no aftermath, it barely seemed eventful.

>I identify as a Sup Forumstard

I got warned for that discussion to.

muh stronk wymyn


He doesn't know who LF is and I don't think he even knows how she ended up at winterfell, unless the writers just implied that this is shared knowledge now that she has spent some days in CB

She's like an actually hot version of Kristen Schaal.


Fucking unconfirmed, senpai

>It's a verb and a descriptor of Mace and Pycelle


why dont they just have the high sparrow assassinated? I mean, hes always walking around the streets open to JFKing. without him those religious nutcases would be lost

bran showin

did you really think they would let "Yara" not become the ironborn leader?

Every side is going to have a female ruler.

>bragging about getting banned and rekt
you 12?

The Hound I hope

He's a big guy

>make a martyr of him and start a city-wide riotous slaughter

Was that a new Red Lady that owned Varys?

I'll admit I do like that aspect of his character. But even though he saw through Baelish, doesn't mean he's actually done anything about it. He's still essentially powerless.

When did people realize Meera was the best girl

>Next episode the Sons of the Harpy will surprise ambush Mereen
>Dany charges in with the Dothraki and Drogon, killing them all without effort
>This will be the last of the Sons of the Harpy are ever mentioned. All the conspiracy and Tyrion's efforts are finished. Dany is back and ruling as a strong Queen.

Just watch the newest episode, thanks for throwing that cock on the screen D&D, god damn madmen. At least they showed some decent tits seconds after.

would that really happen if he died in an accident, though?

Showfags look more like this user

>if he died in an accident,
Like they would believe that, even if it WAS an accident they'd blame it on a conspiracy

>when Sup Forums comes to inspect its colony


furfags weren't even as bad as this

Can /got/ steal the 70M get