Literally the perfect movie.
Literally the perfect movie
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This but that shootout scene is kino
Two godawful disgusting sequels damaged the first movie enormously, to the point where I rate it not even a 5/10 anymore.
Also, it aged horribly and is cringe af.
there were sequels?
A guy I used to take care of said the sequels were good, and his reasoning was that they did well in the box office. I would have slapped him so hard, but I needed that job.
First movie alone was perfect. I pretend the others don't exist.
>sequels damaged a film
Things a pleb would say.
It is horribly executed at every turn. Right from the first Trinity action scene where she does a lame freeze rotating camera kick... she kills every guy in the room then lands in a ninja pose, so fucking cringe. The dialogue is terrible. Keanu is actively bad, not passively acceptable as the common myth goes. From the second he opens his eyes to read his computer screen, the lack of charisma is startling. He just simply opens his eyes, no attempt to convey sleepiness. He is a shit tier actor. Hugo Weaving hams it up the entire film too, but I suppose it's forgivable because otherwise the scenes between him and Neo would be absolutely dreadful. The exposition dialogue is completely pathetic too, after Neo escapes into the office that Morpheus directs him to, his lines are "Why is this happening to me?" Really? Jesus christ. Anyway fuck this shitty film, it's a cringy mallcore wannabe anime.
So besides The Matrix and Equilibrium, what are some other essential dystopiakinos to watch?
Dark City
Your pretending won't erase them, user. :^)
>Dark City
Oh god, mah nips.
So you allowed the quality of 2 different movies to dictate how you view this movie?
Are you a woman or a faggot?
>and is cringe af.
Go ahead. Tell me what exactly is "cringe" about it you fucking teenager.
>blah blah blah blah
Why don't you write a book about it faggot?
I'm not defending the movie, but this is an opinion of someone who compares a 90's flick with more modern movies.
I'm far more into 80s/90s action than what's coming out right now. Terminator 2 is superior to this film in every single way
Mr. Robot is better
This post has horribly damaged any other opinions you could have user, you should probably never offer anyone an opinion ever again.
NEWSFLASH faggot: a movie being lame or cringy (for you) has got fuck all to do with how good it is.
>the dialogue is bad
>the acting is bad
You're like the new Chris Stuckmann. Do you have a YouTube channel too faggot?
Why didn't Agent Smith simply take the cops form and kill Trinity right away?
mr robot is for gay public exclusively
so it's not sure that op's gonna be interested
It's not though. Not the first one.
This is some bait right here.
The Matrix had the potentil to be the new Star Wars.
Dodge this
Despecialized without green filter when?
>cringe af
Why did they even bother making the sequels when the first one was so self contained? Like all the supporting characters get killed and then in the sequels they get replaced by one guy. He must've had special powers or something to take on the jobs of like 5 people on the ship.
I recently downloaded the trilogy
Are the 2nd and 3rd films worth watching or should I stick to the original
Even the perfect movie was influenced by something
Something before its time
I did have fun watching The Matrix trilogy,& I've seen a lot of things similar to it in japanese anime & manga
It's part of the movie not some added blu ray shit.
It's supposed to show how artificial the matrix is and it doesn't appear when they are outside.
Why do I always get dominated whenever I post my opinion?
Stop being fucking horrible to me!
they're fine, watch them and form an opinion
>cringe af.
imagine taking anybody writing like this seriously.
>Perfect movie
>Not Die Hard
>Sup Forums board
>posts reddit: the character
>yfw didn't watch the sequels
>Not Die Hard
There are more than one perfect movie.
people who describe things as "cringe" can go right ahead and fucking die
literally the perfect movie
Great movie. Should have never been sequels.
the matrix sequels were actually pretty good if you're not a pleb
to say cringe af is cringe af
literally the perfect movie
THE perfect action movie, only plebs will disagree.