Alright Sup Forumsros

Alright Sup Forumsros,

IF Trump loses, how will you prepare for post-american life?

I've been thinking about it for a while, but the media onslaught is taking its toll on my morale. So now I've decided to actually plan out how i'll prepare for my family's future if the nation allows another president that promises to keep us on the same path we've been on since the sixties.

I'm thinking of sinking safes in the ground on my various properties and filling them with essentials that would be hard to acquire in times of government lockdown, mainly guns and ammo, long shelf-life batteries, communication gear, etc.

Anybody else put any thought into this? I welcome all ideas that might allow me and my family to survive the coming violence with our values and morals intact

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you're a violent gun idolater, you have neither values nor morals.

Check out my youtube

lol wow this is a funny meme! haha

You're trying your best to live the liberal fantasy that all cultures are compatible and that violence is not inherent in humab nature. But, like anything struggling against its nature, you are slated for destruction

Awww yeah, tell 'em Nietsche Jr.
My nigga NJ here just laying down some hard truths, kna me?

I don't understand many of your words, but the tone makes me think you're on my side...

But cmon, where all the apocalypse Sup Forumsros at?

IF Trump loses the only thing you will be able to do is kill your children.

Better a quick bullet to the brain than your kids starving fighting for Michelle Obama's scraps at Killary's FEMA reeducation camp

Assange is waiting until October to release the remaining Clinton dirt.

The Dems will not have time to get another candidate on the ballot.

There is no way Trump will lose, why bother wasting time on the notion.

Trump wont lose but I agree. IF he were to lose the only moral thing would be to kill your children.

Actually, if Clinton comes to rule, your guns would be criminalized, and you'll have to give them out. Batteries have a lifetime: they lose ~15% of total charge capacity yearly even w\o use(in cold even more). Rations are ok, but you will not need them in a lot.

If Hilary wins we continue on a steady decline as a country just like putting shittier and shittier tape on something you don't know how to fix til it eventually breaks. . If Trump wins we go on a sharp decline and it's like saying fuck tape let's just take it apart and poke around and then not putting it back together cuz it's impossible.

Either way shitty results, even if I could legally vote I'd pass.

Trump doesn't know what makes America great. He wants to go back to the 1950s mentality.

Lol Hillary wins that country gonna lose half its pop, either cause they jump ship or that crazy bitch gonna get them nuked..

people here don't plan
they're here to fap and everyone else is here to spam their propaganda. aka shilllfags

Nah, more likely scenario is that nothing will fucking happen, just like with every fucking election everywhere for the last hundred fucking years.

False Fox News claim that she wants to criminalize guns.

he could actually beleive those thngs but not believe that a massive civil war or anything like it is either likely or inevitable. We will not be living an post america, we will continue to live in America.

trump is unamerican. trump is anti american. trump is Putin's bitch, determined to reduce our military, close bases around the world, reduce our power and influence, renege on our promises to allies, and let Putin expand his power and do as he wants.

N you believe Fox News....lul

better still, kill your children and yourself now, because you are obviously genetically unfit to live and breed.

well he hasn't managed to release any real dirt so far - what makes you think he will find anything important? (dnc emails - pathetic nonsense - pay to play? please - shit tier smear campaign)

Suicide is an option, but only after losing everything else, and then it'd be a suicide *mission*

Hopefully so, but i manage risk for a living, which means i advise anyone who wants to think about it to have a contingency plan

And that's exactly the problem. Status quo is equivalent to destruction. All it takes is time


Gas the jews.

We are already living in post-America. The only thing left is to make it official by having a president literally wipe her ass with it. An outsider who hasn't made every dollar in his life peddling political bandaids and who is intent on disrupting the current government MO is our only hope.

There is no path forward without considerable pain, but at least one path leaves America intact

Ok N.J., calm down.

We all saw Fight Club

Edit: wiper her ass *with the constitution*

Wow. I can see how you are a Trump supporter. Holy shit! Thanks for the laughs this morning, neckbeard.

Look, typing on a phone is hard

And I'm fucking tired of finding storefronts

what do you mean by "post america"

this is a nonsense phrase, empty of any meaning.

America has not changed - except in that its ideals of openness, freedom, acceptance of others, all races, religious freedom and equality, are under attack by Trump and his dead head republican base of bigots and tax avoiders.

You sound like a fucking lunatic.

If you seal Trump in a safe in your back yard he will be there is you need him.

America is only America because of its Constitution. The Supreme Court has already crossed its boundaries set forth is the Constitution by actually changing laws rather than only pass judgement on their Constitutionality (I'm thinking specifically of Ohio's Obamacare law that was challeneged in the SCOTUS a couple years back). In that case, SCOTUS actually upheld the law, arguing that the lawmakers *meant* to write it one way when in fact they wrote it another. Laws must be explicit, and they must be interpretted according to how they're written, says the Constitution. But SCOTUS threw that out the window.

And now we have a presidential election where the next president may very well be able to skew the bench as much as 6-3. If Clinton and the status quo wins, the Constitution will see changes it hasn't witnessed in all of America's history

this. some of you are so fucking dumb it's embarrassing.

please read this and come back better educated.

also, leave the tinfoil hat at the door, it is interfering with the wifi signal...

A safe is a terrible way to keep things in the ground. If you already have the guns you want then I suggest the little stuff that keeps them running. First is cleaning supplies, go with the 2 rod sets per three firearms, just to have back ups. I currently go 1 set per 5 firearms but I can still buy them. I also suggest bore snakes for each weapon system, it's a quick way to get a basic clean. Have plenty of oil for those you use regularly, cosmoline for long term storage. That takes care of your maintenence needs, I personally google commonly broken items on my firearms and try to grab spares when I can. Magazines are another big issue, if you plan to bug out the rule of thumb is ten or so, those fuckers get heavy eventually. If you shelter in place make sure you have at least ten at each cache location. Ammo count is dependent on how often you plan to shoot. There are threads weekly on /k/ discussing this. Things I shoot daily tend to run low or out. So for that I suggest you learn to reload now, and stock up on components before they are illegal or tracked. It's a short term expense and long term savings. Also get two sets of dies for what you shoot and two presses, the back up doesn't have to be fancy. I place a heavy emphasis on the gun aspect because they will take a hit before food becomes scarce. Each cache should be able to sustain your group for at least three days to a week. I assume you have wells so won't discuss water. Start growing a garden. It's late in the summer but do the prep work for a fall garden now, high yield foods are good, coordinate with neighbors and group members to grow different crops for trading.

If this is your mindset already, kill yourself first. Leave your children out of it you stupid fuck

Never did i mention the SC interpreting the Constitution. I mentioned them interpreting state laws and deciding they knew what they lawmakers had in mind when they wrote it, as opposed to actually passing judgement on *what they wrote*.

It is in this respect that SCOTUS transitioned from interpretting the constitutionality of laws to actually changing them, which according to the Constitution is reserved for state legislatures.

Please respond with an argument rather than linking a Wikipedia page and insulting my intelligence.

Interpretation of the law has always required judgement, not just a dictionary.

that is why judges do it, not english teachers.

the SC has not changed its approach, nor acted unconstitutionally.
I sent you the wikipedia link because it was obvious that you are ignorant and uninformed, even if you are highly intelligent
please learn to law.

Finally, a Sup Forumsro with something useful to say.

I certainly wouldnt put all my guns in those safes, but cleaning supplies would definitely be among their contents. And whatever container I'd use, it would be sealed with a few dessicant packs in there.

And yeah, i started growing vegetables and keeping chickens about a year ago, so that'll help.

Thanks for the input

Find me another example in history when the SC said "We know the law is written in such a way that makes clear the state doesn't have to set up their own healthcare marketplace, but we think it was a mistake and the lawmakers meant to make it say otherwise"

It has never happened

The constitution literally doesn't apply to the SC. It's their JOB to interpret it.

Why do you think the addition or subtraction of a single word of a bill has to go back through the entire process of being voted on by both houses of Congress? It's because when the courts interpret it, they must do so according to how it's written

How does the document that gives a body authority not apply to that body?

Stockpiling shit because you're afraid it will be made illegal has 2 implicit potential consequences:
- Your cache will be discovered and buttraep'd by the administration you're trying to buck
- You will use your cache and be buttraep'd by the administration you're trying to buck
The alternative of course is in a SHTF scenario your neighbors will betray you and come string you up for your shiny stockpile of gold and weapons.

I was a contractor in Afghanistan when the whole 'blackwater killing kids for fun' thing went down. They took away all our weapons shortly thereafter if your job wasn't directly related to securing a facility of some kind. I didn't really worry much. Why?

Put simply: if it ever gets to the point where I needed a gun for a persistent life or death lifestyle, they'll either be lying around often enough, or easy enough to get. If the perimeter of my FOB was compromised, there would be ample dead dudes already for me to scavenge enough for a valiant last stand.
Hoarding shit makes you at best a target of opportunity for looters, at worst a target of the state. Buy a cheap bolt action and wait for the first tacticool mallcop nigger or $insert_fascist_goon with a select-fire AR and pop him from a hundred yards. Then take his shit. Or wait until your neighbor with the sweet cache goes to sleep and then pop him and take his shit. If rule of law ever dissolves I'll be forgoing human decency until I can get far enough innawoods.

As far as trump goes, I think the smart money is on marrying a foreigner and having a second passport as a possible escape route. It does tickle me that my retirement savings will be forever tied up in dollars and at risk should anyone catastrophically fuck things up.

>If Trump wins we go on a sharp decline
Sharp decline from what?
Trump has made it clear for a long time that he's not a war monger.
Hillary will try to beat her husband's bombing record. We'll be more hated than ever around the world.

There was a guy on /k/ who showed his long term storage method amd it was brilliant. I can't find the guide he made but I'll keep digging through folders to find it.

no it is because the aim is to make the law as clear as possible so that it does not need interpretation, but given the infintie flexibility of language and the huge volume of hard cases, no law is perfect. which is why there is such a thing as common law and precedent ad judicial interpretation.

for example - the current interpretation of the 2nd amendment relies on a disconnect between the passage about the need for a well regulated militia and the right to bear arms - and an interpretation that bearing arms means owning arms. this is not a dictionary interpretation, it is a judicial one, and it may (and probably should) be overturned. The law is clearly written that it is in order to ensure that there is a well regulated militia that every american citizen has the right to join that militia (not to own weapons) in contrast to pre revolutionary times when certain classes of people were prohibited from joining the army or militia.

see - same words, two interpretations, both clear and both valid - only one currently upheld by judgement. But that may change (and I hope it will)

You must watch a lot of movies, kid.

All good points. I have this fantasy in my head that I'll be able to band together with my neighbors, but that's highly unrealistic. And i see your point about being a target, but that's why you pay cash and bury everything behind high fences!

It sounds like you're on your own, though, which definitely increase your chances of survival. Me, i got a pregnant wife due right about election time. Fun!

Here's a tip. Don't rely on GPS for caches or whatnot.
When Hillary starts war with China, Russia, and Iran, it will mean open-season on our GPS satellites.

I agree with everything you just said, but what I'm referring to is the SC deciding to ignore words in a *state* law, not the Constitution. Goddamnit, now I'm going to have to find this on my phone, gimme a sec

>As far as trump goes, I think the smart money is on marrying a foreigner and having a second passport as a possible escape route
i'm going to merikah and finding some retarded feminazi bitch to wed bcus i'm that lonely.
hopefully trump wins nd she can lives with the mes

Excellent point based user!

Wow, good luck to you then. If or if not shit hits the fan :P
I mean, we all prepare in our own ways, but I think we secretly hope (and know) that the slow burn will continue rather than any sort of transformative event.

I gave up caring about democracy a long time ago and focused on amassing capital, since a dollar tends to be more effective than a vote when it comes to influencing public opinion or political goings on.

Eagerly awaiting your success

economic decline.

you know, millions out of work while the billionaires get a tax break and spend it on fifth homes in the south of France.



The Clinton's prefer a criminal perjurer for Attorney General.

Precisely! Well said!

But it's the escape that I'm looking to solidify. Already diversified my assets between land, guns, bitcoin, and equity securites. Now i need to ensure i can escape the masses to be able to use them

probably I'll move in with my black muslim boyfriend

>You ask the people what they're lookin' for in florida and they're gonna tell you "jobs"
>Now Donald Trump. He wants to get people jobs.
>So I'm gonna say it looks like Trump'll win Florida.

Poor user

as if shillary wont do the same thing?
are you retarded or something?
they're all the same slaves to the same establishment.
at least trump has the balls to call it for what it is.
not like he will ever be able to change anything about it though.

You're not making sense. Trump will tend to de-regulate to an extent, freeing up the market. On the other hand, Hillary will grow government bigger than ever on a colossal welfare ticket. She has said that she plans to give $5000 bonds to every baby born.
You wanna talk tanking the economy?

Bill hired Hillary's mentor and law partner Webb Hubbell as his Associate Attorney General.

He's a felon too! Only the best for those Clinton's.

Bonus points: Webb may be the biological father of Chelsea.

"The three states that I would focus on if I were trump are Ohio, Florida, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin"

I'd exit bitcoin in favor of something like silver. There's pretty significant indications the the integrity of the currency is on shaky ground with the advent of large ASIC mining shops.

It's always been my thought that the triumvirate of currency in a post-society scenario would be something like:
-Opiates/Pain Killers

Unfortunately it's only legal to stockpile 2 of those :P

I was able to get a way out via my Fiancee who has a grandfather of Italian origin. Italy is one of the few places that lets you claim blood citizenship as far back as 2 generations if you can prove your lineage. Not to say Italy is a paradise of justice and equality, but it does get you EU work permission and permanent residency. Plus Sardinia is nice this time of year :)

She does look like Webb

So basically, what you're telling us is, if Trump can win the battleground states, it's a sure win. And that he has to ignore historical blue states like New York and California? Mind blown.
Brilliant video, dude.

Clinton deputy National Security Advisor was also a felon; alas he has shuffled off this mortal coil.

Sandy got caught stealing classified material from the National Archives in his sock! Now that is some style.

Sure buddy.

She looks just like Bill, amirite?

This guy sucks

>Redneck retard believes the sky will fall if trump isnt elected
It wont, but that shouldnt stop you from buying your survival gear if that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy

no hillary is not planning to give a huge tax break to billionaires.

Trump does not have balls or brains - his calling it like it is is bullshit - he wants to do trickledown economics all over again - the same voodoo economics that Regan and Bush used. the same bullshit - make it easier to exploit workers and give billionaires more money and the economy will grow and it will be better for all. except the exploited workers and the middle classes who have to pay for the yuuge tax break for the billionaires.

>trumpster fantasies

you're delusional. this country is great and getting better, faggot. fuck off

can't wait to see you antisocial justice warriors chimp out and burn your trailers in november.

Hillary will be tough on the banks. That's why they pay her so much. Because, you know, banks like to give away money for nothing.

The jew is terrified of the prospect of tossing out millions of Mexican criminals. They've worked very hard scooting them in here. Hillary is pretty much their last hope, next to JFK'ing Trump mossad style.

de regulation will free upthe market - and the market cares so much about you that it will give you jobs,,, yeah.

how will giving bonds to kids tank the economy - look up the concept of helicopter money - better way to kickstart the economy than giving billionaires a tax break and handing more money over to the banks...

because they have to interpret it. why is this hard to understand?

yeah we're never going to all agree on the exact moment it's time for armed rebellion. that's why your faggot fantasies are never going to come true.

Man you sure have put on your tinfoil hat if you think trump will keep you safe. That and the last attack from a forigen nation was almost a hundred years ago.

You basically wanted a law you didn't like get thrown out on a technicality, and now you're butthurt about it and think you know how the legal system works better than a supreme justice does.

You are literally a fucking retard. And haven't done a lick of research. Go back to youtube comments.

Your economics sounds like it was taught to you by a typical leftist university kike.
History shows that with less regulation, controls and taxation, comes more investment, innovation, and prosperity.

If there was the right happening, it could become a reality.

No joy. I suggest asking on k about the guy who long term stored a weapon under a tree. Someone else might have it or the op might show up.

You were attacked by Saudi Arabia fifteen years ago, nigger.

never gonna happen. no one will ever agree. we can't agree on much simpler shit. the best you can hope for is a waco sized group but in reality you'll get a shit tier group like those idiots in oregon.

It would have to be something that made everyone across the board unhappy.
If the creature comforts were affected, or if the economy took a major shit.

Or if they tried a gun confiscation.

There's only one reason to want another AWB when ARs are used in less than 1% of all gun crime. And that's a stepping stone for more useless bans and eventual all out banning and confiscation. And she is on record saying another AWB is one of the first things she wants to do as president. The first one cause a rise in violent crime and saved no lives. There's literally no other reason to do it.

One problem.. If the government has put your ass on lockdown then how do you suppose that you'll be able to safely travel to these various locations?

911 was funded by saudis but done by a terrorist organization. Why didn't we go to war with the saudis then?

Nothing is actually going to change. She's not going to take your guns or impose martial law. She represents the status quo that corporations want to maintain. Stop listening to fear mongering conservatives.

> gun confiscation.

that will never happen. that's silly.

as for the other stuff, still wouldn't happen. we've been through terrible times in this country and it never even was hinted at.

if the government someone totally became filled with anti-american interests, even and especially the military then maybe.

but if that's the case you're fucked anyway.

Its worth it to the banks just to avoid the economic catastrophe it would be to end NAFTA and impose tariffs on our trading partners as Trump proposes.
And dont think for a second that tarriffs and abandoning trade agreements will bring back manufacturing jobs to the US. It is automation and a global economy that has killed the middle class factory job...and NAFTA just redirected those jobs that we would have lost to China to Mexico instead. The age of the middle class factory worker in our country is over, we are now an advanced'd better be educated or you will be flipping burgers...

who wants those shitty manufacturing jobs anyway. in ten years, maybe less, manufacturing won't even look the same any more. let china keep their factories, fuck it.

we need to look to the future jobs, not the past ones.

Heh. Im an electrician and im doing better than all of my college educated friends. Have fun with massive debt, dumbass.

Because America was too scared of what they could do to the economy?

Good lad. Just make sure you never implicate israeli's or you won't get a biscuit.

OP, how did the right wing get filled with so many fucking cowards? you fucking pussies belong in the left.

what happened to personal responsibility too? saviors of the working class used to be a pipe dream of the left. fix your own shit life.

cowards and freeloaders now fill the right.

fuck, are we experiencing another shift of parties?