Updatet map coming soon, wait with the rolls

updatet map coming soon, wait with the rolls

Subterranean Niggers destroy largest fort. Sink hole.

Niggers kill everyone

>can't read

Build an orgy castle for rich elites

Everyone diea except for niggers


Niggers are dead fagget
>rolling for orgy castle

OP where did you get all those textures from?

Niggers kill everyone with aids

different games, said so in old thret


Did you get all the dubs from last thread OP?
Also rerolling for the cancerous, poisonous, addictive fish that kill you if you stop eating them. Much better than my quest to ban it.

Subground mole niggers rise up from the earth and kill all the cis white males

You guys are really getting retarded with some of these rolls. Rolling for that previous post that included digging a moat, stable fishing nets, and irrigation.

Also don't forget AIDs, LSD and the Medicine Man cult

god of darkness got dubbed, so bring those prosperities and power

i can support it

it was already dubs, though
OP is an artist, you see that beautiful fucking town and those spray-paint roads. MASTERPIECE
chill out for a minute

Rolling that the villagers are too dim to perform any of these tasks.

We all know its you posting you faggot.

Also niggers return from dead and fuck all the white women

Dude, this is /b

I wasn't around for the previous thread, would you mind sharing?

Also, rolling for more people working at the quarry so that they can build a wall around the town

Like this post.. why even post it? It's not plausible at all you're not gonna get quads fuck off faggot

NYPA dumbass.

roll for making those fish haram

Rolling for all the people in the village to suffer from a nosebleed at 12 o'clock each day. Nothing bad comes from it, it's just a nosebleed.


Age of empires,
I think there's some Stonghold in there somewhere
games like that
all together in mspaint


reroll again

Just because we are on /b doesn't mean we literally HAVE to be retarded in every thread

he could get quads
>let an user dream

Rolling for what that guy said, zombie nigger hookers I think.



There I even rolled dubs for it. We no longer have to be retarded

dubs, everyone doesn't have to be retarded, now.
>oh, good

good 1

>but every thread is retartded
Just roll with the stupid man. You get some moats and some anons spread AIDs.
>ebb and flow mang

Stop wasting dubs you fucking idiot. If you're going to bitch at least include a roll.
I'm rolling for a villager to be put into the stocks, for being mentally retarded, for the rest of his life, and his name is the post number of the above moron.

I know OP said no rolling
>take a shit on this guys roof


Rolling for fishing to be the most productive in this one location that it is anywhere else in the world. Also rolling for the fish to have healing properties

Yet nothing. That's it. Reroll

Nigger zombies with big dicks outbrees the white males. All white males die

OP said wait on rolls you dumb shit. Rolling for you to be less retarded is actually more effective than rolling on a game where OP won't count them yet. Reading isn't that hard m8

do I still get "to rerolls"

Roly poly

Fuck you faggot. Niggers 4 lyfe. White boi

Fish are still poisonous hahahah, you can't stop me with your weak dub game.
Roll that the fish evolve into mermen and pose a serious threat to future sailors.

moat and fishing, fishing generates no food due to another roll

>nigger expedition come back with niggers, mines are being worked again,

>god is dead
>moat around watchtower

>people worship dark god, cultist start spreading

theyre still socialist, no ruler
>+1 cancerous autist named breezus


field irrigation, food +1

fish poisonous, kills 8 people before doctor realizes its the fish, others ill and cant work during 1 round

great, nothing happened

POP: 52 + 10 (16 master race, 10 newly aquired nigger slaves, some deaths due to poisoned fish) (+4 per turn)
RES: 2 (+2 per turn)
>niggers working the mines again
FOOD: 9 (+2 per turn)

>expedition returned with 10 niggers, efficiency of drugs on soldiers researched, further improving military capabilities

>fish most productive
fish now mine ore better than humans...

Hurry that shit up OP

for everyone who missed the rules last thread:


Dubs make things happen as long as they're plausible

Trips will have unforseen consequences in addition to the requested effect

Quads force stuff, even if it doesnt make sense
(all white cis males commit suicide; laser raptor raid; build nuclear missle silo; ...)

construction and other effects consume resources (RES)
RES can be aquired in the mines, forest, etc

>there's a village of primitive niggers south-east from here

Oh shit a baguette on /b is right

Niggers revolt. Kill all white males and fuc the white girls. We kangs

He means as in wait for the rolls of the last thread to be implemented, not to stop rolling. So get the fuck out of the thread you fucking moron. Roll for the stock thing and this guy's post number to be the new name of the villager.

is this the new rollercoaster tycoon?

cultists take over pyramid, replace gold with obsidian, use gold to prosper

Make a cotton field and put them niggers to work!

how big is the military?

Niggers win

Thank you for including breezus. Op is King
Rolling for every type of fishing to be more productive, Fisher also completely cured and have healing properties because of minerals rolling down the mountain

they do it

Build orgy castle for the Medicine Man and Cultists. Brainwash and indoctrinate breezus and have him be the face of the government/ scapegoat to the people.

Make more LSD

He said wait with the rolls, not wait for the rolls.
>reading not hard m8
Rolling for this faggot to die, population decreases 1

Roll for illuminati confirmed.
Not sure what this means but they are confirmed and the whole village knows it.


Medicine man finds way to fix fish

roll to enforce the dubs

take shit on cultists of the dead god roofs
take shit on top of watchtower
take nap on hang-mat
build Inn for travelers

it happens

fuck me reroll#1/2


bah 2/2

I hope you noticed that someone successfully rolled for hang mat the last thread.

Behind the mines would be a nice spot, so some lazy negro could sneak off for a while.

Rolling for the Illuminati to start planting seeds. Rothschilds also start planting tons of tobacco plants
Totally not related in any way shape or form. Sarcastically.

roll to enforce

Hammock bump

Did the limited reroll per idea rule get implemented? If not rolling, OP can decide on number of rerolls allowed


"great, nothing happened"


Even though Vikings were for 2 turns, 5 of the original 10 decide they love their rape families and decide to stay, permanently increasing the stock of the tribes genes. They bring with them ship building knowledge. The village crafts their first crude boats increasing trade

roll on the original, not on the reroll.
clean reroll


Rollie pollie

So no. Like put a god damn hammock on the fucking map

make it be

Cmon vikings

dark god pls

Roll for a serial killer to start hitting the town. Lose one child every turn.

Make it a hammock for giants if you have to!

Niggers kill white males

gooby pls


use your imagination, user
although you did roll dubs...
>Rolling for archery range
>safety of Inn project in trips-reroll chaos shitstorm


Rolling for a sacrificing circle in the center if town.

Rolling to negate, all children become spiritually aware
As they grow they become pagan

Nice. In a bizarre turn of events the townspeople, unaware of his character, make him teacher of a local school they build.

roll for cultists to take over and form a theocracy