Will woman always be the weaker sex? Or will designer babies change the ethos?

Will woman always be the weaker sex? Or will designer babies change the ethos?

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Just shut the fuck up

Did you know that MRA'S tried to boycott Fury Road on the grounds it was Feminist propaganda?

get back to cleaning the dishes.

I hate you, die in a fire nigger.

>Or will designer babies
What is?

If designer humans become a thing, no doubt ones will be created solely for sex, big tits, wide hips, unable to walk upright, no period


Once we produce trannies that can reproduce wmyxn will go extinct.

Yes. No. Eugenics is a long way ahead because the Nazis did it.

Because it was.


Why are feminists trying to hard to turn women into men?

It don't work like that.

Not gonna happen. Can't change XY to XX.

Not in the next century anyway.

This shit angers me, feminists trying to be hard and strong, just need to be fucked hard.

Literally they need to have some sense fucked into them.

And yet it was a good movie. Alien was feminist, people never complain about it. Are you so insecure in your masculinity you can't stand to see a woman be the hero? What about Ghibli movies? Aren't they feminist?

Who is this cum catcher?

>Because it was.

Topkek if you actually think this.
This has been a theme for more than 3,000 years.

reverse search gave nothing what is the sauce

I think it's because it mainly shows these characters defeating swarms of male karate master gunslingers.

Like any action movie ever made?
Try a different genre user-kun.


This is what most woman should strive to be

Feminism is just the capitalists latest weapon in diverging the masses from the real class struggle.

Its already unbelievable as fuck with some buffed out man doing all this, make them a female and it just gets borderline autistic pandering.

It was alright. Even more bullshit was the subtle lesbian anti-breeding message in it

"Don't be a breeding machine for men, be with other women who understand you"

Women in hero roles are awesome, women are awesome. But having a women do crazy roundhouse flipping everywhere taking out men who are 250lbs is so rampant (Black Widow from Avengers for instance)

Alien wasn't feminist, either. The fact that she was a woman was incidental. It didn't have all of the bullshit 3rd wave feminist shit in it. She was a badass but in a different and good way, she wasn't running around doing backflips and gut punching the aliens.

Uh, no it hasn't. In a ironic way sure, because we know it's not true.

400,000 years of evolution, nigga. Women are baddasses at different things.

The miracle of childbirth and shaping a life are much more badass than a bald dike acting like a man in the desert in my opinion.

killing me Sup Forumsro my dick is diamonds i need sauce




Pretty much what he said, faggot.

Why you trying to impose reality on muh fiction? KYS Faggot.

>400,000 years of evolution
You're retarded.


Well, I don't even have to say anything.

Before you say "muh dont impose reality on much fiction" again

I'm not, I'm just saying it is indeed fictional and we should remember that.

200,000, sorry.

fossile evidence of early homo sapiens
cancer at 1.7 million years
we are homo sapien sapien we evolved over a very long time
>not knowing how long humans been trekking around

Already have stronger women they are called trans, they are winning Olympic golds left and right as we speak.

>I'm just saying it is indeed fictional and we should remember that.
Make like a pencil and get to your point.

This is my point.

That this myth is growing and people are forgetting it's fictional.

People are pushing for more women firefighters, more women cops, women combat troops because "equality"

Well it's not equality when you have to LOWER STANDARDS for women trying for a firefighting position.

Yes, they do that. If you're a women they give you more time to run through the simulated housefire and you don't have to carry as much weight.

I mean, a housefire isn't going to burn any slower if you're a woman firefighter. A person isn't going to magically weigh less if it's a woman firefighter trying to carry them out of the burning house.

People bitched about no women in special forces, like the Rangers for instance.

So they allowed it and women applied.

None of them made it through the tests.

Now they bitch that they should lower standards for women for that too.

I was referring to modern humans because it's kind of a grey area when you start going too far back because they weren't the same as modern humans.

>Well it's not equality when you have to LOWER STANDARDS for women trying for a firefighting position.
Do you think this is happening en masse? Because it's not. Everything you've posted is circumstantial cases. Not only that but you're implying that women CAN'T do these things which is historically and scientifically incorrect.
To be honest, i don't think you've thought about this at all and are instead projecting your own experiences, perspective and traumas onto reality.

No. Remember once, males were the weaker sex when we had hard shells and six to eight legs. Evolution changes a lot over time but you probably won't be alive to witness it. Which in general is a shame because I really want to see what the offshoots of human evolution would look like.

How are you different from the radical feminists of today? Women like Furiosa have been much rarer but there are plenty throughout history; Boudicca, Joan of Arc, Khutulun to name a few. Although these are certainly exceptions and not the rule (like feminists try to make out) it's nothing new. We've already got one group radical retards in one gender and that's more than enough. We don't need another.

And to be honest Furiosa wasn't a Mary Sue; her and Max both got into trouble and helped each other out and she wasn't completely invincible *cough* Rey *cough*.

This user gets it 99%. There's also the electric guitar guy, that made me cringe.

lets hope so
who the hell wants to fuck a "strong" woman?

It's starting to happen en masse, yes.

Sure like .1 percent of women could, but most cannot carry 300lbs on their back while running through a burning house. Shit, it's tough even for men.

If a woman can pass the tests with the same standards for men, fine, good for her.

But keep the standards the same and don't bitch about "MUH FIRESTATION IS SEXIST IT'S ALL MEN HIRE MORE WOMEN"

It's like these blue haired big glasses-wearing gender studies degree-having landwhales who bitch about "NOT ENOUGH WOMEN IN STEM FIELDS, WHY SO FEW WOMEN ENGINEERS"


>How are you different from radical femenists

>this user gets it 99%

Well that's funny because those posts are me

Stephanie Michelle/zilla308

>It's starting to happen en masse, yes.
No, it's really not user-kun.
Maybe wherever you are(america probably) But definitely not here.

Tell me your country and I'm sure i can find multiple instances of it unless you live in Zimbabwe or something

You're either lying about being the same user or you explained yourself better in your second argument so either way there's nothing wrong with my post.

Scotland. I know a guy working in the ayrshire fire dep. Not sure if that's what it's called but that's it's location.

Well I used more words in the second one but my point was the same


see "positive action" section

Even the pics on the site all have women firefighters

Also, LOL

Positive Action does not mean lowering or diluting standards to help under-represented group pass our entry requirements, it ensures that only the best applicants are successful irrespective of race and/or gender."

>I'm not saying it means lowering standards

>but it means lowering standards

Taken from link.
>Positive Action does not mean lowering or diluting standards to help under-represented group pass our entry requirements, it ensures that only the best applicants are successful irrespective of race and/or gender.
>Even the pics on the site all have women firefighters

It's doublespeak.

Of course they'll be easier on a woman applicant than men.

What does it even mean if not lowering standards?

What exactly does that "Positive Action" mean then?

people that "identify" as having a disability?

You iz officially retarded. Did not even read your own link.

Positive Action refers to a number of activities employed by an organisation, which are designed to counteract the effects of past discrimination and to minimize stereotyping. Action can be taken to encourage individuals from particular groups to take advantage of opportunities for work and training. This can be done where under representation of particular groups has been identified.

These initiatives and aimed at attracting people to consider the Fire and Rescue Service as an employer of choice, knowing that their application will be treated equally and selection is done of the basis of merit and the ability of that individual to carry out the job.

Also, complimentary hat.

The role of women in society takes on an interesting clarity when I look at it in terms of evolution. It has to do with the fact that females are the rate-limiting factor in the growth of populations; a primitive tribe could lose half its males (due to starvation, predation, disease, war, whatever) and it could bounce back to its previous population in a single generation. If that same population loses half its females, however, it takes at least two generations to repopulate. When you're talking about the long-term survival of your tribe, keeping the females safe is vital. As a result, cultures that kept their females isolated had a competitive advantage over rivals that didn't.

This eventually transformed into the "modern" family unit (if you consider a stereotypical 50's nucular family) where the woman is responsible for maintaining the home (because she spends most of her time there, for her safety), raising the children (because children are the next most vulnerable part of a population and are kept safe at home), and preparing meals for the man who spends most of his time away from home performing labor in some form or another in order to ensure that the area around his home is clear of danger and his family is well-fed.

What this model creates is a system where males are dependant on females, but are able to exert dominance over them "for their own safety". It's an easy relationship to abuse and humans will never get past it as long as selective pressure exists to create such a relationship in the first place.

No, but sex robots on the cheap in year 2116 will make them obsolete

If that's true that's not bad. Sounds kind of like what the tech industry is doing. But still it's non of these companies, organization's, or department's obligation to go out and convince people into rejecting traditions, gender roles, or expectations. In fact no matter how well intentioned, I don't like this social engineering thing in the hand of these big faceless groups.

What about when women want to exert control yet still be "protected?"

That's a lot of words that say nothing.

Tell me what that translates to in reality.

It's another phrase for affirmative action.

With race, it actually means "we seek to hire more blacks so if a black and white both apply for a spot we will hire the Black dude, even if the white happens to have better qualifications"

What does it mean in regards to women?

What you think is happening
>rejecting traditions, gender roles, or expectations.
What is actually happening.
>Respecting individuality, personality or freedom.

Just because some retarded fucks take it overboard doesn't mean shit. Educate yourself.

>Twisting things this much.
Unfortunately, for you at least, ignorance is dying and this type of argument fails to stand up in a world where information is readily available.

It's like respecting someone's freedom to drink bleach.

Sure, you can, but don't act like it's a good thing to do.

I don't know what country you are from, but in murrica the next eight years are going to make things clear for you

Well how about telling me how I'm wrong and answering my questions instead of doing what radical feminists do and resort to personal attacks and saying "educate yourself, the information is there"

Okay well tell me then.

>It's like respecting someone's freedom to drink bleach.
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
You're arguments are weak bro. Gt gud.


What utter FAILURES

MRA's confirmed for bottom tier SJW

Also I can give you dozens of examples where this happens with regard to affirmative action.

I can also give you multiple examples of women applicants for firefighting being passed even though they failed the tests.

Are you agreeing with me?

Hyperbole can be useful to make a point, I'll give you an example using the trans thing.

Males can now identify as women and you have to use "she" or you'll be villified and can lose your job.

I identify as an attack helicopter. You now have to call me "AH-1".

It's exaggeration sure but I have a point.

ITT the saltiest of man-children whine that they don't have enough privileges to check

HERE'S A THOUGHT: man the fuck up and quit bitching on an anonymous website and maybe it won't seem like all men are the worthless beta faggots that you currently are

Okay, i'll answer your question.
>What does it mean in regards to women?
I have no idea but i can sense the implications from here.
That is, if the prior statement was true.
>With race, it actually means "we seek to hire more blacks so if a black and white both apply for a spot we will hire the Black dude, even if the white happens to have better qualifications"
Sure, i can find dozens of cases where this is true, but i can find more cases of the opposite.
Corruption is non-discriminatory.

>tfw In a Nutshell teaches stupid people how to spout random words from your favorite subjects

>this fucking naive
Chromosomes got nothing to do with it, schoolkid

Gender is determined by the function of SEX HORMONES. This isn't even an arguable point.

Oh, really? So hormones can make a dick into a functioning vagina with wombs?

An XY can give birth? Since when?

>functioning vagina with wombs
so barren people have no gender?

You have to be able to give birth to be a woman?

Seems like there's a LOT about gender that you really don't understand.

>It's exaggeration sure but I have a point.
The point is rendered moot by it's complete lack of relation to the topic.
>Males can now identify as women and you have to use "she" or you'll be villified and can lose your job.
This is relevant.

>movie in which all the female characters are actually retarded and can't accomplish anything without a man
>movie in which the glorious amazonian utopia crumpled in on itself because it was a "toxic environment"
>movie in which the very character who first introduces the feminist undertones is killed because she's too busy ranting to shoot a man walking directly towards her in a tunnel where he can't dodge so she can't miss

Oh but Max gave that white girl some personal space while they were cooped up in the car, so it must be feminism.

Infertile women exist, yes. But that's because they lack an ability that HEALTHY women have.

Exceptions to the rule.

>Oh, really? So hormones can make a dick into a functioning vagina with wombs?

>An XY can give birth? Since when?

What is even female?
Face it bruh even if i were to get a brain transplant or a complete genital transplant or some shit you'd still spout this unscientific garbage.

>this is relevant

This is not relevant. The fuck does gay rights in Uganda and Thailand have to do with our argument.

What does that have to do with having to call Bruce Jenner "she" at work or you could get fired?

So infertile women and men are unhealthy?

they're still women

Do you think you're making a point or something?

Ok look at it this way. Niggers don't go into stem for a whole multitude of reasons, none of which are google's fault or problem. So niggers don't show up on googles hiring radar. Google gets shit for not hiring enough niggers so they start doing recruitments and awareness campaigns in Compton. That's nice and all but that is far above and beyond what anyone should reasonably hold a company or group accountable for.

Are rare you sure you're not just a salty woman/nigger?

>exceptions to the rule
just admit that your definitions are completely arbitrary and nonscientific and then we can all move on

female is XX chromosome.

If you were to get a brain transplant into a female body, well, you'd be female then. However it's very unlikely that will ever happen.

Also you're proving my point if you consider getting a transplant into a female body, because you're admitting.. well, that female = female

You can give me shit about "well in this really rare case from years a dude was born with some weird defect blah blah"

That's called a defect.

That's not how FEMALE has ever been defined in the history of mankind.

The concept of chromosomes is incredibly recent while the concept of the female gender is decidedly NOT.

You want to REDEFINE gender based on poorly understood genetic science, but you're so fucking naive about the rest of biological medicine that you really have no clue what you're talking about.

>There's also the electric guitar guy, that made me cringe

So you cringed at the doof warrior shredding a flame-throwing guitar?

How is it not relevant? We're discussing you're biased perspective of the treatment of trans people in the workplace.
Prior to that, the freedom of choice.
Or perhaps not, you're being very unclear.
For instance;
>Males can now identify as women and you have to use "she" or you'll be villified and can lose your job.
This is unrelated to this...
>I identify as an attack helicopter. You now have to call me "AH-1".
As i said, your argument is weak.

Yes, technically. In the same way that a guy missing an arm isn't "healthy"

Sure he's fine but normal people have 2 arms.

yep, still women, that's my point.

A guy that chops his dick off and turns his balls inside out and takes hormones, however, is still male.

If this isn't bate I don't know what is.

>arbitrary and unscientific

I'm laughing because it's ironic you're saying this

>wut is a third gender, durr

so young, so naive

>Google gets shit for not hiring enough niggers so they start doing recruitments and awareness campaigns in Compton. That's nice and all but that is far above and beyond what anyone should reasonably hold a company or group accountable for.
Actually defending google.
This is one case, you're exaggerating the problem.

>a guy that chops his dick off
what if he was born without a dick, but is XY?

Seriously, you really don't know a goddamned thing about biology, do you?

Yeah we just found out that people with vaginas have XX chromosomes.

In the past vagina = woman and man = penis.

Sure people should have freedom of choice. And I should have the freedom to NOT CHOOSE to call Bruce Jenner a female.

And it is related. If a male can identify as female, I should be able to identify as an attack helicopter.

>you'd be female then.
This is scientifically wrong.
>consider getting a transplant into a female body,
I do not.
>That's called a defect.
This is scientifically wrong.

That movie would have been WAY better without that shitty actor playing max. If he was not in it it would have just been chicks shooting shit and I think everyone loves tits and guns.
Remove max and get good movie.
Or hire Mel Gibson and do another good road Warrior movie without the chicks. Furiosa was not so weak a character that she needed Max to carry the movie.

As for designer babies does this mean I do not have to sew the Nike Swoosh to kids anymore?

>Third gender
>Not mental illness

>we just found out
>so we're redefining GENDER, even though some people are no longer correctly classified

Not only do you know nothing about biology, you're also completely shit at history.

Why should I waste another second talking to you?

It's something that's made up. A "ladyboy" is just a dude that acts and looks female and possibly has sex with other men.

Then he has a birth defect. Don't act like that's common, though. How often does that happen?

Like, a few times every ten years? Maybe even fewer?

Please elaborate on that, though. Was he born without any genitalia or was he born with a vagina?

Because i'm not aware of any cases of an XY being born with a functioning vagina. If you know of any, please source it.

you're entitled to your shamelessly unaware cultural conditioning, and so are they

try not to let it upset you that much, I guarantee they aren't giving you a second thought