
what does Sup Forums think of onyourwings?

is she superior to emma?

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I assume we've ruined her life already?

Neo-Sup Forums is the most embarrassing fucking thing.

>tfw have complete collection of 7 coverfus


This place ruins everything.

>onyourwings beleted her videos
>emma beleted her videos

who's next?

the next poor girl you autismos will obsess over

>being this new

Sup Forums is only getting worse

you guys should obsess over vk


how do i find emma's videos lads?

Damn I literally just made a post about her. Im glad Sup Forums remembers what its done

>mfw she started uploading videos again

Tiesco's look nice but play like shit

never played one desu, what makes them bad?

The electronics in them are gimmicky and extremely cheap. Unless you replace the pickups they are just eye candy

some guy has all of it