To other circumsied men, do you sometimes fap without any lubricant...

To other circumsied men, do you sometimes fap without any lubricant? Like sometimes i dont use any lubricant to rub my dick and i just pull the fore skin up and down. it dosnt hurt but it dosnt feel pleasurable at all and i still get to cum. or am i the only one who does this

Kinda. I have a bit of a rug burn rn honestly it sucks

This is most likely an unpopular opinion, but i exclusively jack off without lube. It's less messy and I like the feeling better.

i fap 90% of the time without lube.

The clean up afterwards or the entire process of taking a shower just to jack off for literally 60 seconds isnt worth it

Yeah. I have a cut dick and ube is too messy so I just jack off without any lubricant which like you said, does not feel good at all, but you still get to cum and that feels same

I never fapped with pubricant, till I read about people doing that on Sup Forums
tried it few times- pretty cool, novelty got old, kind of stopped using lube.

I feel I'm a bit too old now and get access to vaginas a bit too often to think about elaborate ways to masturbate..
ny advice for amazing orgasm -
>masturbate a bit, but don't come in the morning
>have mad gym workout before noon
>smoke weed
>porn + fap
> you'll have crazy high testostrone, horniness and weed-fap powers

yeah but im talking about cut people, for uncut people it still feels good but for cut people its harder and does not have any pleasure and usually might hurt

People jack off way to fast and hard, be gentle to your dick! I always make sure to not have a death grip while jerking it, i don't wanna lose sensation. I have never gotten brush burns or any pain while jacking off.

Wait, in all my years, I honestly never considered this..But do circumcised people stay dry during masturbation?

Where do I tweet if I stand for this?

i do but then again for a long time i didnt know there were any other ways

if you use oil it feels good, if u dont use oil and rub your foreskin up and down, it does not feel good but either way you still cum and the ejacutlation feels more or less the same

Weedfap powers

I do it

It's more pleasure to lightly stroke instead of grasping like that

Do you mean where the foreskin has been cut? Im an uncut fag. SO once the juices start flowing precum basically lubes up my cock for me.

I just use spit...

>other circumcised
>pull the foreskin

pick one fgt, then kys

fucking gross
just use water if you're that fucking cheap

If you jack off exclusively with skin moving up and down on the shaft (i.e. Making no contact with the glans) it would probably be exactly like what us cut guys feel.

If we want the sensation of stuff rubbing over our glands (like an uncut guy gets during masturbation) it requires lube and hand or sex with another person.

If I had to guess I would bet this is where the idea that sensitivity and pleasure is decreased for cut guys comes from. It's probably just because you don't have something sliding over your glands, however if you had something artificial doing that it would likely feel largely the same.

Shaft skin is more apt description but telling people to kill themselves for being cut at birth and not having a choice is scumfuckery.

Drink bleach.

oh my god uncut guys have to use only the shaft?
holy shit how does masturbation even feel pleasurable for cut guys?

This. Only people who need lube to fap have botched circumcisions

Im saying if you don't have lube you don't exactly have skin to go over the glands, that's my point.

If you rub a dry hand over your glands it doesn't feel to great.

Read:All circumcised guys do not have enough skin to go over their glands during masturbation and erection. That's what circumcision DOES.

i wish i neve stumbled upon this thread because I just realize how shit it is to jack off cut with no lube and have zero sensation or jack off with only oil but still not have as much sensation as uncut fag. Im gonna go get surgery when i fucking graduate from college and get my skin back. fuck u dad for doing this to me

so if you do that it isn't pleasurable? You might have death grip syndrome but I'm sure that gland masturbation does feel better.


How do you plan on doing that? Foregen is the only thing that might work and it isn't even fledged out yet. As shitty as it is you'll probably just have to accept it.

During actual sex it's probably pretty similar, and with lube.

i jerk off regularly without lube

So you need lube if you want it to still maybe be almost as pleasurable as an uncut guy?

Yes. Unless we're talking about a cut guy who doesn't have enough foreskin to move over his glands during an erection, (doubtful) and even then he would likely still feel a little better because he would still have more excess skin.

uncut guy*

I'm cut and I fap dry. I have enough skin for it to reach the base of the head. Feels good except if it's a really dry day. What really feels great is pushing down on my dick when I'm hard.

Take a pic of you flaccid? You might have a high and loose cut, ( the best cut, if there is such a thing).

wait i dont get it. how do u actually fap? Do you move your foreskin up and down your dick or do you just rub it with your hand and lube but your dick skin does not move at all?

That's how I jerk off


Not true faggot.

Cut or uncut?

For me (cut) I move the skin up and down if dry just on the shaft, not enough skin to reach the glands. If I have lube I move from the base of the head to the top of the head and move either none or very little skin.

You do not it circumcised have enough foreskin to cover your glands, if you do you either have an incorrect circumcision or yore full of shit. The whole point is to REMOVE FORESKIN. Genius.

This is how I have been fapping forever

im cut and really sensitive to the point where i cant use a full hand to jack it

>also tfw wiener makes crazy precum

anyone else have this? i dont get this shit, uncut guys tell me im supposed to not feel anything and be dry but my dick gets SUPER wet and im to sensitive to jack full hand

didn`t knew I had to use lubricant
My opinion would be use hand sanityzer as lubricant.
then you can feel the orgasm

Yes we do.

If I'm horny I can create enough precum generally to not need other lubricants, but there is no reason why circumcision would make you MORE sensitive so it's only sensible to assume that if you were uncut you'd be even more sensitive.

I literally never fap with lubricant

Use icyhot bro better sensation also do like a little tiny slap in your balls, you will feel again.

>but there is no reason why circumcision would make you MORE sensitive so it's only sensible to assume that if you were uncut you'd be even more sensitive.

i feel that fam but im just saying im crazy sensitive, im probably just a freak rip

Don't troll the guy, it took me years to not be suicidal over being cut and to this day I have never, and will never, forgive my parents for being gullible idiots and getting me mutilated at birth.

Good, I'm glad for you.

Do you have premature ejaculation issues?

I don't use lube most of the time. The only time I do is if I want to use more pressure, some different styles, and/or last for 30+ mins. Otherwise, I fap like I'm uncut.

>it dosnt hurt but it dosnt feel pleasurable at all and i still get to cum
You're doing it wrong.

He's literally not. There's no way to do it wrong you physically do not have enough skin to glide over the glands like an uncut person would.

if i go like 2 weeks without sex/fap ill come early by like 5 seconds really unexpectedly and its really liquidy and feels godlike, probably recipe for disaster as i also have never used condoms or been with a girl that uses birth control, it only happened once but it was god so id take that shit again

Circumcised, never once used lube.

had mine when I was a teen, not sure why suicidal girls prefer it cut honestly.

ye pretty much

fap no lube 99% of the time and it feels amazing, probably girthy dick or something because i have alot of skin moving around, not over the glands obviously but right over the border to them

The skin has stretched a little over the years, so it does cover the glans during the upstroke. Also, the base of the glans, right behind the ridge, is my sweet spot, and I give that the most attention.

I don't use lube to jack it. Sensation is more intense.

I'm with you Sup Forumsro.


I have heard some say there isn't a difference in pleasure, just requires different techniques. What are your thoughts on sensation and pleasure?

>other circumcised men
>i just pull the foreskin

I have no idea what's going on, but I'm circumcised and this

Your frenelum? You still have that as well? You sure you're circumcised?

nobody thinks op's picture is funny?

>being an expert on circumcision

If you are uncut you are a blatant fucking faggot for knowing so much about circumcision

if the frenenlum is that funny line thing at the bottom of the head of ur penis, i got it and im cut

Cut and I never use lube.

At the risk of turning this into ANOTHER cock thread, here is an example of a high and tight circumcision. (Mine) Also as is common my frenelum is no longer there.

Flaccid because erect isn't necessary to show you how much skin is there.

This is not enough to cover glans whilst erect.

I don't think I've ever jerked off with lubricant and didn't know that the majority of men did.

I am cut and like I said, very depressed over it and at times before bordering on suicidal.

This is me:
So no I'm not uncut unfortunately.

It is a line of skin that goes from the shaft to the bottom of the head of the penis.

Sounds like you do have it, posting a closeup of the area would allow me to tell you I think.

I can do it but it burns my dick when I piss afterwards

>flaccid >kek

but in all seriousness it does kinda of like ur frenelum is there. but like really really butchered

That sounds abnormal, are you being excessive with the amount of force you're using?

those are just the insecure uncut dudes. And yea im cut and that shit real sensitive. I can come within seconds bruh.

That's different, I don't believe that's part of a frenelum but something else of which the name escapes me.

I suffered from genital psoriasis from Feb to July of this year. I will never fap without lube of some kind again.

You're retarded, I'm doing a majority of the posting and I am cut. Many posters here likely are, most Americans born in the early 90s and especially the 80s are cut.

Trust me I'm pretty gentle when it comes to my just takes so long to cum so the friction I guess creates heat or something

I'm circumcised and been fapping since I was 7 without lube 19 now only used once lube when had sex

Suicidal? Grow the fuck up. It's a piece of skin on your dick faggot. Get over it

People use lube to jerk off?

I mean it takes like 15 minutes for me to cum so it just starts burning because the constant going up and down

That's the only way I've ever done it. Just started using lube and toys within the last year or two.

Use a condom + tons of loob and put it in between 2 pillows or couch cushions it feels good

Uncircumcised and born in US. 1992. Lucky to be born with short foreskin

It's a piece of skin that effects sexual pleasure, to what degree isn't entirely known. But it prevents desensitization of the glands and provides gliding, less need for lubrication and more nerves and spots for pleasure.

Being upset or suicidal from having an important body part amputated isn't abnormal. Any other part and people wouldn't be surprised at someone being suicidal, but everyone's brainwashed into thinking circumcision is acceptable or normal.

I always fold a shirt and jerk into the shirt
No death grip cause of that

Hmm. I'm cut and missing frenelum and everything and even with pretty gentle/light rubbing and stroking I can get it done in under 5 minutes even if it's the second or third time I've masturbated that day.

The only way I fap. I have fairly low sensitivity and I can make all the girls I fuck cum. It's great.

>I have low sensitivity

>it's great!

I'm glad you're happy I suppose.

I do think a significant number of the cut guys here do likely have death grip, seems like cut dudes are more prone to using excessive pressure while masturbating due to having to focuse on the shaft instead of the head.

I just spit on my hand and go to town
If your mouth is dry or whatever just swish some water around then spit it out on your hand.

Biology has already given us lube Gentlemen, Its time to make use of it.

I haven't uses it before and never gotton rug burn or any type of burn. Still feels pleasurable

Omfg stfu and get over it. Are you trolling me or are you actually that tucking retarded. If you're truly suicidal over a flap of skin maybe you should just fucking kill yourself already.

never used any lubricant to fap

>talking about biology when your gland protective foreskin got chopped off

> This is what US drones did to a civilian city in Syria.
Bullshit. Syria doesn't have any civilian cities. They're all Muslims. You have to be civilized to have civilians.

I'm not really sure what's so hard for you to grasp? Are you trying to act like it's silly because accepting that it makes sense to be upset over it will make you have to accept that you too are mutilated and had an important piece of your body amputated?

If I had a leg cut off at birth I would feel bad too, no?

>whines about not getting more smegma

What, do you like the rancid flavor when you're sucking cock?

>smegma meme

Literally the dumbest shit ever. Do you shower at all? If yes you wouldn't get smegma at any significant rate, it's a moot point.

I'll take smegma if I don't shower for a week over loss of pleasure and function of my dick thanks.

Having a leg amputated restricts you. Having a tiny piece of skin cut doesnt alter your lifestyle. Get the fuck over it. Pls just kys. You disgust me fucking idiot

It literally restricts you in sex and enjoyment and in function.