Yo medfags can someone tell me what's in my penis

yo medfags can someone tell me what's in my penis




Its a blackhead. Just pop it

A black head or ingrown hair

looks like an ingrown hair

Pull it out with a tweezers. Also take better pictures that shit's so blurry it could be featured on /x/

Not sure with your japanese-porn-mosaic-tier photography skills

okay it looks like this blackhead but is it dangerous? should i remove it or dont needed?

Looks like a blackhead to me. I'm not a dicktor tho

Remove and post pics pls

i think i'll be fine without posting pic

get out then

Nope, have to post pics of its removal

thx all

dude, I have had the same thing on my frenulum for like 4 months. definatly get rid of it 'cause it aint going away

a urethra is in your penis

Get the fuck out loser.

Fucking waste

looks like HPV. Sorry. It's a wart and the black is an exposed blood vessel which is feeding the wart.