My gf said she'd be down for a threesome. How would you go about asking someone you know to join you...

My gf said she'd be down for a threesome. How would you go about asking someone you know to join you? Thinking of messaging some girls. Any help is appreciated.

You're not enough to satisfy your woman. Whether she wants a girl or boy to join doesn't matter. If you dont nip this in the bud that threesome will be the last 'happy' memory you have with her

Don't. Letting you fuck another girl is her gateway to you letter her fuck other guys.

FFM threeway to FMM threeway to letting her casual fuck around, to you being an offical cuck. It's a door you can't close.

Get her to do it. Makes her feel like she's in control, and it's way less sketchy coming from a woman.

It's not about her being with another person it's about having another join us. It's more for me than my gf.

Welcome to the end of your relationship pal.
See if you can fix it fast otherwise get away while you still have dignity

Doesn't matter. It's going to create dissonance

I don't think anything is wrong with our relationship. We just want to try something for the thrill of it.

Is this from experience?

Hey op my wife is super bi she fucking is addicted to women after our first threesome so dont let these cucks convince you she just wants to fuck guys because ive been doing this gor 6 years


Dude even if you've never done this before - you seriously can't be this ignorant about it

me and my fiance(girl) are in the same boat as you. neither one of us would EVER physically cheat on the other behind their back. It was my fiances idea to get another girl, not mine lol

Can be super fun without ruining anything.

#1: don't message any girls you dumbest
#2: she picks whomever she likes and is comfortable with
#3: you win by making sure she's comfortable the WHOLE time

If you guys are into kinky stuff, go for it. I work with a guy that swings and him and his wife are in love. They don't connect love and sex. They both fuck around. If not, yeah, it's over. Get your 3way in and prepare for the spiral.

Congratulations you aren't enough to satisfy your wife and you bragging about it

Youre looking for a unicorn, and youre not going to find it

> I don't think anything is wrong with our relationship

You are actually asking for advice on Sup Forums, man... I can hardly think anything less healty. Hope you get that threesome; also isn't your girl into sharing pics with Sup Forumsros?

>Nothing wrong
>Both parties want a threesome

You realise you guys don't even sound like you should be in a relationship. Where's the passion between you two? We don't say not to have a threesome because she'll regret it. She will like it. It gets her away from seclusion with you. Open your eyes

>ask every girl you know
>start with the most desired
>burn every bridge
if you fail
>hire a classy looking prostitute and tell your gf you two met in college or something

If you want to be successful, let your gf recruit the other woman with the understanding that you must approve.

Literally just ask.

Mention that you guys have decided you want one, and gauge their reaction. If it isn't horror or disgust, just ask them.

Note - only do this if you're already flirting with some other girl. You don't want to surprise some co-worker with this shit.

If there's nobody you're already flirting with, get your girl to download tinder and set it to girl-girl. My gf has matched with like 50 ladies, and we've slept with 5 of them.

Go out of town, let her pick the girl, let her pick up the girl, if you do it at home with someone you know the first time she may get really jealous. You run the risk of her leaving or at least never doing it again, the girl you bring in will be the waitress at every damn restaurant or bartender or something. Trust me on this Sup Forumsro

She wants to fuck another dude, ya fucking cuck.

This only works if your third is your girls best friend. Ive had 3 threesome pairs before and its ALWAYS been the girl and her best friend. Im a heavy flirter which helps but I know I lucked out because my gfs are always so close to there friends that theyve thought about it before and I guess I create the opportunity by taking them both away from town + booze + swimming(good idea in general, theyre already half naked) then just gotta nudge the conversation to sex, start making out BAM threesome. My current girlfriend has no best friend so I havent had a threesome for 2years since the day we met so I know theres a corralation, even she agrees.