Go to TappedOut.com and look at their standard decks to give you some clues. I highly recommend taking out everything but tree, trisk, vessel, and gnarlwood
Jose Phillips
Focus on playing more 4 of a card. You want constancy. 26 lands is probably a few too many. Do you guys just play casual magic or are you playing standard or modern? Looks like casual standard.
Brayden Martinez
I literally just started about a week ago, I've been playing casually with 3 or 4 friends using some intro decks, but I started customizing my decks. I was doing pretty well with my Red/Green deck which has pretty much all wolves, and buff cards. So I should take out more of the creatures, add 4 of each of the ones I keep, and reduce lands?
Jackson Ross
Do you want to keep yourself within a budget? Do you have a local card shop you can buy cards from? What's your intention with this. Do you want to keep a Black/Green deck or do you want to do something in particular?
Zachary Scott
Budget isn't a problem, no local card shop (was buying singles from amazon) With this deck I was really trying to revolve it around Behold the beyond (pull a behold the beyond, tree of perdition, and trisaidekaphobia) and then use the Tree/trisk combo. Right now I have this deck, a black/blue zombie deck which I need to rebuild because I actually pulled Liliana the Last Hope from a booster pack, and a Red/Green wolf deck.
Bentley Martin
I'm impressed. Every reply so far has been at least marginally helpful. The only person who has called OP a fag was...OP himself. Well done, Sup Forums
Nolan Martin
OP here, I've asked a few Magic questions here before, and everyone is always really helpful. MTG has a good community I guess
Jackson White
to wreck their shit show up with an unhinged/unglued deck
Nathan Long
havent played in awhile, but there are 2 cards you can use in tandem to mill an opponents entire deck if played in tandem. one is a scarecrow. any anons know what im talking about?