What's the most offensive joke you know?

What's the most offensive joke you know?

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how do yo fit 50 jews in one car?

2 in front, two in the back, the rest in the ashtray


how does OP take off his condom?

I shit inside nigger assholes

What happens when white christians think they are under attack?
They make america great again.

How do you pick up a jewish girl?
A shovel.

If I had a penny for every racist thing I said some black motherfucker would rob me.

What do you call the useless skin around a vagina?
A woman.

What do you call a flying jew?

I'm sick and tired of all this political correctness, nowadays you can't even say "black paint!"
Apparently now you have to say "Leroy paint my fence please"



How long does it take a baby to explode in a microwave......I don't know if close my eyes when I masturbate

Why do you boil water when a baby is born?

In case it comes out dead, you can make soup.

Do you know how hard it is to nail a dead baby to a tree......not as hard as my Dick while I do it

What's the difference between a new born baby and a grandma?

The grandma doesn't die when you fuck it.

Whats 18 inches long
Its stiff
And it makes women scream all night long?
Cot death





is that from Mr. Meaty?



how do you start a rave in africa?

staple food to the ceiling



i had an ex girlfriend who was really into rape fantasies

she liked to fantasize that she was never raped

The cartoon? Ye

What's funnier than throwing 10 babies into an industrial shredder?

Nothing! Ain't nothing funnier than throwing 10 babies into an industrial shredder! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Stop fb Faggot

I don't believe the holocaust happened.

but I really wish it did.


What is pink 6 inches long and makes my girfriend cry when i put it in her mouth? Her miscarrage.

Is your dad in prison?
Cause if I were your dad,
I'd be in prison.

fuck outta here with that weak shit

how many kikes can you fit in a Volkswagen?

depends if you spent extra for the passenger ash trays
also OP sauce pls

Women's rights.


>throw 10 babies into shredder
>laugh hysterically
>throw 11 babies into shredder
>suddenly not funny


What is gray and looks great on cops and firefighters

The World Trade Center

-whats faster than a black man running with your TV? His brother with the VCR

-What's black and blue and hates sex?
the 4 year old in my basement

What's the difference between a train carriage and a miscarriage?

You can't fuck a train carriage

>0 of 0
Someone is not doing their job properly.

how do you make an 8 year old cry twice? Wipe your bloody dick on her teddy bear

what's what's pink, wet, slime and makes my girlfriend scream when I put it in her mouth?

her abortion

Why do these niggers on Sup Forums drive leaning in?...........because they think the seal is coming from outside!

already heard that one faggot

I heard ur gf screaming too

oh shit

A joke? My life


It's the future. The future where (insert candidate you don't like) gets elected.
ISIS has now become its own country
and I, I have a daughter.
She's 6, and is dying of bone cancer.
And like that, the news station flashes on screen
The bombs are coming. The infidels will lose.
And so with tears in my eyes, I close my daughter's bedroom door, and unzip my trousers.
At least those sand nigger bastards won't get their 72nd virgin from her.

what do you call an autistic jew?



> Knock Knock
> Who's there?
> Your Mom's a whore!
> Your Mom's a whore who?
> I'm going out for cigs you little shit. Tell you when I get back

How do you get a Jewish girls number?
>Roll up her sleeve

What do you call a woman with half a brain?

How can you tell your wife is dead?
>Sex is the same, but the dishes pile up

A man goes into a pharmacy and politely asks the phamacist for birth control for his 10 year old. The phamacist replies "Your 10 year old daughter is sexually active?!". He says "Oh hell no! She mostly just lays there and cries."




ITT faggots copy and paste from the first result for "offensive jokes"


try again fag

Shouldn't have laughed
Probably going to Hell
Worth it

why can't stevie wonder read?

because he's black



> (You)

Mabel's wrath was legit, at least. He probably samefagged the other one.



if you fags need any more proof

What's black and blue and doesn't like sex?

A rape victim


A sailor, at Sea for many months,went to a local brothel. Didn't have much money and asked for the cheapest sex possible. The lady winced and said, "top floor, end of the hall." He went in and saw the oldest, nastiest woman ever. His face said it all and she replied, "don't worry hon, I'm used to that. Turn off the lights and get in bed." He climbed in and tried and tried but couldn't penetrate her. Spit, grabbed lube, smeared Vaseline, and finally said, "Sorry, ma'am. I can't get it in. You're too dry." She sat up, moved to the edge of the bed and he saw her fiddle around in the dark. She laid down and said, "Try again." He slid right in and fucked for all he was worth. After, smoking a cigarette, he asked, "what did you do? That was the best feeling pussy I ever felt! Do you have a special lube?"

Her reply, "No, hon. I just picked the scabs and let the puss run."

I'll see myself out.

How do u get 1000 babies into a bathtub...with a blender.
How do u get em out?
With a bag of Dorito chips.



What's black and sits at the top of the staircase?

A quadriplegic after a housefire..

Why are thete only 2 pallbearers at a black funeral?

There's only 2 handles on a garbage can.

Wat's the hardest thing about running through a field of dead babies? My dick.


What's black and doesn't work? Half of London.

Um, I just posted mine. Not same faggot. Um, I guess I'm a different one.

How long does it take a nigger slut to take a shit?

>about 9 months


Not a joke when i say it

My existence

Whats black and eats pussy?
cervical cancer

the most offensive thing I've ever heard is the word nigger or a couple middle school dead baby jokes

> every god damned comment in this thread

Not sure if Homer liked my post or just shit himself. Either way, win/win.

What does a nigger and a slinky have in common?

They're both pretty fucking useless but it's fun as fuck watching them fall down a flight of stairs.

What's the difference between a nigger and a bucket of shit??? The bucket.

Not necessarily offense but just vulgar



How did they know that the astronauts on the space shuttle Challenger had dandruff?

They found their head and shoulders on the beach!

Too soon?

What did the Pedo Rabbi say?
Go easy on the sweets kid


ITT some of the shittiest jokes.

Whats the difference between a nigger and dog shit?

At least when dog shit gets old it turns white and stops stinking.

Ok here is my fav and my worst one..

>Woman is having baby
>Nurse and doctor telling the Woman to push harder
>Women screams in agony
>Doctor holds baby
>Woman ask if it was a boy or girl?
Doctor throws the baby across the room
>Drops kicks the baby
And throws it down the hallway
>Women screaming in agony saying *WHY!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS*
>Doctor brings back baby holding it by the ankles
>Doctor says..
>Ha I am just fucking with you, it was already dead when it came out.

Why do paedophiles always have beards and glasses? What is it about that look that children find so sexy?

Why can't you fool an aborted baby?

Because it wasn't born yesterday