Texas nudes

Texas nudes

Like this thread, I guess not everything's bigger in texas..



903 deep east texas here

Lily 512

512 here


210 lurking for win



210 stone oak. Have shit to trade for other stuff from the area.

God damnit keep this thread alive

Hey, another shitty Texas thread! Just when I was getting bored! :D

214 or 972

What's tha matter? Family reunion still weeks away? Hope you can score some dirty dicks from the scum site of the world? Sounds pretty Texas enough for me!

Either one, right? I mean, you're pretty much promised toothless, STD quality hookups from both.

Sure, but I think when they show up they'll wonder why you're a hairy man with a cowboy hat instead of the ugly woman from the internet.

Houston, anyone?
Hailey Snyder, Courtney Zander, Analise Riddle, Sarah Masters, Sarah Stagg, Melissa Furrow, Alex Temple, Ann Meister? Others from 281/713?

Texas nudes. That makes me laugh.

No, but I'm still here, you filthy shit-kicking goat fucker! :D
Aww, did you think you had internet buddies?



Thanks! :D
I mean, I know Texas standards are LOW, but this is making me blush.

You'd be surprised. user-ib is slow and not as well known.

Hyup, that caveman brow screams Houston. Tell me, does your house smell like tortillas?

Stephenville nudes


A 210 girl that isn't a fat Mexican, hallelujah

Ugh, if that's what all of Stephenville is having, I'll pass!

Anyone got Abilene/325 nudes?

Lol she's 1st generation french. So probably like crepes or baguettes or whatever

Ha, I like this. You must be new to Sup Forums and Texas. We're all fat mexicans here.

Yeah, that expression is pretty blank. She's "Texified" by now for sure. If you like 'em dumber than steers and only half as heavy, Texas Gals are for you!

Her gf is a fat Mexican who's also crazy. So I hardly get to fuck her anymore

Ugh, why? Are you trying to meet other Texans? Why would you do that to the world? Aren't there enough of you out there breathing through your beers as you drive your chevies?


That should be seen as a blessing by anyone from any real state in the US. You Texans really do have much simpler lives than the rest of us.

I know. Fucking leviathan

Nudes of Lindsey B or Amber G from 210?

You know, you're kinda ruining this for me by not responding to my insulting you.

Please tell us more about how much you hate Texas. It's very cute

See? Texans think this is "narrowing it down" in some way. Smooth-brained dumpster people.

NOOOOO!!!! Stop enjoying things! D:



That's a fine goat, thar pardner!

Y'all probably gay anyway

Slutty, slutty, slutty horrible garbage woman, no thanks.

Of course! This is Texas! We're all horrendously homosexual, fat spics here! We drive trucks with genitals and shoot our family members after a good fucking!

it isn't that bad

those are some fine ass tits


Ugh! God!? Why would anyone want those? Have you been to San Antonio? No-one there should legally be naked.

cb match?

Been trying to find her nudes for a while shes from 214

Anyone from Taylor?

But, it is! We're talking about gums-only blows for a fucking busch-light from a woman older than your mother in denim shorts who rode here with a 400lb. diabetic dude on a four-wheeler levels of shitty sex!

Nah, they ain't figured out that internet out in Tay-lor yet.

They sure are

Texas Nudes! Now that's a punchline!
Wipe-yer-barstool, Texas Nudes!

Taken with loving care by her brother. That's the kind of close-knit family ties that you can count on in Texas.

Thx bby

What's the other one's name?

I'm not complimenting you, user! Respond with a little venom! Act like you know how the internet works!

Goddamn, I hate this state! This is the one arena where I'm willing to actually fight it for once and it just rolls around like a queer housecat! When I'm out and about my life, everyone in this shithole state makes me feel terrible about myself! When I finally have a Texas thread to try and get some venom out, it's all "hookups" and "oh, isn't internet troll cute!"

Fuck you, Texas! Fucking fight me! I hate the lone star so FUCKING MUCH!

Seriously thanks for appreciating most people just demand more without saying thanks or anything

any 940/817?

I'm not thanking you! You're a trashy garbage smelling Texas skank!

No, nobody that can read, anyway.

Spot the Californian


Youre litterally the only one posting pics. Thanks user

Nope, been trapped here all my life and will soon die here. These incredibly accurate accusations of Texans were all witnessed by me.

Austin is a nice purple oasis in the middle of this red state. Should move there, give it a try

Ugh, whatever... I don't even know what I'm doing here anymore. I hate you all. I I could somehow sink this state and take us all down with it, I would. But, instead, I'm an angry, lonely user shouting into the ether about it.

I hope you all fucking hookup and die in Austin.

any 409 out there?

I'd rather be fucked with armadillo folk-art.

Ik her went to high school with her

Yes, now put on some goddamn clothes.

First name?

Y the butt hurt user? Your among friends. Share with us


Any San Angelo? 325?

>average Texan countertops
note the lotion often serving dual purposes for std's and poison ivy rashes

Oh, it's nothing. Same old, same old wishing I was dead and hating the world around me for it. That old chestnut. Fuck Texans, etc...


903 , it's me in the pic

Alright, you got a laugh out of me with that one, user.

Okay, I'll leave your Texas thread alone.

But if I see one here tomorrow, I'm not holding back on you!

Any 940?

Go to bed Max

any 214?


nice. more?

CLHS 08 anyone?


you're pathetic, autistic, and melodromatic

Cheers user

Anyone got that dog fucker, Shannon VanDyke, that Sup Forums got fired from her job last year?

Worked at an animal hospital in Austin.... Had a decent rack, pics of her fucking her rottie mix were posted...

HOW big are those bazongas?!