Is this thing a trap or not?

Is this thing a trap or not?

no definition in hands so it's an apache attack helicopter

thats one hot helicopter

No. I don't think so.

who is this?
don't care if it's a trap, still want to see it naked




need moar

fuck, sauce?

Agreed. Nudes are required

Roll dubs for boipucci pics

Nope. Sorry OP. She's defective. Missing feminine penis.




i don't know but i'd love to find out


Dubs it is then

Just when I thought I was done with traps you go and post this.




rolling for bpcci

Hawt, would fuck

boy poochie



Fuck off faggot, its obviously one of those woo-mans...


Almost looks like her.

Bitch looks like Asuka


that desk
i swear to God some grill (so she says I don't believe cause no pics sent tbh) on steam sent me a pic of her desm and it had the same everything
mouse, kb, monitor and chair
even the desk is the same color
holy shit guys

Pics or it didn't happen

oh shit the dubs tho

sent me an imgur link, might sti have it in my history, will deliver if I find it

pretty sure it's a filthy female

Pls delivar

>Is this thing a trap or not?
The question answers itself.

only got a cropped pic of the keyboard since it was a keyboard discussion, but you can see that desk and kb are the same
dont think it's the girl in the pic though, way too unlikely

I thought I was the only one.

Clearly it looks like a girl, but if it is a real girl then it is not a trap.