I am 22 years old but I look about 15 or 16. Is there any way I can go back to high school?

I am 22 years old but I look about 15 or 16. Is there any way I can go back to high school?

Why the fuck do you want to go back to highschool?

Get a teaching license

>what is a context clue

Bump I'm interested

Second chance to do things right.


I Didn't pay attention in English class

If you want a second chance go to Community College. You get good grades, transfer to a 4 year University. Get degree in STEM field and get good job as engineer.

Kind of tough nowadays.
You could have someone pose as your legal guardian, but the really tough part would be forging the paperwork and making sure it scans right with them. Not sure you can do that without the right connections.

No sexy girls tho

Big state colleges are high school 2.0. Just go there. It sucks.

Who gives a fuck about bitches, you're trying to live in a world where everything revolves around money. Secure your line to money then worry about the bitches later. Plus if you're broke, no bitch wants a broke ass nigga

There has to be a way to get in touch with these ppl

OP, go to community. I don't think I look young but I get mistaken for a freshman all the time. Like...people can't believe I'm 22. You may not get the young cheerleader pussy but you can pretend to be a nervous 18 year old freshman and prob get a cute girl that way if you're cute enough. Actually going back to high school would be almost impossible as this guy said. With how technology and the world is today, an alarm bell would go off somewhere. I don't know if it's strictly illegal but your ass would be glass if you fucked a 16 year old.

Shit nigga are you me?

yeah in the back of a police car

Go to Germany, say you're a 14 year old refugee.
No papers or ID needed, no questions asked

Just hang near high schools. Not too often to be noticed, but often enough to see where they are.

This. Lol.

This, if you're so intent on going back to highschool.
Their immigration system is a clusterfuck.
Better learn German though.

Nostalgia's a drug, OP.

Wont work Im not brown

How close can you get?
I'm really light-skinned myself, but with a good enough tan, I can pass for Filipino.

I can look Mexican of I burn my skin but it goes back to pale really quick

Then spend some time tanning every 3 days.

It won't work. I don't know German and I don't understand the culture. I understand American high schools and could make my way to the top

Well, it looks like you're preparing for failure.