Shame of you Sup Forums. It's 2016 and none of you have petitioned for good ol' Steve Rogers to have a homosexual relationship in Marvel movies. How do you feel about yourselves?
Shame of you Sup Forums. It's 2016 and none of you have petitioned for good ol' Steve Rogers to have a homosexual relationship in Marvel movies. How do you feel about yourselves?
Don't they mean girlfriend?
>Internet wants him gay
>Marvel makes him a nazi instead
>such and such goes viral on Twitter
>write an article about it
What powerful journalism.
We're not gonna see Cap for another two years. This campaign will be long forgotten by then.
>it's another Sup Forums gets trolled by shitposting faggotry episode
Hydra would be more accurate. Nazis are small time in Marvel compared to Hydra.
He finally kissed Agent 13 and now they want him to scorn her?
What a bunch of assholes.
No, you see those clever writers pointed out he had blonde hair and blue eyes, and he disagreed with GOVERNMENT and force for pure good IRON MAN, making him Nazi.
Look, it doesn't make sense, but the guy in charge has more than a hard on for Iron Man. So if it ever looks like Iron Man's arguments are a pile of shite and immature and maybe even evil, you're reading it wrong and whoever is in opposition to Iron Man is a Nazi. It isn't Bad Writing.