don't reply to this thread and your mother will die in her sleep tonight
Don't reply to this thread and your mother will die in her sleep tonight
Other urls found in this thread:
NYPA, newfag.
Too late faggot she's already dead
You shut your fucking mouth you fucking faggot. Maybe this shit would have been funny years ago but that time has long passed. Get off my Sup Forums you horrendous faggot and commit suicide. You offer nothing to this site and this world so why don't you just end it? You probably typed that out with your Cheetos covered fingers, stroking your neck beard while you consider what to write next, all while you grin as if what you're doing is clever. This thread is going to die along with your shit post so that little feeling of happiness you get pressing that post button is going to fade you faggot. You'll realize you're back in your depressing rut of a life that is waking up, jerking off, eating, getting on Sup Forums, being retarded, jerking off, eating, getting on Sup Forums, jerking off, eating, sleeping, and repeat. Your parents probably raised you hoping you'd turn out to something important and helpful to society but here you are, a filthy neckbeard, with nothing better to contribute to society but typing out stupid shit on an anonymous image board. Seriously just end it, you make me as well as everyone else around you sick.
kek new and original OP