MICHIGAN thread ?!?!?!??!

MICHIGAN thread ?!?!?!??!

810 !

Trump rally Friday. Wooton woot

where at? and fuck him

810. Waddup


these ones always die

michigan is just filled with pussies


True, there are very few edge lord Sup Forums users in michigan.

Ayee 313

Someone should buy Uncle Derek a cheeseburger.

517 here anyone want to bang ?

517 lenewee
Anyone else?


517 brighton

why is your cock green


313? There's only one way to deal with you people...


Actually cops dont do shit around here lol

517 Lansing...about to sleep...to act like I give a hell about employment in a few hours.

props to you for being on Sup Forums instead of sleep



Lenewee st. Lansing.
Or the county that seems to far away for a 517?

586 Sterling heights.

Port huron if anyone wants it

More of, couldn't sleep so I rocked one out. Still not tired.


The county haha

Average Michigan woman.

truth. its the dearborn pigs you need to worry about