I'm a Security Manager,
I hate my job,
ask me anything.
The rules? There aren't any
I'm a Security Manager,
I hate my job,
ask me anything.
The rules? There aren't any
Other urls found in this thread:
Ever bust a nut in uniform?
Every shift. tempted to get a hookers one day
Do it.
Would you show me some cock in uniform maybe?
>That's my fetish
Also, why do you hate your job?
Yeah, give me a min.
Too many hours, management is 24hr contact
Thanks user, you're awesome.
>too many hours
That's understandable. So they can call you in at any time? What's the weirdest shit you've dealt with?
Keeping this thread alive
That's fucking impressive. Thanks user.
All the time. 3 hrs sleep is normal.
Not much weird. Many hilarious drunks and gypsies
Sorry for delays. On duty ;)
Need to hire some security?
I'm a dude but would hire
I was expecting more questions from you Sup Forums
I'm going to have a wank while I wait
I used to be a security guard. Then I stopped coming in cause the fuckers werent giving me any hours and when they did, it was in the most ghetto parts of chicago.
But ive been thinking of getting back into it. Should I OP?
Are you armed or no? What kind of shit do you secure? Why do you hate it?
3 hours sleep? How do you function? Christ. No wonder you hate it.
Yeah can confirm, not OP though. At one point I almost fell asleep at the wheel, crashong into the back of some nignogs Cadillac. Jolted awake and switched lanes just in time. Its fucking hell. And they take sleeping on the job very seriously so thats not an option.
>Whats your wage?
>Have you ever hit somebody, because they annoyed you?
>How fat are you?
>Do you sleep at work?
>Post picture of your cum nao.
That's fucking terrible.
I treat guards kindly as it is but I will continue to do so knowing this.
24 hours a week?
Not armed. UK so pretty safe.
I'd go for it as long as you don't agree to do too many hours. Not worth spending your entire life working for someone else
Can you reveal any top secret security stuff? No rules after all
How often do you abuse your power if you have any significant power?
>Whats your wage?
>Have you ever hit somebody, because they annoyed you?
I don't hit. I drop them to the floor and tell them to stop being stupid.
>How fat are you?
Not at all. My metabolism is god teir
>Do you sleep at work?
Not when I can get caught
>Post picture of your cum nao
threw tissue in the bin dude, make a Cum thread and give me half an hour to work it back up again
If i hired you, what would I get?
I have to be available 24 hrs a day. I do ~90 hr a week
Oh nice. I was wondering where the hell one would have to deal with gypsies. Yeah I was working unarmed in Chicago. Never again. Im honeslty gonna start applying again once I get my armed certification, but no more unarmed. Too dangerous. Im not getting shot over some rich mans building materials.
Most places keep a key outside the premises. Most just in a bag under a rock. Only a few use a key safe and the code is normally 0000 or 1111.
Most guards won't question cleaners. Patrols are usually regular so as soon as they leave a spot you've got a good hour or more to do bad shit
I don't abuse.
I always figured I'd keep my nose clean and wait until I was approached to sell specific secrets.
Depends if you want me to treat you to a quality professional discreet service, or to bodily restrain and strip search you every time you stare too long.
Not op but i also work as a security guard
>24 hours
>2 Hour's of sleep
>shit pay
>been pretty much a little over a year since I've had this job
>i get tired as fuck
A bit of both. I like a man with authority. And if your uniform gets messy i'd even pay the dry cleaning. And extra for you to put on a necktie as well.
Same boat bud. Going to class, work and sports. Can't get a days rest.
OP has posted his dick in uniform... will you?
Jesus man, on your day off do you sleep a bit and if so how long? If i fall asleep i end up wasting more then half of my day
About two hours a day. Shift is overnights, then class until 3pm and then practice or games from 5 to 8ish depending on which one it is and back at work at midnight.
For days off, maybe five hours.
Are you a britfag?
I used to work as a security guard before I joined the police. I want to leave and get back into security but I don't know how the pay is nowadays.
So you work 12 hour's, makes sense since you got school, ever been in moments where you have. in a sense became retarded due to lack of sleep
security manager on 9/hr?
i'm a site supervisor on 25/ph, all the managers i know are on salary usually 80k+ bonus
ausfag here btw
9£ is about $25 AUD mate
I wear a tie. It's just branded like my shirt and jacket so I can't show them.
Surely with your lips firmly locked around me there's not going to be any mess
(enough with getting me hard again, more questions)
actually 15.33
gotta check those conversions
All the time. Or I end up not knowing what happened all day and realize I went through the whole day ina daze.
Well if you wore it low enough to tickle my nose.. i'd pay double your hourly rate.
Any securityfags here experience anything weird as hell? I've got a few stories short but weird
Just weird shit like cups being moved when I'm the only one here and lights turning on that are controlled by a switch. Old ass building.
Take that back. Did see a guy jump off the roof of a building across from us and hit a statue on the way down. And a lady.
Go away pig
Britfag here
Pay here sucks
Dam, I was going to look into moving but if the pay is the same..
Fucking Captcha. I'm done. it's taking me 5+ attempts for each post
My own story
>be me
>shitty country (spic land)
>inside post doors closed tight with radio on at full vol.
>suddenly hear a women's yell like a dying one
>hear it from the little small hill infront of my post
>freaked me out a bit
>was gonna go check with partner
>as i open the door, hear the yell behind me
>turn around at full speed
>nothing i say absolutely nothing is there
>i fucking heard it
>went to partner to see if he heard it
>says he didn't
>curse at him and tell him to not fuck with me, that i definitely heard it
Kek full story please
> First week on shifts by myself
>See guy one building but don't care because crews are always around
>hour goes by and still see him on the roof but by the edge by an ac unit
>leaps off like he was listening to Seal
>hits concrete statue of guy with tophat
>arm flys off and hits a girl texting on her phone
>young kid (22 or so) who works in the office space screams
Fucking glorious, must have been a field day when doing written reports(if you do it)
Not our property so I didn't do shit.
Should have recorded it, anybody knows a guy at the edge of a building is gonna do something
One of those shoulda woulda kind of deals. Didn't think about it. We see guys up there all the time fixing the satellite dishes and ac units up there so it seemed routine. Guy was just facing it and lept backwards.
Makes sense
He had good aim though. Not a big statue and missed a tree that is close to it.
Why you dont have dubs like me?