On holiday with gf and her son. He is being a cunt. And I don't think I attracted to her anymore. What should I do?

On holiday with gf and her son. He is being a cunt. And I don't think I attracted to her anymore. What should I do?

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Why the fuck are you in the middle east?

where are you on holiday?
does she have life insurance?

Fuck the son. Post pics.

why would you date a cunt who has some other assholes shitspawn?

>girlfriend is white
>son is half-nigger
>girlfriend is fat
>looks like you're holidaying in sandniggerland

Where does one even begin?!?

I'm not

Kill the niggerchild for being a nigger, kill her for being a racetraitor and then kill yourself for being a fucking faggot.

>literally wife's son

go play some nu males sky with him

Her kid is a halfy? Ditch that bitch