If the earth was round, the sides would freeze in space

If the earth was round, the sides would freeze in space.
Flat-earth theory: 1
Round-earth theory: retarded.

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fucking nek it

>not knowing the truth
I hope you're trollig and you don't actually believe that the earth is shaped like a chicken egg. Do you think a space chicken layed it 5000 years ago, bible-thumper?

>not believing in the hollow Earth
>not believing in intraterrestrials
>being this retarded

Hollow earth theory is a conspiracy. Think about it, you can see the earth is flat from the top of Everest.

Whoa what???

Look at picutures from the summit, you can clearly see the flat horizon.

You are now talking like those reptilian assholes, go lick Queen Elizabeth's scaly pussy

Now I know you're trolling. A hollow earth? That's not physically possible. 1/10 made me reply.

Hollow Earth is the truth, look at the evidence recovered by Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd and open your thick skull

Bullshit, the earth is flat. You can prove this with basic science.

Only fags are still using newtonian science to prove their shit

Wow. The top of Everest huh? That's pretty far outwards. Is it cold up there?

>If the earth was round, the sides would freeze in space.

Is the higher altitude maybe... frozen? By "space?"

So many spheres. So little time.

Pluto is no longer a planet you illiterate faggot

The planets only appear round from our perspective because of atmospheric distortion. It's like how a fish eye lens distorts an image and makes it appear round.

Exactly but the sides of this ridiculous "round earth" would be much higher than Everest. The cold experienced from its summit is nothing like being out in space. Just another reason proving the flat earth theory.

So, a round object would appear flat in the distance? Or how does that work?
You put an apple in orbit and no longer looks like an apple?

Flat earth theory is based on cutting edge research done by top scientists around the world. It's so far ahead of current general knowledge that few people can wrap their minds around it. They prefer to believe a lie taught to elementary schoolers.

Its reinstated. Didn't you heart cunt?

No, a round object would look even more round, obviously. Have you taken high school science yet?

Obvious troll is obvious, but since I've had this idea bouncing in my head since this retarded movement started, I'll ask.

Where is the world's end? Meaning at which country is the world's edge? Which countries are on top.and which are on bottom? How does that work?

Name one

So many spheres

Sides? What sides? Explain to me what you mean by "sides".

Look Jim.. Another butthurt high school drop out thread..

Oh god this b8 made me lose it. Thanks OP, I needed that.

I don't remember the name of every single scientist whose theories I've studied. Flat earth theory can be proven easily. If the earth was round, planes would just fly off the "curve" and into space. Explain that, genius.

>mfw people take flat earthers seriously and argue with them

They're trolls, you goofballs. If you're just arguing for the fun of it then fine, but do not take them seriously.

not "butthurt", just scientifically illiterate.

That's... a great point, actually. I've never heard anyone explain how planes fly in a curve.

That's right Goober. Earth is flat

The sides of the earth, idiot.

Honestly these flat earth threads are some of the best bait I've ever come across. And for the people that believe this, I genuinely feel sorry for you. Every single day by use of technology we prove the earth is round. We've been to space, and to the moon, retards. If round earthers made up gravity, then explain it in your own words? What exactly happens when I drop something and it falls to the ground? How can you explain gps, a series of satilites that orbit the earth that people use every day? Fucking fish eye lens on other planets so they look like spheres? Have you ever used a fish eye lens you retards? That shit looks round, sure. But not a damn sphere, get the fuck out. Also, if the atmosphere is what is distorting our view, shouldn't each planet look different because of their different atmospheric components? Why do they all look like spheres then, if their chemical compositions are different for every celestial body? What is holding the atmospheres in place? Gravity? AtmoSPHERE. Sphere is even in the name dawg, seriously. Bait of excellent quality, true 10/10.

Get fuck off my imageboard with this stupid ass flat earth bait shit

Nobody likes you, you cunt

>I didn't read the actual post

Try again, idiot.

Fuck off, name one of your scientists faggot

Ill fucking slap your flat head son. Dont slow down society's progress by digging up ancient believes. Stop smoking weed and get a job at mcdonalds.

>thinking flat earth theory is just a "troll"
Are you retarded? Give me one good reason that proves the earth is round. I bet you can't.

OP's science advisors

Gravity my dude

Not illiterate you porch monkey the image is just outdated

ok, you made me reply.

gravity genius,

and given gravity... explain how things stay on flat earth, but flat earth does not collapse into a ball?

Gee, no shit. I didn't think we'd changed planets, you moron.

What "side"? A curve doesn't have sides. Where is the "side" of the earth exactly. Point out where the "sides" of the planet are.

Prove that the earth isn't flat you double faggot.

As we've proved from photographs and scientific study that it's round, it's down to you to give one good reason why it isn't round.

Because you can't.

>every flat earth thread

Thanks for your comment. Come back when both of your brain cells start working.

photo from the summit of everest , nuh your all wrong , the earth is dish shaped

So, if the flat Earth theory is true how it is possible to travel from Australia to South America waaaay faster than the flat Earth map would suggest?

I know about gravity, you fucking inbred. I'm asking how planes avoid ending up in space.

Soooo by your logic gravity only pushes up and down?

Obviously, gravity causes things to stay on flat earth. Did you fail physics?


The earth doesn't have "sides" because it isn't round. Not everything is about who's on what side, you know. If it was round, the sides of this ridiculous chicken egg shape would be so far up in space that they would freeze in a matter of minutes.

You are the one who is trying to prove shit here, triple faggot. Name a fucking scientist and open our minds, you big cunt

Let's see this proof then.

>inb4 "i don't need to provide the proof i just claimed i have"

Then how come when people fly from Russia to Cali going east they don't fly off the earth?

>not knowing that the earth is donut shaped
>pic related shows real footage of the meteor that killed the dinosaurs

round and flat earth fags BTFO

That was taken with a fish eye lens. The same properties of atmospheric distortion is what causes the planets to appear round and blocks light in the atmosphere when the sun is very far away, creating night time.

I'm not asking that, stupid. The OP said that if the earth was round, the "sides" would be frozen. I want to understand what the fuck he means by "sides" on a sphere.

>calls a round earth a theory
>not knowing its scientific fact
Kek stupid sheeple flat earthers

That's not how gravity works, dipshit.

It really is but okay fagboy

> I'm asking how planes avoid ending up in space.

here's a really difficult thought experiment for you.

1. what do jet engines need other than fuel?

2. what do wings need to generate lift?

3. as you go higher in altitude, what happens to the atmosphere?

Think about those three points, and see if you can find an answer as to why aircraft dont just "fly off into space"......

Sorry you're a failure OP. Only Zyclon B can fix you.

I don't have to recall one of the many renowned scientists who support this theory when I can prove it with a basic experiment. Hold up a ruler to the horizon. Does it look flat? That's because the surface of earth is actually flat, you quadruple faggot.

The earth isn't perfectly round it's more like a slight oval and he wants to know why if the earth was round the longer ends of the oval don't freeze up
(Which they do ie north and south poles)

>earth is flat because of light magic

Okay, dude.

Because the surface is flat, duh.

Explain then.

Burden of proof is on you don't just ignore it.

Then why don't planes just smash into the ground the second they take off? That's basically what you're saying.

Looks like you don't understand what you're talking about.

As a jet pilot, I can tell all of you literal fucking idiots that the world is indeed round, and you should honestly drink bleach of you think otherwise.

>Gravity pulls equally in all directions.
>Gravity pulls equally
>Gravity pulls.

I'm not a flat-earther, but kill yourself, faggot.

>If the earth was round, the sides would freeze in space.
So, North and South pole.

Flat-earth bullshit: 0
Round-earth FACT: 9001

Do your own research fagboy round earth is a scientific fact go disprove it you stupid fucking sheep

> 2016
> Flat Earth
> Muh murricans

Pulls, pushes, shoves

Kill yourself first and I PROMISE I'll go right after


you can do better

Literally the same people that believe in lizardpeople.

>i can't prove you wrong, so i'm just going to say google it

I love winning arguments.

Except the lead guy for this flat Earth shit is a Britbong.

1/10. got me to reply.

Try harder. Make your answers look slightly less dumb, to make it believable.

What point would there be in "hiding" the truth?

The north and south pole are actually one pole, it's cold there because the sun never comes close enough to melt the ice. If the earth was round, the sides would be much higher in space than the elevation of the pole because the earth is so big.

>gravity shoves



So how did guy circled Antarctica twice in that given time? According to the flat Earth map he would have to maintain a speed of 550 km/h to circle the flat Earth frozen belt twice.

I never said I couldn't I said its up too you to disprove it fuckboi

Daily reminder the earth is round

Sweet, I love the flat earth threads!

However, the real question is whether flat earthers are team Trump or Hillary??

Population control by the tip top %1


Proofed. Now disproof the 10 points

>round earth is a scientific fact you sheep

The irony is delicious.

>Except the lead guy for this flat Earth shit is a Britbong.


he died 134 years ago.

>not understand sarcasm
Sup Forums has become troll central

Your belly also looks flat if I see it from affar you quintuple fat autistic fedora faggot

Actually I'm pretty sure that the sun can melt part of the ice but only at three minutes per second. If all the ice melted then the whole flat earth would be flooded with ice and we could drown

if the earth was flat the closer you get toward the edges gravity would increase and you would tumble all the way back to the middle. vsauce did a special on this.

Sure there are lizardpeople in infinite galaxies and parallel dimensions :) but there is sure no Flat Earth in our sun system