Be honest: should all drugs be legal? Why or why not?
Be honest: should all drugs be legal? Why or why not?
drugs are bad
Everything below 30 should be legal except maybe cocaine.
As long as you don't harm anyone else, you should be able to do whatever you want to yourself because it's your body.
Where the fuck did you get these bullshit graphs?
Decriminalized, yes, legal, no. Pot should be legalized though.
So we keep the cartels and gain none of the tax money?
i don't care i just want to be the 70,000,000
Please explain your reasoning.
>it's your body
This is a pervasive belief these days, but it's packed with fascinating assumptions. For example, as a Christbro I understand that I'm only a tenant of my body (I chose neither the time it came into being, nor the details of its design), and I'm responsible to its creator for what I do with/to it.
You may be only an inhabitant of your body, but the thing is that you're the only inhabitant that it's going to have, so it is your property to do with as you please, I see no harm in allowing someone to alter their body as long as it effects no one else.
This is clearly factually accurate
You're not legally entitled to your body you fucking idiot. Only women have rights over their bodies. Men do not. See circumcision and testosterone legality for more
But I am a woman.
My apologies. I didn't mean to say adverse things to such a marvelous and gorgeous individual.
What a faggot.
I actually am a gentleman.
Sounds like something a faggot would say...
As if. You're just jealous because I am a real man who knows how to treat a woman.
why wouldnt you guys legalize all? You are proud amerifats, if someone comes and eat ur fucking face alive because he is on a trip just kill him. Thats why you guys have your free weapon laws.
Topkeks. What fucking autist 14yo made this?
What the fuck is the point of "free will" then, jesus boy?
No that's damaging government property
This is the best answer in this thread
Yeah. This. And bupe above shrooms?
Only psychedelics should be legal.
Yup, self-harm is not anyones business but the user.
Retarded chart
Yes, it's your body inject yourself with what ever you want. Just sell it over the counter. Sign a paper for hard drugs saying you are an idiot and will become an tweaker. Also cut all government funded treatment centers.
Sent from my iPhone
This chart doesn't take into account that 90% of people drink alcohol while few people ever try shrooms or lsd. I've done every drug on that chart and shrooms is the drug that made me want to kill myself
my dick has a red line harm score too
Schedule 1 drugs should be decriminalized. Everything else should be legal.
However this will never happen and is a pointless conversation. Even marijuana, will NEVER be federally decriminalized in the US. Reason being the government makes far too much money on arrests/bonds and bails/court fines/ect to ever decriminalize drugs.
If the US decriminalized ONLY pot starting Jan 1st 2017, our economy would collapse without the money made from arresting,jailing,and fining people for marijuana possession,cultivation,distribution,ect. Not only that but all the crimes connected to marijuana i.e burglary,theft,robbery,assault,murder, and so on.
So sadly Edgelords, no, drugs will never be decriminalized or legal. Ever.
>I've done every drug on that chart
Wew thank fuck summer is almost over.
its true more then half of the people in drug counseling centers are there because of court orders from marijuana possession. If you took them out of the picture most of these places wouldn't be able to operate.
i see what you did there
Exactly. Not only counseling centers, but jails, prisons, private sec rehab centers, law offices, bail bondsman/agents, the list goes on. All these establishments would be crippled without the money from just marijuana related crimes.
suboxone is worse than shrooms. the harm to other people is very low but the self harm is very high. lol suboxone is fucking awful for you.
First you must realise that you will never stop drug use, we have always used them and will continue to do so.
With that in mind, you have the choice of who sells them:
Prohibition = Criminal networks (mostly)
Legalisation = Licensed businesses
Which is better?
Everything should be legal. Your body your choice. Any restrictions on legality is arbitrary and therefore bullshit.
Regulations should be similar to alcohol; no driving, shooting firearms, operating machinery whole under the influence. You should be held accountable for your actions while under the influence.
I don't use any substances or smoke. Only occasional drinks when we go out.
I'll direct you to my own post. The government makes MUCH more money fining people for drugs than they would selling the drugs themselves.
Prohibition = massive fines the people have no control over
Legalization = people demand lower priced drugs or get them cheaper illegally making the gov lose money
Which one do you think the government thinks is better?
>makes a ton of money
>to jail and prosecute offenders
Shut the fuck up dude. You have no idea. The money made from the prosecution and fines is used to issue more prosecutions and fines. It is a goddamn feedback loop, with barely any profit being made. Get your pseudo intellectual bullshit out of here.
>Everything should be legal. Your body your choice.
I disagree. I would say under the constructs of the U.S. Constitution its clear that the country has no place for purely disastrous acts.
I agree with the sentiment. As the preamble of the Constitution sets out to uphold the welfare of the public, I too see it fit that unruly behavior be quelled.
Some things can be rationalized, but I hardly think most things that are currently illegal should become legal.
did it three times no problems at all everything was great
You don't realize not everybody is as smart as you. If all drugs were legal and at easy access every 18 year old retard would go to the store buy some LSD then proceed to lose his shit.
Hahahahahaha top keks.
Why the fuck do you think the lawmakers keep it like that if no ones making money then shitforbrains? It costs nothing to 'issue more prosecutions and fines' compared to the money they make from the fines. You are a fucking autist if you actually believe these institutions aren't getting rich off of "criminals".
In principle this makes sense, but drugs that can make you addicted and/or make you completely incapable of making reasonable choices and/or put the user at serious harm after only a single use are generally not worth it to be legalized because they can't really be used unproblematically. Everything else (which is the majority of drugs, anyway) should be legalized though.
This. On a society scale, jailing and prosecuting people is even a MASSIVE losing deal. Overall, by legalizing, they make more money, especially if they sell them themselves, which they should do anyway.
Hahahaha top keks
>mfw you actually think they make money off of it
They keep it on the books tard, because the prohibition of marijuana is tied to an international treaty which will require reworking between multiple nations and will take years to complete. Get a clue man, or is life easier when you feel like there is some shadowy conspiracy keeping you from like totally maintaining your buzz and flow ayyy lmfao.
Look at colorado and oregon, theyve made money of legalizing the drug, you cant claim they make more keeping it illegal.
Yeah, freedom is a scary thing, but i would take more freedom than less of it. There are plenty of people who function fine using some hardcore drugs, everyone can be an addict to something, and there will be an adjustment period for people because everything has been off the table so long, but when you make shit legal, drug use actually goes down in the long run
You're pretty naive if you think everything everyone does is a reasonable action they do out of personal gain. A lot is done for that, but very often it's just a simple combination of uninformedness and/or political correctness.
They do weed is the 1# drug that keeps the jails full, every person who's in jail will be on probation when they get out and 80% of the time they'll smoke a joint and end up back in jail for 6 months.
Different people make money off of it being illegal, youre private prisons and officers making carrer making busts. The whole dea would be disbanded if all drugs were legal, so there goes a lot of peoples jobs. There are a lot of people fighting to kwep it illegal so they can keep making money off of it
>I've done every drug on that chart
And I thought I was a degenerate
>Shrouds is the drug that made me want to kill myself.
Problem here is different drugs affect individuals in different ways.
I had fun on shrooms.Alcohol is the drug that gives me suicidal thoughts.It's subjective
What's stopping an 18 year old retard getting LSD under prohibition?
Regulation will allow a high quality and properly dosed product. Education on how to use drugs and safety precautions will be easily accessed.
Fucking autocorrect
And i guess it costs no money to keep prisons running, to keep probation officers employed, drug test is free as well huh? Yep totes money in the bank yo.
And different people lose money on it.
Why is it the dumb marijuana legalization advocates will talk about the money lost on the drug war, and then talk about the money these shadowy people make. Which is totes more than lost bruh.
I'm one of those guys that thinks it probably just depends on the drug. Weed, ecstasy, shrooms, etc. should obviously be legal. And you could make a case for things like coke.
>and there will be an adjustment period for people because everything has been off the table so long
There's no adjusting to highly addictive drugs that literally rot your brain.
After a single use of cocaine or heroine irreversibly damages the brain.
There's no reason to allow a populace to freely stupefy themselves.
Also, certain drugs become too addicting because they alter the brain in such a way that it can not feel normal until another dose is consumed. Addictions such as food, gambling, or anything else in that genre are wrought purely of people's desire; their mind is not reconstructed to yearn for those things chemically.
It's harder to get thus less people will use it. Not to mention the businesses who will get lawsuits up the ass when they sell a kid lsd and he jumps off a bridge. The same reason we have speeding limits it's not because it's unsafe to drive fast it's because if speeding limits didn't exist there would be car crashs non stop
Wew the autism is strong with you Samefag.
>they keep it on the books tard
>prohb marijuana tied to int treaty requiring reworking of multiple nations
>shadowy conspiracy
Are you really this simple, jack?
There's no fucking conspiracy behind our government wanting to make money. Literally everything it does is for money. You have apparently no clue how much any 1 drug charge or related costs you. I don't do drugs anymore so it doesn't effect me, meaning your ayy lmfao point is null and void.
If the government and private sector institutions involved were going to make more money selling dope to us, they would do it. But instead they can create their own prices for fines, and there's nothing we can do about it. You literally pay to be in jail, and if you think for one second it cost to house an inmate is higher than the return, you have serious economic autism. If they wanted to "legalize it" they would find a way around the treaty by calling the legalization something other than what it is, or just pay their way out of it, just like they do to get their way in every other situation. It's not conspiracy at all, it's fucking simple math.
Just fuck off you shitposting tard.
That's between you and god then. Even if drugs are legal you can still choose not to use them. What's that got to do with the law?
>If the US decriminalized ONLY pot starting Jan 1st 2017, our economy would collapse
Says someone who maybe passed highschool economics. What did you get? C or D?
>being this naive
I'm not the guy you were talking to.
I think you either need to clarify your point of view, or you need to examine it more.
The government doesn't make more money from arrests and fines than what it takes to process and jail offenders. It's a huge loss. I've heard that it costs around $20k/year to house one inmate here in Oklahoma. It takes a lot of fines to make up for that, especially after you calculate the rest of the expenses (legal process, police, etc.).
Certain individuals and businesses make a lot of money from the current system. Besides the obvious private prison system, there's a lot of lawyers and other people in the legal professions that make a living off drug offenders. That money mostly comes from the government.
So yeah, people are making money, but the government is not.
Are you really this retarded? The more prisoners they have (Inmates who failed probation for smoking a joint) the more funding they get.
Let's hear how I'm wrong.
>has no facts to back up his claim of if x did y people would do x
>being this paranoid
It's really not that hard to get if you know where to look. If you really want to try it you will find it.
A business cannot be held responsible for the actions of people who buy substances otherwise they'd have lawsuits all the time from people who kill themselves drinking alcohol.
>has never seen the prison system
Kek. Prisons dont make any money. At least not as much as you think
>Being this dumb
and this is why drugs can't be legal imagine if this retard ever got his hands on ectasy
>I've heard that it costs 20k year to house one inmate
Yeah first of all I call bullshit. But lets say it's true, that same inmate will pay thousands out of pocket, and guess what? The government does indeed pay for the rest, but guess where they get the money to do that? Taxpayers! We learn something new everyday. So really, the government isn't paying shit to anyone. They're making money off of jailing citizens, and covering the rest with other citizens money! Wew boy are they smart or what.
>alcohol is a drug
as a chemist I can assure you that it is not
People do sue alcohol companies, but the companies usually settle outside of court and force the peopke to sign non disclosure statements.
The govt. makes money off illegal substances yea. The economy would not collapse if it was made legal. The amount made is negligible compared to all the other sources funding the govt. All it would do is change where the money is circulating. Instead of going through the court system, it would go through state taxes and consumer spending. Different people would have different amounts of money, thats all.
I think they should be legal.
I don't do any drugs personally, I think it should be your choice though.
It weeds the scum out of society
Ive done x, shrooms, meth, etc. Im just not a faggot who thinks the prison system is a money making juggernaut
yes. and regulated. research therapeutic properties, look at history, making laws against these things only creates a lucrative market for criminals and harms civilians. prohibition of alcohol, an addictive and life threatening substance showed how apparent and disgustingly powerful criminals can become off these laws.
it's not illegal to produce/sell poison, but you can't grow a plant?
people have been stabbed to death and teh culprits get less sentences than those of people selling weed.
and it's still a multi billion dollar industry, why wouldn't you want to tax, and regulate these things? it's proven that people don't care about such a stupid law and ingest these substances. why not regulate and setup systems to make sure the sellers are holding true to their products contents. as it is you can be sold any substance claiming to be something else and there's nothing you can do about it.
imagine if someone sold milk that was cyanide?
why not have treatment centres for addicts rather than imprisoning them where they will be around more drug dealers...
the current system is fucking retarded and needs a complete overhaul.
all drugs should be illegal
especially AIDS drugs
A person who knows where to find it will already have an idea of the effects of said drug. But apparently having hard drugs at easy acess is going to help our society.... Sure there might be less drug arrests but they'll be more people losing their shit in the street and people filling up pych wards
Must be a great life when not even your own body is yours to use as you see fit. But seriously should god be real, allmighty and allknowing i can't imagine he'd get angry at you for having some fun at the very minor expense of your body which will be discarded after a max of 100 years anyway after wich eternity awaits. Lot's of people have used drugs to come closer to god and your harming no one but yourself. I mean when you look at it your way jesuits will certainly go to hell for whipping themselves to repent.
So you're saying that if the government did legalize dope, and charged out the ass for it, people wouldn't just simply buy it cheaper from non-legal sources? Take for example weapons ammunition, medicine, computer software, crude oil? Seriously, what the fuck are you even thinking?
That makes no sense.
You don't increase revenue by increasing your expenses.
Besides, the government is not a business. It does not operate like a business. Quit treating it like one.
Oh, and according to the first google link, it's $28,652 per year for maximum security, $13,647 for minimum. So the average (there's more minimum than maximum) is probably around $17k or so. Not too far off.
Besides, the real reason we don't legalize marijuana has nothing to do with costs or revenue or anything. Any politician that would suggest legalization of marijuana would be labeled "soft on crime." Unless the people overwhelmingly want legalization (I'm guessing 70% or so in the national polls for a number of years), it ain't gonna happen.
>in america men don't have body rights
Ftfy. I'm dutch and circumsized at the age of 4 cause of phimosis but no one here gets circumsized at birth except when you're a jew.
>think outliers make the whole
Oh golly gee i didnt know if a small portion of people do something that means it will completely fuck over the other thing. Oh man you totally changed my mind.
What a fucking newfag. How obvious must bait be for you to realise it
Maybe I should clarify, no, our economy would not collapse. Would it take a huge raw pounding? Yes. The amount made is huge. You have a point about money going to different places, however, the government couldn't possibly tax enough money from selling the drugs to equalize the amount currently made by the legal system. Not even close. If they did(as you may see in some previous posts of mine) people would go back to buying ther drugs from illegal sources for cheaper and the government would lose out. Guaranteed. I don't give a fuck about drug's being legal because I don't do them, however I DO give a fuck about my taxes going to pay prisons/jails/rehabs for housing kids who get caught smoking their gay little doobies and popping pills.
And you should be criminally liable for anything unlawful you do while under the influence of them as though you were sober.
Regulate the sale of it and arrest anyone trying to pass it off as having no side effects, sell to someone underage or already drunk. Same general rules as alcohol really.
You seem to think that legalising drugs means everyone will start doing them. If heroin was legalised tomorrow would you do it? Legalising doesn't mean endorsing, it's just a better way of distribution.
How do you justify the fact that the war on drugs cost America so much? Wouldnt it be fair to say that yes this revenue line is severed, but now the revenue leaking war on drugs is over? Would this not seem to equalize and make more money with legalized drugs?
Because you're grossly misinformed. Prisons have a quota for inmates they need in their prisons if that quota isn't met they lose money. Thus more inmates equals more money for prison operators
And prison operators are also law makers?
Out of principle everything should be legal with restrictions, however regulating addiction is the hard part.
On that note, could anyone tell me about cocaine addiction? Would 1g (50% pure) once every 3 months be better than the same amount in doses of 100mg spread out every few days for 3 months? How exactly is addiction born? Any experiences?
>you don't increase revenue by increasing expenses
Didn't say that? If you think sending citizens tax money through the government to federal or private prisons/jails costs them money then you must be joking
>Besides, the government is not a business. It does not operate like a business.
Okay yeah you're defiantly joking I see that now.
Yes the legislator or whoever is in charge of said state wouldn't legalize drugs that would mean less inmates and less profit for their state.
That wouldn't be the case if the companies producing the substances clearly state the potential side effects.
>thinks that would only be the outlier
How great it must be to live in imaginary fun-land
Most people would try drugs the second they have access to it. I know I would