Two episodes on tonight. Better watch them both.
Person of Interest Thread
>Root as a ballerina
I almost forgive you for the hackneyed lesbian plot, writers. Almost.
No one? No one knows that there is an episode on now?
After yesterday's horrendous episode I don't know if I can bring myself to watch another episode of this crap.
Oh what a surprise, Root gets what she wants again.
i dropped this shit show when they forced a romantic relationship between jesus and the black woman right before they killed her off. it was totally unnecessary.
This has been pretty fun so far, Root being a bitch about Shaw notwithstanding.
At this point you may as well just wait a couple of weeks and binge watch it when its done.
More cringe worthy rather then fun. Something you'd see out of a generic network show, which PoI has become.
Shame really. And despite my love for Amy Acker, there's too much of her character Root.
Damn it Amy Acker has a sexy voice.
But then we wouldn't get to experience it together!
All five of us...