Remember when you were raving about homolust Sup Forums? What changed?
Why does Sup Forums hate LGBT all of a sudden?
There stopped being Hannibal threads for tumblr to post their .gifs in.
Hannibal was tasteful homolust.
was the new season cancelled or something?
Having homosexual characters is great but when everything is forced to be lgbt then it becomes boring. I would personally like to see a big budget action flick, where the main character is gay but most of the film is about him rescuing a women (trailer, where is she, what have you done to her) yet he finds her only for information in finding his missing lover. Basically the crying game of action flicks.
Homosexuals are KINO
its bad when its to push an agenda
>these dudes are gay for each other
>these dudes were made gay because we think thats deep and emotional and progressive and because we got yelled at by tumblr, please give us an oscar
Donald Trump's got the alt-right's heads popping out of their own assholes like little, poop colored gophers.
homolust is only funny until it becomes real
>It's Donald Trumps fault.
wew lad