Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
Girlfriend broke up with me, need new wallpaper on phone

Sorry my dude. I know the feel

How about this?

thank you thank you

that's a v good one

Or this?

This okay?

sad story bro

I personally use the pink one

thats pretty rad

both look v nice


ye, would anyone want to know the story? it's a bit different from a normal break up

Here's another

Got you covered.

that's pretty dope actually

go ahead man


Sure tell it

sure why not

I got tons of these sad ish ones

tell us why brah

Then post em all, i wanna

Sorry to hear that son, that feel is the worst.
You'll make it brah, we're all gonna make it.

It's not sad, I just like it

basically we were super in love, and she's always had commitment issues and panic attacks (which i get too) but for the last few days she'd get panic attacks over how she was "confused" about what she wanted, i.e. stay or break up, and about half an hour ago she decided we should break up, but she felt super bad about and it and said she still loves me, she never wants to lose me in her life, stuff like that, but she also said she just needs time. she promised me she was serious about it all. currently she feels so bad she can't eat and i'm really not sure what to do.

more mountains

cheers mate

breakups are never fun



I snagged this one.

Personally, I'm in a situation with this girl I've had mad feelings for . Over 5 years of feelings. Finally we get v close and she tells me she loves me... just not in the way I want her to.

I'm sorry bro but she was fucking Herr tutor


Just leave her alone for a bit, make her think straight. Make sure she knows that you do not want her out of your life. If she really loves you she'll come back, not trying to make you do anything but thats what happened to me.

Good luck user we love you


This, faggot.

thank you both, and thanks, i'll be sure to do that. means a lot, thank you both

We'll now it's your time to choose, do you pursue her or let her go?

Give her time bro. Sounds like she's struggling with the idea of commitment with you because she always had issues with that. That's what she might be confused about. She needs time to figure out in her own head if the thought if not wanted to be without you is real or not. Obviously I can't guarantee what her answer to that might be, but I do think giving her time to put the pieces together is the best you can do for now. Be patient even though it's hard. Good luck man!

Just split up with my girl Sunday night. She just texted me. Haven't spoken since then. Feels good man. Let her contact you first.

idk about pursue, if she makes advances, i think will too, but i'll let her initiate them

thank you so much

this wallpaper sucks, jesus


Weeb fag

I love this




shes 100% fucking a black guy

all did good tbh. unique and convincing without emulator the prior actor