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100x less cringe worthy than "EYES I KNOW YOUR EYES I SEE YOUR EYES"
>whenever someone says the prequels are crap
just remember that Lucas used miniatures whilst JJ used shitty CGI
Cha tung ee-ma chay-choo raun ta-nee-ee-choo
>A massive practical effect miniature
Yeah, JJ used way too much special effects. I mean, he even had an animal main character that they tried to edit into a human.
Worst addition to Star Wars.
Worse than Jar Jar
Worse than oi boipassed tha characta developmunt
Worse than Hayden force ghost
Worse than Greedo shooting at all
When will Hollywood learn that the best choice is miniatures touched up with CG?
It's pure laziness.
What did he mean by this?
I know. And the fact that they made her force sensitive and super powerful...like..get your shit together JJ
Fuck me. For all his total autistic failure at writing dialogue, George Lucas knows how the fuck to compose a shot.
who /maxrebo/ here?
Every time
>JJ not only made the falcon all CGI when it was in movement, but also was lazy to not make any star destroyers as a miniature
At least Rogue One will have miniatures judging by the trailers
It was so cringey when the falcon was taking off on its side in TFA. I was like "Did anyone render this animation correctly; AND JJ approved this??"
This. At least Lucas used miniature work in Phantom Menace (it is a shame he did also use practical effects for every city; Naboo, the pod race course but later CG'd it but at least his design team made heaps of that stuff that can be found online images of).
Attack of the Clones had lots of kinography
That's easily one of my favorite shots of all the star wars movies.
All it took was three shitty movies to get a solid 3 second shot.
I remember watching this back in 2002 when someone gave my brother a disc which contained a cam rip of the film - watching this shot in such low quality with bad audio and yet it looked very epic.
>not liking sy snootles
>not liking the sense of desperate terror that pervades that entire musical number
>not liking the hive of scum and villainy
it's like you don't even care about the tatooine ambiance
avant jizz-core