This movie is about white genocide

this movie is about white genocide

>predators are strong and provide for themselves
>prey live off the land and have no formal responsibility
>over time, the predators unwittingly accepted the prey into their society
>the prey began to outnumber the predators because they mated faster, eventually reaching 10:1 ratios

fast forward

>bellweather (the jews) slithers her way into a position of power and curates a false flag with the sole intention of evoking enough of a response to kick the remaining predators out of their homeland

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please respond

>Like how the "predators" are violent savages because their ancestors were (whites enslaving and shit)

How could you draw this conclusion? They obviously meant savages as in niggers walking around on the street robbing and killing and generally acting like apes. The entire movie tries to slowly spell out for you that you as a white person you are a bigot for judging them and need to tolerate their nigging because da poor Africans can't help it.

The sheep was literally WHITE and literally Racist/Specist and wanted to remove the predators for their behavior from the society. You are saying they represent blacks LOL?

Lastly the whole thing that ended up causing the nignog behavior in the predators was a conspiracy created by the Specist/Racist sheep and was immediately solved by a right wing sheep conspiracy, unlike the real world where nigs nig 24/7 and there's no magic liberal serum that makes them stop.

jews are not white

Go back to Sup Forums you morons.

You're both wrong. While the movie obviously plays on the themes of racism and prejudice, prey and predator aren't supposed to mimic black vs. white.

The predators in some sense represent blacks because they are unfairly seen as a savage and dangerous. But they could be similar to white people in that, in past, they had an oppressive power of prey.

The prey represent white people in that they are the majority, but they also suffer from a past of being preyed on by the predators.

The "racism" isn't just limited to prey vs. predator either, there are different stereotypes and prejudice related to individual species.

yeah, this is pretty much the best interpretation.

Black nationalists and conspiracy theorists have been going on for years about the CIA bringing crack to inner city neighborhoods (as though they weren't shit in the 60 and 70s already). Its another case of Dindu Nuffin an if I did it was da MAN's fault. the Fox even gives that fucking speech

I'm surprised that #PredatorLivesMatters didn't make an appearance.

No. You are fucking dumb. The whites are not a minority, you deluded fucktard.
This movie is about the elitist jew manipulating the masses by the means of FEAR. By radicalizing muslims and criminalizing blacks it is controlling what white people are afraid off.

It's the same shit you are being played with without noticing it.

>implying the fox was being bullied by the other kids in the scouts club because he was white.

How fucking deluded are you? Seriously, cut down on this website and whatever other right wing-reactionary echo-chambers you frequent