how do you feel about girls w/ chokers?
How do you feel about girls w/ chokers?
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Dick becomes instant diamonds
Legend has it they like anal.
just girls in love with past fashion who think they are edgy....
hurr dur i is sad gurl nao?
White trash like 95% of the time.
100% they give amazing head
I strongly approve.
maybe Im just out of that age range (25) but its trashy and slutty. I cant imagine anyone other than some 19 year old rave slut wearing one.
Sexy as hell! Wouldn't touch a hoe without one [I mean, fuck those bitch ass hoes, right guys?]
I find very convenient when the dog already comes with the collar
I really don't care but if i look at it too long it starts to bother me. Like it makes my Adam's apple feel funny. I hate the feeling of something on my neck.
Worth getting herpes over
Immediately think that they drink cum like water and they have AIDS
They all definitely want rough anal in my experience.
>19 year old rave slut
exactly. wouldn't you like to fuck one of those?
>wouldn't you like to fuck one of those?
Im not white trash
black belt in sucking dick
still my thing though
sexy as f
Either their three kind of whore that gives up the pussy or they're the kind of whore that doesn't give up the pussy.
So good. Wish my gf would wear them
Depends on the girl.
I like Tessa with a choker very much.
They have a Bachelors of Slobbin' Meats
I wish my femboy slut would wear them because he would look so hot in them.
stick in the mud, that's what you are
They are the absolute best
You can search Tessadoll/Ramune/Tessa Cazabon/Drakillya for lots more, including nudes that I'm censoring because she was 25 at the time they were taken, give or take a decade. ;)
then why the censoring, if i may inquire?
>give or take a decade. ;)
It's a lot more taking than giving, if you catch my drift.
oh shit didn't catch that. my bad
A+ #1 super star
chokers are the black belt for sucking dick
I immediately assume they can deepthroat
Legal, but choker-less.
Like I wanna choke em duh
this is a boy.........a sexy boy
degenerate faggot.
id still fuck him
Stupid attention seeking basic bitches.
This is false sadly.
The only girl I know who wears a choker like in OP actually has herpes, fucking kek. Super accurate.
I feel like they time travels here from 90's
They fuck good and all, but shit their personalities vary. Usually on the shit side.
Edgy af
Chokers turn me on in an unbelievable way. A girl's hotness goes up massively if she's wearing a choker. I have no idea why.
my girlfriend wears a choker and we both have herpes too. not even joking.
Who doesnt herpes these days.
It's like a school-girl outfit, but more subtle.
It seems like something someone inoccent would wear, but in actual fact they want you to choke the shit out of them while you pulverize their cervix with a pepper grinder.
Hate them unless they're on a girl who looks like she's from tumblr. Skinny, blue hair, choker, etc etc. Hot af.
the ultimate choker
My dick wants to plant it self firmly in their vagina when I see a girl wearing one. Also, 9/10 times they're a slut who puts out easily.
They make me want to grab them by the hair and throat fuck them
>not asking for it.
Me. Because I'm not a fucking homo that swaps spit with every person in a 20ft radius. Don't project your degeneracy.
Hhhhhnnnnggggg. Muh fuggin dick
Chockers are just black belts at sucking dick for thots
5 in 6 people don't have herpes. That's who. It's not ideal, user.
This. No one else is getting this right.
You need to go back to whirrrlstarr please.
Fuck u
i like em.
makes girls look like robots and you could just unscrew their head or something.
Not bad
Stupid slut
Creepy et weird
damn yo
ok I'm late to this thread but I just wanted to talk about something I've noticed about chokers.
I'm somewhat knowledgeable about cp. I'm not going to go in to how I know but chokers have appeared in cp on a regular basis since the 90s. An unusually high number of subjects in cp wear chokers.
Now you can derive your own theories for why that is but, for me, I recall an account I had read years ago of a daughter who was regularly sexually abused by her father her whole life. In her account she said that she was almost powerless against her father from doing what he wanted to her body. But she took a small comfort in the fact that she was able to keep an article of clothing on herself while he molested her.
He would take off all her clothes and have sex with her but she kept her choker on. And that let her have some sense of control. She felt like he couldnt have her completely. Like she kept some part of herself for herself. Her dad took off every piece of clothing but her choker was hers and not his. It allowed her to retain a piece of herself if that makes sense.
So now whenever I see a young girl with a choker I always assume she's being molested by her father.
Dubs dont lie
Underrated insight. Thank you, CP user.
Ya mean thot collars?
Amelia Pond anyone?
Cunt is for fucking.
>dresses in a way that shows off her body, likely for her own sexual satisfaction
>is somehow now required to be open to having sex with any guy in the vicinity that wants to do it
I have never understood this meme.
they are awesome