Hey Sup Forums psychologist in the making here, come here, take a seat user tell me what's troubling you?

Hey Sup Forums psychologist in the making here, come here, take a seat user tell me what's troubling you?

Other urls found in this thread:


Drug dealers looking for me for their money, born in 92 family doesn't understand me. Have to live a fake life in front of other family, kinda wanna die.

I feel like I'm an empty husk. I just exist.

Can't sleep. Help me doc

i think my GF its pregnat

Your family knows you're doing drugs user? Maybe that's a probable cause for the masks you put on for them

Significant other doesn't want to fuck as much

I can't decide if I want to stay with my high maintenance girlfriend. I don't really have a good argument to give her if I break it off

For how long has it been like this user? Wild guess you're very routinary man.
Fap, go out and take deep sync breaths with your favourite music or maybe try some delta soundwaves (search on youtube) to help you sleep.
Shieeet, don't make assumtions user. Maybe it's just a psychosomatic thing.

Not OP, but always a no.