Fluffy thread
Fluffy thread
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I love fluff, it feels great
that john is way to clean lol, keep em coming
Why do fluffies have big human like tits?
for that user that posted this background on the last thread, it's up in the booru already so kudos on your first impromptu collab
the perverts at Hasbio maybe?
Human dna
dunno, maybe some psycho-sexual thing? it's too ingrained into the community to fall back, but I guess it's what a shaved, engorged, pink-skinned horse tit would look like
this one is all-round perfect man, it covers all bases from the names that make you imagine how the fluffs looked like when they were... complete... to that final abusive line about huggies making everythin better...
I could only dream of coming up with something like that
too mush tummie owwies, nee nummies... sowwy no-so-pweety babbeh....-
most people dont like carnivious' stuff for no reason, I mean, his stuff is pretty original and the style, which is the biggest complaint the commenters have, is a perfect interpretation of the author's stance towards fluffies as despicable. awful individuals...
personally I was inspired by this kind of art, even if everyone bitches about it
I beg to differ on the "greate grip" part, that shit looks like it will hurt your hand in prolonged abused sessions
lost... i dont know why either
fluffies are designed to be perfect companions
why would baby fluffs know how to read?
Certified Nigger
Found the newfag.
These are okay but does anyone have anymore where the babies or mamas get lippy with daddy, then get rekt? Those are my favorite.
>replying to b8
>being this summer
>Thinks I give a shit about it being b8 or not
Nice try user.
A couple of ones I hadn't seen before. Nice.
In general, I prefer it when fuffies suffer for one of the following reasons:
1: Greed
2: Pride
3: Stupidity
4: Just plain ol' misfortune.
To be fair, that fluffy accepted his failure and was prepared to uphold his part of the agreement.
Legit_Mizard here, dumping Sprite.
>Ice fishing
>thin enough for a fluffy to fall through
All of my wats
Sprite seems to be a combination of unlucky and impressionable.
Pretty much. Sprite's mishaps are inspired by old cartoons like loony toons.
why is sprite so badly drawn
I'm a beginner using mspaint. Sprite is some of my More early work.
Here's my most recent work. I got a lot of hate for it.
Like how roaches know how to read 'roach hotel'?
That's actually a good inspiration.
Those old cartoons weren't always exactly child-friendly.
Hmm... "Poop-Eye" and "Bwuto" duking it out in order to settle who gets to give "speshul huggies" to "Owive"?
I don't hate it but I find it somewhat unclear who/what is killing the fluffy?
Bozdo? The Goblin?
this shit is weird and fucked
Trips for truth.
It is weird and fucked but sometimes hilarious.
Oftentimes it's just a mix of edy faggots going "Hurr, im so kewl im hurtan the kyoot fluffs" and "oh noes saev de little shitting ingrates"-hugboxing.
Some of the art is also surprisingly good. Sometimes...not so good.
I enjoy a good plot, whether abuse or hugbox.
Fluffy fights seem to be one of the most recent trends on the Booru.
Check out the red baron chronicles on the booru.
For being so piss weak, fluffies seem quite adept at offing one another.
He is getting killed by a defective form of fluffy called a Jellenheimer
Nah man I actually get off on the thought of abusing small creatures. Obviously this is a lot more legal than cutting off a puppies legs, so here I am.
Still waiting for someone to make my requested fluffy comic about a floating fluffy with 200 IQ that can explode people with its mind
(but is even squishier and more vulnerable than a normal fluffy)
Aha, so that's what it was.
I have a completely different take on what a Jellenheimer is and why it exists.
I'd compare to humans vs. Bears In hand-to hand combat. Humans can fuck each other up, but they have nothing on bears.
Holy shit that pic.
I can see the appeal.
Since it is frowned upon slaughtering kids (who often are exceedingly annoying), using imaginary creatues to vent one's frustrations is a sensible tool.
man, this one gives me feels
Man, li'l Gerald sure had a rough life. I remember reading that comic a while ago.
I wonder if the dude who makes the Mocha-story will ever get around to finish it.
Or McGonagall, for that matter.
There's a whole story behind this picture. A whole, poorly written story.