An open letter to Sup Forums

An open letter to Sup Forums
I understand that terms like "fag" and "gay" are often used in a "joking" manner. When you use them, you probably don't do so maliciously and certainly not in a way to purposely offend or insult homosexuals. You, like many, may use the words without even thinking twice about it. Sometimes it just slips, it's an easy, long since accessible insult. It's almost a habit, right? Well, even if this is the case, it doesn't make it okay.
First of all, let's start with the obvious fact that "gay" often doesn't even make sense in most contexts in which it is used to describe something or someone. Take for example when you are hanging around with your friends and you say something along the lines of, "Why won't you come out tonight? Stop being gay." There is nothing gay about staying in. You mean antisocial? lazy? Is there really no better adjective you can find in your brain to use one that is not only more politically correct but also more accurate for the point you're trying to make?
To you, it may be "just a word." If so, you are fortunate. A lot more fortunate than others who have a lot of pain and suffering tied to it. Sure, it's not a big deal to everyone, but just because it doesn't affect some people doesn't mean it isn't your obligation to care about who it may and why.

Be responsible. Hold yourself accountable. Pay attention to the words you use, the way you articulate yourself, and be aware of how the things you say may affect people around you. At the very least, understand the meaning it has for other people in our society before deciding not only whether or not you have the right to say it, but what feeling entitled to do so says about you.

You may not be homophobic. But saying you are "just joking" or only saying it to people who aren't gay doesn't absolve you of blame. You may not be able to solve the issue of homophobia in our society. But what you can do it make sure you aren't consciously or not contributing to it.


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Sorry I offended you, faggot

Fuck off faggot

Shut the fuck up you nigger faggot, bet you are just a cum choking slut. Go back to the kitchen where you rightly belong.

oh yes holy tumbler we will do whatever you wi-

If you think you can just post that and expect anyone to listen then you are nothing but an sjwfag with no logic or actual experience from Sup Forums .

lol why would you ever give words so much power you tard



op is infact a faggot