B, What do you think about burkini?

b, What do you think about burkini?


It's stupid as fuck I'm not hating on the religion I'm hating on how ridiculous the garment looks it's stupid

looks like she's going for the gold medal this year

It's someone's fetishist. Who the fuck cates what you or I think? This is why you are a faggot, OP.

I think all muslims should die.

About what France is doing or in general?

It's stupid, inhumane and shows that Islam isn't religion of peace.

Also all muslims pls die of cancer

in general

I'd be fine if people chose to wear that fucking ninja suit, but my guess is there isn't much choice involved a lot of the time

or rather its the choice of "cover up or your male family members murder you"

i've always found the whole rationale behind the hijab to be insulting. That somehow if I see a woman's hair or exposed skin I'll magically turn into a rape machine.

Most religions are cancer. Islam just happens to be exceptionally cancerous.


>if I see a woman's hair or exposed skin I'll magically turn into a rape machine.

This is what SJWs actually believe. SJWs = muslims

Good point!

difference ?

Yeah, this dude is right. There is no choice whether you want wear this or not. Also in loots of countries in summer there is 30+ degrees. Imagine how overheated must those women be. Fucking animals.

Women voluntarily become nuns.
Also, nuns aren't terrorists.

I've never seen a nun behead someone.

Nuns don't go swimming in that


You need to get out more

No, that's why all religions are cancer. In this case only nuns are wearing those sheets. In case of sandniggers all women must wear this.

They're not wrong in some ways.

Girlfriend spent time in Turkey, and was CONSTANTLY fucking followed and sexually harassed by random assholes

Even here, in the states, random assholes will follow her or randomly proposition her if i'm not right there.

i don't know much about SJW shit, but its not much to ask to be left the fuck alone

Well on one hand I'm all about freedom and shit. People should be able to do what they want. I'm also not racist or anything and I actively try not to be.

On the other hand I hate all religions and dislike any religion that actively tries to push back social progress by getting people to beleive in dumb shit like the earth being 6,000 years old and that women need to wear a bunch of dumb shit cause men are too insecure to keep their women.

So i mean I'm kinda torn. I may be different from more Sup Forumstards cause I'm not a hateful racist asshole and I don't hate Muslims for simply not being white. I honestly don't like alot of what Islam stands for, but to be honest I don't like what Christianity stands for either so I guess I'm pretty fair. Any organization legislating or enforcing oppressive, regressive shit I strongly dislike and am against.

So maybe in the long run im against this but for non racist reasons.

i spent time in saudi. i never got why the women had to wear black. if you're going to wrap them up in fucking sheets, at least use a color that reflects heat

saudis aren't the brightest bunch, which would explain why they paid to bring a guy like me into the country to do work for them

i don't care or understand why anybody else does
looks safe enough

What work did you do and why is that a bad thing specifically? Tell us more about their culture and try to keep the racism to a minimum cause it makes you sound retarded and lowers your credibility.

it's basically a club, and they have a rule. if you leave, they have to kill you.

doesn't seem like a club anyone should join.

also the club founder fucked a child and murdered a bunch of people, but you're supposed to overlook that somehow.

don't join the islam club. it's not a good club

If your all "science" is based on koran you (as a sandnigger) will pay others to do your shit, because you are too stupid. And they can't wear other color because when you are not wearing black sheet wrapped over your all body (I'm waiting when they'll be forced to wear googles XD) you are just fucking slut. Wearing other color than black = slut, bitch, human sexdoll.

I don't support people signing up with any religion. You're willing to give up your rationale to support an ideology without thinking. Potentially you could be lead to beleive anything and forced to support anything because you're not supposed to question divine law. Giving up my ability to think is pretty retarded to me.


It has alot to do with respect which is something alot of people don't have for one another. Alot of assholes are against the whole SJW movement because they don't feel as though they need to respect other people and their boundaries. Mostly becuase they're selfish pricks with low self esteem.
Granted some of it has gotten out of hand (mayonnaise is not a gender) but the overall message is well intentioned. Too many guys are taught since birth that they have to get a wife, be the bread winner and if they have enough money or they say the right thing or if they gather up enough friendship tokens they can cash them in for pussy or over ride a girls senses and trick her into fucking you . There's no way in their world that their ugly face or personality should be a stumbling block and if they follow the "rules" they're taught they should be entitled to pussy and not have to change themselves.

Look at all these fedoras tipping in unison.

Man, they told you that we don't like sandniggers because they are not white? You must live in USA. We don't like islamniggers because their beliefs are oppressive, they oppress everybody and try force everybody to believe in their fucking unicorn shit. They are terrorists. People who talk that they are muslims and they don't want kill other religions members (or atheists) are simply not muslims or liars. I hate Islam because its religion where you can rape, kill, and threat other people. Those "I'm muslim and i never killed anyone because it's religion of peace and now I'll read you verse of coran which tells to love people and also intertwine with verses about killing the infidels but I never read this because I ignore how many violence is in this book" people are not muslims. There is verse in coran where Mohamed says that you can lie infidels, you can even tell them you are not muslim. THIS IS WHAT IS ISLAM.

network support for the saudi national oil company, Saudi Aaramco, through a contracted American company (Saudi aaramco started as an american company as well)

you spend most of your time in a little enclave. there isn't much else to do outside of it.

>Tell us more about their culture

what's to tell? they're hardcore theocrats who lucked out because god decided to put some of the most easily accessible liquid money right under them. if not for the oil, they'd still be a bunch of tribals running around the desert killing each other.

they practice an absurd level of gender segregation and it makes things a minimum 2x times harder than they have to be. There are something like a few thousand "princes" running around doing fuckall whatever they want because they're the child of the fifth wife of the king's half brother or whatever nonsense.

they keep talking about diversifying their economy but i really doubt that'll happen.

arab culture (meaning middle east and north africa) is based around honor, and its not honor as you or i understand the term. when they say honor, they mean pride and they mean "how other people see me." Pride comes first, and everything takes a backseat to that. which is where you get situations like a dad or brother killing their female family members

it's a combination of stupidity and ignorance. college is free but most everyone just gets an islamic studies degree, which is fucking useless, so you've got a bunch of women who aren't allowed to work, and a bunch of men who lack the skills to work and generally view manual labor as beneath them (hence why they just import foreign labor to do anything heavy like construction or anything the locals can't or won't learn how to do themselves)

Because people aren't into religion? If you want to beleive that there's a flying sky fairy out there that let's you stay up as late as you want and eat all the cake and ice cream you want then go ahead. Just don't legislate your bullshit and keep your fuckery in your own home and spare the rest of us your delusions.

I respect your right to be a crazy fuck in your own home, and you respect my right to go about my day without seeing your Crooked bullshit.

calling r34 on this people. Give it up.

Pretty fascinating insights actually. Learned alot from that. Heard alot of the dudes there are gay too cause they can't get pussy and they all want Virgin wives. Is that true? What's it like being a foreigner there?


> implying I'm religious

Triggered much?

I dont like religion at all. Im also against showing your religion outside your own home and religious places. I think this 'burkini' retarded but at the same time i should not restrict someones freedom of what they wanna wear and what they believe in just because i think their religion is retarded. I rather look at how good i look than looking at what others wear and judge them.

The fact you call them sandniggers and not islamists and the fact that there are Christians doing similar shit doesn't really make your case that it's just about the religion. There are plenty of violent backwards ass Christians ( and probably even jews if they're from Israel) that murder and rape ( mostly murder) and set social progress back for everyone as well.

The whole sandnigger thing only emboldens them. It demeans them. Ultimately we are at a point where we are having an ideological war and if you're opening Salvo to enlighten people who are obviously backward starts with a tirade of racist epithets then you're doing it wrong and this is why you're losing.

I dislike all abrhamic religions pretty equally. You need to separate the racist shit from the criticism of the bullshit religion tho or no progress is gonna be made.

>i should not restrict someones freedom of what they wanna wear

so it's okay for their fathers, husbands and brothers? They wear that shit or run the risk of being killed in the name of family pride.

Am exmuslim the muslim world wants me dead but im sitting here ordering bacon on my burger. I mean i might also behead people if ididnt get to eat ribs

What is France doing..?

That's the dual edge sword of freedom.

It's shitty that women have to wear that if they are Muslim, but people can't have their freedom fucked with.
The only way you can change this with tolerance and hopefully showing them how stupid they are. The problem is, for men this is an MRA's wet dream. You can boss women around as much as you want and they can't leave you or they'll die. There's no reason for any man to want to relinquish or leave Islam because of all the perks it gives him. Men have a strong influence on women and Arab culture so it's probably going to be very difficult to make change.

You are right if they actually get forced to wear that its retarded and those people should prolly be jailed. But there are also retarded women who wear that shit without being forced to. In that case i dont wanna restrict anyone. I respect the law.

>Heard alot of the dudes there are gay too cause they can't get pussy and they all want Virgin wives.

I have no idea about the dudes being gay. I do know that if they catch you doing that shit, you're at minimum getting fucking lashed, if not outright murdered.

Inside the Aaramco compound, the rules are a lot less strict. It's mostly foreigners or Saudis who don't give a fuck. The government needs that place to run well so they look the other way on a lot of stuff like alcohol or women walking around not totally covered up (just mostly)

From what I heard (never saw because I didn't fuck around out in actual Saudi...not trying to die), plenty of shit goes on behind closed doors.

You'll see men walking around holding hands, and that's normal for them. You stop noticing it after a while.

I knew one guy who went to Riyadh to see a beheading in chop-chop square. I never went. Never wanted to either. I don't need to see that shit.

>What's it like being a foreigner there?

Outside the little enclave, it's...interesting. You're going to stand out because hey, you're a foreigner (if you're white), but also ignored in a lot of ways because Saudis don't see foreigners as being people. If you're one of the southeast asian or african laborers they bring in to do heavy manual work, you're less than shit and the equivalent of a slave.

We were always told (over and over) not to fuck around, or give anyone a reason to pay attention to us and that always struck me as good advice.

Also, don't drive. Saudis treat driving like fucking real life GTA.

Several towns are banning burqinis and burqas. A few islamists got into fights when people took pictures of their sand people garb becuase Muslim mean are extremely insecure about their masculinity and their ability to hold onto their proper...i mean wives.

I think it's banned on Rio beaches.

You ever felt scarred or threatened? Did you ever make any Saudis friends? They sound like rich stuck up assholes. Any other insider secrets or other weird shit?

Muslim men always seemed really insecure and petty to me.

all relligions are fucked. People who believe in their imaginated deitities are fucking morons.
No matter if white, black, yellow or shitskin.
That's because of you stupid retards why there are people killing each other.

Are you married? Did you fuck anyone while over there? You know anyone that got into trouble?

And you think I like religions? I stopped calling them humans when one of this animals/sandniggers/islamnigger beheaded woman in my city. For people like you only white people can be racists. You assumed that i don't like them because they are not white right at the begging. Sorry m8 but you are racist too :>

You see. In Christian book, or in Jew book there is nowhere write that its ok to rape other. And when some christian in christian country rape some woman they go to jail. In Arabic countries woman go to jail for adultery. Pope Frank never told that you can kill others if they are not into your religion. This Jew guy never told "Yeah, its ok when they are not Jews". And I can use all epithets I want in dialog with people which call me fedora, racist and shit.

Verify your arguments and then try to tell me that I'm only racist here. And no, my hate is not based on their skin color.


Exactly this. I have nothing against if women wear this voluntary.
But they are forced into earing hijab, burka, burkini by their mudslime husbands

I'd rather we banned muslims, but I guess it's a start

Maybe she shouldnt dress like a slut

You can't because you can't ban ideas. You can only counter ideas with other ideas. Even if you killed alot of them you could never kill them all. The idea would still live and continue spreading.

>You ever felt scared or threatened?

Only when the occasional terrorist attack happened, but in that vague kind of fear.

>Did you ever make any Saudis friends?

Not in the long term no.

>They sound like rich stuck up assholes

Kind of. It's an insane amount of wealth inequality. The royals run around doing fuckall whatever they want, and most problems are solved by throwing money at it. Any public official likely has that job because he's some kind of prince.

I didn't deal with your average assholes much because there wasn't really a need to.

>Any other insider secrets or other weird shit.

If you get a chance, try their non-alcoholic budweiser apple drink. It's not all that bad. If you know the right people, alcohol isn't too hard to get a hold of. Don't risk getting caught with anything else because you'll be made an example of.

>Muslim men always seemed really insecure and petty to me

The whole culture is based around insecurity and pride. I always wondered if there was some kind of massive subconscious cognitive dissonance going on. Everyone's told how great Islam is and how Saudi and Arab society is superior, but then they're presented with concrete evidence that basically refutes that

Great example was their 50 different wars with the Israelis or whatever actual number. They're casually antisemitic as fuck and think Jews are garbage, yet you've got this tiny country of Jews who regularly fuck their shit up for them, on top of running a decent place to live (for the middle east)

or you've got europe and north america, full of decadence and sinfulness and infidels, that somehow still run everything. it's a big cognitive middle finger.

There IS a problem with bitches nowadays.
They paint their faces, lift their tits, dress like whores on duty and bitch about men drooling to their exposed sexuality.
Fucking moron retarded sluts.

She should be allowed to wear what she want. And no, I'm not talking about walking naked, we are not fucking animals.

You trying to say that islam is an idea?
It's not. It's a political movement from medieval constructed upon something that looks like a relligion but it's not one. Islam is negation of any other relligions. Hence it;s fucking retarded and if was punished with death it would die faster than you can say fuck allah.

But she is
And guys are allowed to hit on whoever they want

she IS allowed to dress as she fucking likes. But when she choses to dress certain way she should not be surprised it genarates reaction.

Ok, you won XD

So she wants to wear slut attires that make men come after her

What's the problem again?

I'm sorry you had to go through that but I'm just saying if you're serious about stopping them then you need to change your approach.
There's plenty of shit in the Bible that let's you beat your wife and murder people and shit. Those books came out of the same country and written by similar people with similar backgrounds. The differnce is Christianity moved to Rome and merged with it to become catholicism, and alot of ideas percolate in Europe so no real dominate ideology held total dominion for as long a period as Islam. People were free to find better ideas and run with them.

I get that you hate Muslims and you're probably justified but being a hateful asshole doesn't accomplish much. Like you need to show them a better path. You're fighting an idea, not people. If the only ammo you have to throw at it is, well they're sand niggers and spew hate then it's not going to change their minds. Hate them as much as you want but it won't change a thing. You can't hate people out of existence. Even if you killed alot of them you still have the idea to contend with and you can't kill every practicing Muslim on the planet at once so the idea will always be there until it's countered with another one. Until we change our approach and counter with logic and maybe some compassion to show them how stupid and backward they are it's not gonna change shit.

>Are you married?

No. Just a girlfriend here in the states.

>Did you fuck anyone while over there?

Yes, another American girl. Arab girls don't do much for me, especially when they're covered up. Also they're not going to bother with you as much. You're not muslim, and you're not Saudi. I'm sure as shit not converting for anyone.

>You know anyone that got into trouble?

Not personally no. Not real trouble anyway. The religious police (the ones from the committe of vice and prevention of virtue or whatever silly shit name) harassed some co-workers occasionally when they were out and about at malls or whatever. If you're with a woman, just pretend you're married if you're asked and you'll get left alone.

There was a story about some Brit chef who got thrown in jail for making bootleg wine for foreigners/ex-pats. he got caught in a roadside checkpoint with his car full of stuff to make alcohol. they did an episode of locked up abroad over it. I never met the guy. I don't care enough about drinking to get bent up over having a hard time finding booze.

Men get annoyed if they don't do this tho. And there's an entire industry around getting women to buy this shit, literally brainwashing them to beleive men won't like them if they don't buy all this shit . So why are you blaming the women for that? The shame shit happens to men to but in different ways. Why call them bitches and whores? Sex is what gets products to sell...

sex sells bitches buy

Looks cute XD


Yea, Islam isn't a physical location that we can blow up like sky net. So it's an idea. A human construct that people have in their heads and only lives in people's minds.

You can't punish an idea with death because that's been done before. Learn your history bro. You can't kill an idea by killing people unless you're dealing with an exceedingly tiny population. As long as a few people survive the idea will spread. How many Christian purges where there in Rome? Hell the fucking holocaust. You can't kill an idea. You can't blow it up. Don't be so fucking hateful and short sighted. Only way you can kill an ideologies is with competition.. When people find an easier ideology they stick to that. We know Zeus doesn't throw thunderbolts from the sky anymore. No one killed all the Greeks to stop that shit. People just found a better ideology and now they beleive in that.

Just leave people the fuck alone. Let women dress how they want. Look but don't touch. Don't be a fucking animal or an autist about it.

>People just found a better ideology and now they beleive in that.

Believe in my cock. That's the best one.

It comes back to respect but alot of men don't have respect for women and everything is about sex sex sex so I mean there are alot of cultural issues to deal with.

>showing them better path
>implying that musims can understand shit

There is now way to show them other path. You are assuming that they are understanding people and they think logically. I'm not talking about killing them. It would be hypocrisy, I respect value of life. As long as they are implying that islam is religion of peace its no way to change anything. As long as men in islamic religions are superior over woman its no way to change anything. As long as there religion and prophet receives them the opportunity to think critically under threat of death there is no way of change.

Islam is completely different construct based on boundless devotion and boundless faith in all that is written in the Qur'an. Islam is also the law. So if you are not boundless devoted you die. If you do anything which is not compatible with Qur'an you die.

Package it right and they might. Plenty of phallus based dieties out there.

It's a fullbody swimsuit plus hood?

Want to provide something concrete other than "el oh el ged oudda ur bazmend!"

Yeah, men who harrass slutty girls on the streets get annoyed if they don't do it.

I pesonally get annoyed when they do, and go for the natural girls with no makeup and in jeans and shirt.

the GF gets harassed in a fucking hoodie and sweatpants.

I'm told its a power thing. I guess that makes sense because i know the actual success rate of getting random women you harass to fuck you is zero.

if you aren't getting any ass out of it, then why bother? for shits and giggles?

That's the same for all religious adherents and the problem with religion in general. And yea alot of people are obstinate but honestly... And this isn't the answer you want to hear but there is no other way you can get rid of Islam without showing them a better path. Unless a meteor followed by a plague hits the middle east and kills almost everyone on the planet the idea of Islam will still be here and unless people change their minds and realize that it's stupid then nothing will change.

Like ideas are notoriously hard to kill. Not everyone can be reasoned with. It's a slow process to enlighten people and squash ignorance but honestly there's really only one way. You cant kill them all so there will always be thst idea until people realize that the idea is stupid and stop investing their time in it.

Religious people no matter what faith once they're devoted they become blind. The only thing you can do is try to show them the path and maybe a few can wake up and help spread a new idea.

Also to clarify I'm not saying Islam is peaches and cream either. Out of all the religions it's probably one of the more shitty ones.

It would be silly if they wore it out, but for swimming I think it looks neat. The reason for wearing however, hrm.

Just looks like a dive suit. Don't see the issue. I guess its about what it represents rather than how it looks.

Power and desperation. Men are taught that if they say the right thing women might magically drop their pants but alot of the time men just also to do it to assert authority and power over women. It's kinda like when big Kids pick on little kids at school. If they weren't fat gross slobs they could just get pussy from Craigslist or some other hookup site.

I wouldn't know, I don't talk to women because I don't leave my house

That's unfortunate. Why not?

Saudis also have massive superiority complexes. They treat other middle easterners and indians like literally trash because they think saudis are the apex group and then flaunt their wealth in white countries, damaging property and threatening law enforcement before fleeing back to their safe space. I'm pretty biased already against muslims but I really fucking hate saudis. They're the most superficial faggots on the planet right next to armenian women.


Making women feel uncomfortable about their body and cover up is extremely medieval thinking that should not be tolerated.
However, no one dare critisize this thinking because then "you're being a racist biggot."

Best way is just deport all devoted muslims to niggerland, make big walls with soldiers and machine guns and occasionally kill those idiots trying breach. It works in Israel

You see. I was forced to be christian (baptism) and I know one thing. Christianity don't give a shit about bible. They use bible when its comfortable and ignore it (or tell everybody that this verse is metaphor) when its not.

Islam is all about the literal interpretation. This is totally different than in christianity when rulers changed meaning of bible and
the value of the individual books of the old and new testament. In Islam you have one book and one interpretation.

Ok Ahmed

saudis are kind of famous for that. they look down on other arabs too.

the ones i worked with were generally well educated and not too insufferable, but again, they had to be if they were working with aaramco.

>They treat other middle easterners and indians like literally trash

the big not-secret is that arab unity is a joke. arabs fucking hate each other, especially amongst different nationalities. Saudis are the top of the arab social ladder. egyptians are somewhere in the middle/bottom. I never figured out where lebanese, syrians fit into it. Qataris are middle/top. Not sure about Kuwaitis. Yemenis are towards the bottom.

Palestinians are the lowest of the low. They're the arab equivalent of gypsies in europe, but they lucked out because they happen to hate Jews just a bit more.

Oh sure, your average Saudi will wail and gnash his teeth over the palestinian situation, but they've done fuckall to actually help them and most Saudi men would sooner kill their own daughter instead of letting them marry one.

Most Arabs hate palestinians. they just hate jews more.

>and indians

the indian thing is just they're just cheap, expendable, imported slave labor.

they treat bangladeshis and malays like shit too, and those guys are actual muslims. go figure.

>Implying nuns swim with bikini >when there are men around

Burkini Faso?


>death to a muslims
>triggered when someone wears a burka

Is this fucking tumblr ?

>woman doesn't show her goods because she wants to be respected
>aaarrggh can't be a perv and jack off to her creepshots

Also hijab creepshot thread

who cares?
I have no sympathy for Muslims. If you are dumb enough to follow that religion, you deserve everything bad that happens to you as a result.
