b, What do you think about burkini?
B, What do you think about burkini?
It's stupid as fuck I'm not hating on the religion I'm hating on how ridiculous the garment looks it's stupid
looks like she's going for the gold medal this year
It's someone's fetishist. Who the fuck cates what you or I think? This is why you are a faggot, OP.
I think all muslims should die.
About what France is doing or in general?
It's stupid, inhumane and shows that Islam isn't religion of peace.
Also all muslims pls die of cancer
in general
I'd be fine if people chose to wear that fucking ninja suit, but my guess is there isn't much choice involved a lot of the time
or rather its the choice of "cover up or your male family members murder you"
i've always found the whole rationale behind the hijab to be insulting. That somehow if I see a woman's hair or exposed skin I'll magically turn into a rape machine.
Most religions are cancer. Islam just happens to be exceptionally cancerous.