Any highschool tips for a freshman
>inb4 MODS
Any highschool tips for a freshman
Chances are these years are going to be shitty on you. Kids are awful and the anxiety of impending adulthood is hard. Whatever happens in your school doesn't mean shit, you won't know 99% of those people in 5 years. Just try not to take yourself or anything too seriously, and if you're having a hard time remember, there's always college.
Find a big, mean senior and suck his cock so,he'll protect you from bullies.
start watching le funny youtubers to fit in with the kids
ie leafyxDDD
>Find a big, mean senior and suck his cock so,he'll protect you from bullies.
Sounds like a reasonable plan
It's is no where as shitty or as amazing as everyone says. Basically doesn't matter
you're already on Sup Forums, not in hells name are you going to get friends.
Kill yourself and come back in 4 or 5 years when you can post in Sup Forums like a sensible adult.
watch anime and join the anime club
Play Pokemon red in the middle of class on a game boy color
>watch anime and join the anime club
They do actually have an anime club.
But it's cringey as all fuck
Get off Sup Forums, you'll have plenty of time to hang out here when the depressing reality of adulthood hits you. Underage b&
They're all cringey as fuck. I went to a meeting when I was a student once; the second I walked in I wanted to bolt. You could literally take a knife and cut the air with it. Just find a group of people to hang out with and stick with it. You'll make friends in your new classes trust me. Unless of course you're a total fucking loser.
kys XD
I know
I went to one out of curiosity
i swear I didn't think it'd be that bad
Highscool is great if you have a sense of humor. Be able to laugh at yourself and don't sweat the small stuff. If you have friends from before don't be an asshole and try to drop them to reinvent yourself but if they're really shitty people as you make new friends you'll just eventually just drift apart. If you focus on just being a good person and being friendly and talkative even if you're a robot you'll be fine.
Also sports, join soccer or something. If you can pull it off do a sport a season, I did 3. If you can't handle pressure or being the focus just join the swim team or the track team where they're normally a lot larger.
As I said, emulates how I felt. And they all take it so seriously. As my friend once said... They're all TRASH.
* keep ur mouth shut and ur eyes open.
* work out regularly and read plenty.
* when interacting with women listen. carefully. and. attentively.
* don't be a dick
tell girls,
''hey nice bum, where are you from?'' :)
Take as much math and science as possible. Take your learning seriously. High school is fucking garbage, but a quality education is not impossible to get if you apply yourself and go the extra mile. I have spent five years after high school trying to get myself academically to the place i could have been if i actually tried in high school. If you do well you are on a fast track to opportunity after high school.
Get a job as a dishwasher or something in a restaurant the minute you can find a job. Restaurant gigs are really fucking nice when you only have 30 hours a week to work in college. If you are good at something, even academics, you will find someone to fuck you.
Replies to these threads are painful.
All I can say is take whatever college entrance exam you're going to take seriously (SAT or ACT). Do well enough to get good scholarships and avoid student loans. Life will be so much easier.
my advice is just don't give a fuck about nobody and mind your own god damn business and you will be fine
keep your hobbies to yourself chances are they are gay
Be confident
Do subjects you are genuinely interested in.
Approach each challenge with enthusiasm.
Talk to that chick you like
Dont be that guy who tries too hard to be funny.
Most importantly just be yourself. Except if youre a furry, a weeaboo, a brony, a fedora fag etc... Dont be that guy
Another thing become mature and self aware.