Just got new laptop and installing Tor now.
Does anybody still use Tor? Where does Sup Forums lurk at in the deep webs nowadays?
Just got new laptop and installing Tor now.
Does anybody still use Tor? Where does Sup Forums lurk at in the deep webs nowadays?
Other urls found in this thread:
Use linux with it
Kali linux
yeah, just google hidden wiki to get you started, but don't expect something special on deep web
Have you seen those forums on there? Hoooooly shit.
yeah, those are something special
Im actually being serious. Anonymous as fuck
The Hidden Wiki is where I'm headed now.
I remember a lot of the links were broken last time I tried Hidden Wiki.
you can find gore even on google, as for CP, don't mess with that
the deep web has gradually died in the same way as Sup Forums has
The deep web is either overrated as fuck, or I'm just a retard that doesn't knows how to find the good shit.
Likely both - You're on 4chin, guaranteed retard
Fair enough.
Not talking about images, fuck that shit. But people talking about crimes they've committed and shit is NUTS. Also flash games on there are pretty interesting
it's hyped, that's all
>y-you can find contract killers there m9
no shit, go to some shady neighborhood and you can get same service more cheaper
It's a skill to find stuff.
My advice would be to search search engines on search engines until you're deep enough
black market is da shit
The amnesiac incognito live system.
Hell yeah it is. Best god damned drugs on the planet hands down
Just dont bother looking for cp, ive searched for it as deep as possible, think ive got myself on several lists. Only few images which i cant Be sure
is there a way to safely transfer bitcoin to solid money?
I've never bought anything off the deep web and don't know of anyone personally who has. I've always wanted to, though.
Bitcoin wallet. It's safe. Unless you're withdrawing over $50,000 it's fine im sure
Yeah just send it to me and I'll convert it for you
The drugs on there are good I'd recommend it. Safe as hell too as long as you aren't ordering with intent to distribute
go to the onion crate
should be a link on the onions subreddit
tnx m8 you rock!!! xD
LMAO flash games
top kek
how do they send it? like if i want to order a fucking gun i let them have my name and address
What's bitcoin mining? And is it legal?
It's a nickname for the purchasing of child pornography. It's totally legal.
I've never ordered weapons. I'm not the person to ask for that. But a personal use amount of drugs is safe to just give them your address. You are REQUIRED to send an encrypted message of an address. If it isn't encrypted it wont go through
yes it is, and it's a broad topic, but in short answer your CPU is doing something over a long period of time and you get small amount of BC when it's over. If you don't have right tools, don't start with this, it's just waste of time and money
I was hoping to find some of the anonymous or other hacking groups oldfags there, however, i have failed.
Kek. No
So if it's legal it must mean you are offering some sort of service with your CPU
Couldn't you just create a massive botnet and make good money that way?
Nope, it's just arbitrarily difficult computations to slow down the rate of currency production. Basically like an automatic version of the mint for real currency.
What do you want to use it for? This is a pen testing distribution not a 13yrold-deepweb-exploration distro
Yeah you can do and buy some cool stuff on the onion. But unless you've got some serious money and have trustful service-provider/seller recommendations, expect to be scammed. 99.9% of tor and hidden wiki services are scams and blackmail schemes
I was looking at it and it costs like 80 dollars to start which is bullshit
That's pretty easy to find dude. It's pretty god damn active out there too
It comes with proxychains!
Honestly i have no idea, never looked at it
Any links?
Hiddenwiki is still broken as fuck.
The "Good shit" still exists if you know where to look. Providing you steer clear of terrorist material and child pornography, you are fine to browse. The government will still watch you suspiciously as soon as you begin digging but unless its terror related or cp, they don't have a problem with curiosity.
I you'll recover that money in like a year or maybe never
It's not broken. It's perfectly optimized for scams.
Stuff that could bring the hidden wiki in trouble is purposefully made unavailable. Scams and blackmail stuff that the wiki is paid for is made available.
exactly, it pays off only if you have lots of CPU od "pro" equipment
becarefull of illegal memes, they are dangerously dank
Are you fucking serious....there's a shitload of cp on the deep web. You really don't even have to search that far to find it.
Kek way to incriminate yourself
Definitely not planning on looking up terrorist material or CP but I really want to buy some drugs.
Wouldn't mind paying to hack into some accounts but I feel like those sites are all scams.
Forgot the LEA were eavesdropping on every Sup Forums thread you retard.
Don't pay someone to hack for you. Watch 18 hours of youtube tutorial s and you'll be a pro. NEVER trust a hacker. Even if they are your friend
Riddle me this: you're a hacker capable of hacking into bank accounts and extracting the money in such a way that it can't be traced back to you. What possible motivation could you then have to give that money to someone else for less than the value you already have?
No shit they're all scams.
Wow, really? I didn't think that would actually be helpful at all. I've been wanting to get into an old Myspace account.
lmao, one look at the uncensored hidden wiki and you've found tonnes of c.pizza
I think he means, paying some blackhat hacker to hack his crush facebook account so he can accept the friend request.
OP are you 12?
Haha yeah. I'll post the channels you want to subscribe to. The shit is so easy it's retarded. Especially if it's something like getting into a myspace account
For the lulz. Duh
Yes, give him some youtube links with special required software linked in the description. Should be good.
Thanks, that would be appreciated.
Actually, it's Myspace and not facebook and I'm double the age, haha. And if I found nudes like I'm suspecting I would definitely post.
Subscribe to these guys.
>D1gg3r us
Netsecnow has literal 45 minute classes completely free
Subbing now, thank you
>TOR is not safe any more
This is the first time in 5 years someone posts deep web related shit without being fucked by everyone and getting called a newfag.
One user even posted youtube links for hacking tutorials.
I'm happy desu
Samefag here, also note before you start doing anything do this
Refer to
Like 70% of the drug markets now are scams
the rest are all in Russia and some other places (i only saw Russian sites ) and are legit
we need a new DPR
Crazy right? Early mornings are adult swim, so we can actually have productive threads
I've never been scammed. Nothing but Positive feedback
Got it
Crazy, while we're at it, I'm gonna go ahead and ask how to hack fb accounts.
>inb4 this is b8
witch one do you use?
get tales
If you really wanna buy something illegal you should install an OS onto a stick or something and use Tor from that, also an extra VPN or however that shit's called would be good, aswell. Cyber Ghost v5 is free and good, v6 blows. And as another user suggested Tales.
Mornings are the best time here tbh.
I don't do that. But as far as i know it's done with social engineering which should be easy if the owner of the account is an active user
If you have control of the majority of the relay nodes you have control of the majority of the information being sent on tor.
Bro, you have to go to a new one every month. You know that lol they always get shutdown
Is tor actually safe? I want to read up on banned books
Sure user, I'm not a summerfag thankfully.
What application do you use to infect those?
>flash games
chances are you will never be caught on tor. It always pays to be cautious though and take every precaution you can to stay hidden.
No, kali linux, fuck tales
If you're there just for banned books, you're fine, Tors danger is mostly in buying stuff really.
Money is easy to trace you see.
Sorry, I meant Tails.
Linux with Tails, installed on a USB using a VPN while surfing on Tor should be fine
Kek yeah i don't know what could possibly be the gain in hacking a FB account is. To each their own i guess
You're a retard dude
Jesus christ it's painful to think that you actually believe you know what you're talking about. This is going in my cringe folder.
Kys tailsfag
As one user mentioned previously, some want to hack their crushs fb so they can accept their own friend request.
Prove me wrong
Protip: you can't
revenge, stalking, black mail, all reasons
By caught what do you mean? In what ways is it possible to get caught? Giving personal info? Clicking on something that can get my info?
I'm not very computer savvy
>Not using Kali
Why don't you head back to plebbit?