Eternal Arsenal Thread
Captain, Leader, Legend.
>relying on a makeshift defense for weeks or rush Kosc back
having an injury crisis before the season begins is so like Arsensl
daily reminder that Arselel will not challenge for any titles this season
>people in this thread actually believe Arsenal will win the league
Good, good.
Coquelin at CB confirmed
Arsenal winning the title this year would be a Leicester tier upset
Just finished
Ugly chinks won gold
Wenger will STILL refuse to sign anyone. Holy shit LOL
Really like Elneny desu
Pray 4 Annemiek van Vleuten
Pray 4 Gabriel's death
Anything else interesting up?
I'm bored and don't feel like going to sleep just yet.
>rating elmemey
>Annemiek van Vleuten
rip in rip
confirmed signing
ty gabriel
thats why they should be your second team lad
Our women's rugby team is about to rape the Spanish
Don't know about the other countries lad
is Theo, dare I say it, back?
Seriously though what the fuck happened to goal scoring Theo. The guy was banging in the goals for us for a while.
This look is super cute on her
He was literally going RVP tier goat until the ACL against Spurs
Those goals in the 6-3 loss to city were insane. So unlike him
I agree
Is this your first time watching Arsenal and Feo?
He's always the same, 90% of the time invisible and only sometimes scores a pacebabby goal from a through ball and everybody creams themselves
dont forget comparing him to henry
Think maybe the end of last season and missing out on the Euros has made him take a good hard look at himself.
Saying he is fine playing on the wing shows some maturity, hopefully he keeps this going because he has the ability to be a great player when he is on form
>a female rugby player will never squash your head between her thighs
This has always been true except for the 13-14 goat spell
Rate Iwobi's slag
Poor, poor post.
IG whore tier
Nice bone structure though, she might look good with the makeup off
Gnabry scored
Wonder where she's from. He should have got himself a nice, Christian, Nigerian girl.
new wallpaper
He's done well there
Not really.
He's had spells where he's absolutely incredible for us. Really hit his goal scoring form post RVP then did his ACL in.
But even after the injury he was scoring, it's just been the second half of this last season that he hasn't even looked like a professional footballer. Dunno what's happened to the lad.
she has a shocking tat on her left arm
Elneny looked absolutely brilliant today I'm not gonna lie
I'm so used to her high fashion shit so she looks good in normal people clothes
Don't want to get too optimistic about Theo but he was monstrous in that spurs game and I thought he was finally fulfilling his potential, I was worried he's be trash forever when he came back. Hopefully he can salvage something
Iwobi-Wan Kenobi
>for us
stopped reading there desu
Man told you I was gonna do a madness
>next big thing for Arsenal
I think he's settled m8
Dead meme
She's caked in so much makeup she doesn't even look like a man here
That's why you think she looks good
She's hot.
Him and Xhaka starting are our only hope of handling Liverpool's high press. Coquelin will get raped
hearing that wonga's planning on hijacking the vermaelen to roma deal
year long loan with a buy on clause at the end
You'll be dead when I finish with you lad
>Yfw wonga buys James AND Isco but still no striker or CB
If she was really that hot she wouldn't be using camera angle trickery
Or be sucking her cheeks in
>He was RVP tier
He was good but let's not get ahead of ourselves now
Ridiculous amounts of makeup/10
You're a faggot
She's cute lad. She's just my type
Assuming no signings this is the best we could do
monreal gonna get one cb spot with gibbs on the left
He's prettier than her desu.
Why Elneny ahead of Cazorla? Coquelin?
Holding is better than Bielik atm
No it's not.
i thought we'd never see monreal at cb again
>Not Cazorshit
Cazorla is too slow to play with Xhaka and Coquelin too shit at passing
>Coquelin too shit at passing
you not watching coquelin recently confirmed
CIDF out
No u
Elneny looks pretty good now, he probably was told to play it safe at first
Him and coq look my preferred partnership, but you just know it will be xhaka and cazorla
Pretty sure Iwobi got her from IG.
Should have went with a lovely educated well dressed dark skin woman.
Disappointed in him.
Elneny out btw
Fucking Koreans.
Do you feel that Iwobi has taken a woman that belongs to you by opting for a non-black girl?
Some terrible opinions floating around must be the time
is iwobi better than akpom?
is he the best youf in the club?
is arsenal now ROADMAN FC?
is aj tracey > novelist?
Should we take Chamberlain out back and shoot him? Seems to be the only way he won't be picked in the starting line up.
More like the whole board and coaching staff incl. Wonga
She is black though. Just those lightskin meme ones.
>"Gnabry was born in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg to an Ivorian mother and a German father."
>west african athleticism with a german brain
wew lad
his mum is white
but he's a manlet
he's not like Selke or Rudiger
i just never hear or see people call mixed race people "halfbreeds" seems kinda weird
>>west african athleticism with a german brain
>yfw it turns out to be the other way round
i prefer half-castes myself
even more archaic desu
That first Gnabry goal was nice as fuck. Is he the next Henry?
the injury was a huge setback. chances are he won't make it
Ability wise it wasn't a setback at all. Now he's back to full fitness he looks at least as good, if not better than he was when he first broke into the Arsenal team.
Was definitely a huge setback when it comes to getting an opportunity in the team though. Doubt we'll even see him play for us this season. Probably play in the league cup once then go out on loan in January.
Only way he'll make it is if Wenger, Alexis and Ozil all leave at the end of this season and he stays.
1st goal
2nd one
It's fucking preseason and we already seem to have a major injury.
I reckon when the new boss comes in its gonna be like an episode of Gordon Ramsey's kitchen nightmares when he meets the staff and learns how the team has been training and what the physios did and shit.
There's clearly a major issue here. We have a big injury crisis every season without fail. We already have a CB crisis and the season hasn't bloody started.
There is clearly very very archaic training/physical/medical shit being done at Arsenal right now.
raymond verheijen was right the whole time
he's always had good ability, but for some reason he never gets the chances other youf did. maybe wenger sees something/the lack of something in training that we can't
cheers, the first goal was pure class, the fk seemed a bit like a fluke though, gk prolly didn't see it coming
I reckon the roadman core will finally be unleashed this season