Does your family name sound weird when you personally say it our loud?

does your family name sound weird when you personally say it our loud?
feels weird and unnatural?

> pic unrelated

out loud*

how would you keep track of that many rapes?

>I was raped, on average, every hour for five years straight
How the fuck would you remember at that point

rape diary?

Not really..

And wow Vegans are so cool!
I wish I could become a vegan instead of just a Vegetarian!

Vegans can have sex for soooo long

Probably more of an estimate. X times per day over X years.

Also doing the math I am calling bullshit. She would have died long before hitting that number. Much like the women who were fucked to death in WWII.

no one was fucked in ww2 other than the German

They were called Comfort Women, user. And, yes, they were fucked to death.

well that's not very comforting.

But it is cumforting!

How much dick could they handle though...


How many miles of dick did they handle is a better question

Vaguely reminds me if that creepy ass video if a hippy talking about how amazing it is eating vegan pussy

Do I get free shipping with Amazon Prime?

can you concentrate on the main question?

Can you post a less interesting picture with your query next time?

No because my family name is a common word in the English language used to describe somethings size

No, but since you joined us, how much dick does it take to kill a woman?



around 4 dick

Shit, I'm gunna need alot more women for Fridays party, thanks for the heads up.

what does the expression "heads up" mean?

Atkeast 2 dick

4 dick

Probably the first time that sentence has ever been used, good job user.

Nigger, it would have to be at least 9 dick


Also it's a llllllliiiiiiieeeeeee. It's some "boo-hoo feel bad for me so I don't get deported" story. I mean come on its a woman, what else do they have better to do other than make shit up?

Are you retarded? It has probably been said like a million times before by every faggot who wants more girls at his shitty highschool party

>Keeping count

>this faggot
Wow, nigger. I bet you are voting trump too. Fucking plebian. Hes a racist fucking twat with no money in his bankruptcy. Hilary is a god compared to that man.

>inb4 "Em@ils!!"
>Inb4 four of her biggest enemies died of suspicious causes or murder within the
past month

>inb4 she literally can not be trusted with an email, so why trust her with nuclear codes

>raped 10 times a day for 12 years

Yet another example of CNN lying its pants off.

43,200 rapes
Assuming each person lasted 10 minutes average that's 432,000 minutes of rape or 7,200 hours

Normally this means 300 days of rape none stop which could be the case
when you split it up into 12 hour rape sessions that's 600 days of each person waiting their turn
Obviously that's never the case. rape tends to be fun with friends so lets say she takes 2 dicks at once at all times that means she can get raped the same amount of times in half the time, making her rape time quota 216,000 minutes or 3,600 hours/ 150 days. That's only like 5 months, 10 if you let her sleep.

It's very important to get the best mileage from your rape girl so you have to rest it every now and then and keep it clean/fed otherwise you won't get your moneys worth.
More dicks at once is better for meeting targets and breaking records but this puts unneeded strain on your wares and you have to consider the fact that she might get away at some point and i'm sorry to say but 43,200 chinese guys saying she was drunk at a party just doesn't cut it like it used to.

>ask boring ass question about last names.
>post provocative image about child raep (that never happened) to pull in clicks.
>act surprised when the majority of respondents are for the image.

Srsly, mate?

>rape tends to be fun with friends

шеш Лад

Well it's China so huge number

>how much dick does it take to kill a woman?
one if you make her choke on it.

>fucked to death.

Bullshit, no woman can be fucked to death. That trait isn't exactly advantageous for evolution. (You see as was reproducing, but I died before I could give birth: natural selection failed).

However, these bitches did die, and I guarantee you it wasn't from fucking. I'd bet they weren't feeding them right and the women starved to death.

Anons like you are the reason why I atill come to this place
I enjoyed your post user

I know China has a huge population but how the fuck would they get 43K men to line up for this one bitch? Someone's pimp game is god tier

>Child Brides

Bit misleading tbh

Or someone is lying.
