What's your drug of choice Sup Forums?

What's your drug of choice Sup Forums?

The Vegan Diet

Because it makes my life sooo much better.

I am healthier, My dick is bigger, My friends appreciate me, My girl loves that I can endure much longer during sex!

heroin waiting on the man now. GET OUT OF BED YOU SPIC FUCK!!!!

>What's your drug of choice Sup Forums?

MDMA and coke are my favs.

For me it's definitely acid, sucks for those who ruin it for themselves

nice grow

Antihistamine. Stupid allergies.

recently ive been on an amphetamine/weed combo. once the sleep deprivation sets in, it gets fun.

cant beat(lol) jerking off for 8 hours straight.

weed and ice

I'm high on jesus

Ketamine and GHB/GHL. Tried most things but nothing beats bass and a bag of ket.

Enjoy your fucked bladder by 40 and pissing in a bag.

Ooo me too but throw in some morphine

Omg is your dick alright?

Totally worth it.

After hearing my gf rave about ket snd how awesome it was i did it with her one night. All it felt like was myself folding inwards to my back. Wasnt that great.

She later confirmed doing it with mdma is the way to go.

Ive done almost everything. I love coke but dont do it. Too expensive.

Cant find oxy where im at.

Rjght now i just toke green. And im ok with it.

yes its ok thank you for your concern of the well being of my penis.

and the thing is it makes me super fucking horny but it also can cause e.d.

its always worth it

I don't want to take the bait but I just hate you so much


ive always wanted to try ketamine. its a dissociative, correct? how does it compare to something like a plateau 3 dxm trip? the dissociative effects in dxm can get pretty heavy but is it just even more intense i guess?

acid and shrooms

what do you mean, 'ruin it for themselves'?


Oxycodone. Or any other opi I can get my hands on

their moms found out and they all got grounded

Coke any one who says otherwise needs to get off benefits

mdma+shrooms+nitrous combo

Been thinking about trying coke, any tips or pros/cons

Some people just become air heads or do too much and later have jitters and shit for months

Sleeping, takes away the pain and misery others call life. Im addicted af, the instant i wake up i want to go back to sleep. I usually drink a shitload of alcohol to make me sleepy so i can sleep again. The few hours that im awake i spend in this shithole or going to the store and buying more booze and food to make through another week or so. Life well spent, 10/10

it has to be done in a public bathroom off the rim of a urinal

Never really understood the hype about k, only tried it once, sniffed about 0.5 of top quality k off of dark net, literally felt nothing except numbing of fingers but to be fair I was out in a really cold day so idk, would like to try again

One could say she has a virgin birth defect.

coke. Work longer, earn more, do more coke.

Straight up grain alcohol



Weed, oxy, or Russian Standard vodka

Coke is shit and way overpriced, any amphetamine or cathinone is better, shit I've tried legal highs better than Coke

whatever you faggots do stay the fuck away from my car stereo or i will fucking LYNCH you.

lynch, because drugs are for NIGGERS.

if you need a fix just do what the other good little niggers do and suck a cock for it.

I hate you with every fiber of my being you lying sack of shit


weed and water

that's all you need

Male tears



I think I hear ur mother calling u to dinner

Those are my drugs of choice too. My nigga. Having a hard time finding good connections since I moved to Las Vegas


>inb4 poorfag because drug is overpriced

lol I swear, only retarded people do coke. there's better shit out there to spend your money on

I don´t need drugs, alcohol or friends.
I´m high on life.

I'm surprised they don't tell you which grain...

Alcohol and GHB.

first time the mdma kicked I almost jizzed my pants
that high is incomparable to anything else.
The next day depression sucks tho

Blow and acid

and weed, duh


Can't tell if b8, or this brain washed by social "norms"

>How was the just say no club faggot?

I have only dabbled in a few bits, but LSD has to be my favourite thus far.

Would love to try MDMA though


Nice. Turned 32 today

i huff gas lol xdddd

my friend hooked me up with a gram of mdma once but the antidepressant i take completely blocks it from working. i ate the entire thing and felt nothing at all. feels bad man.

You think surveillance helicopters or planes would suspect something if i set one up in the woods? Police helos and planes are EVERYWHERE here

Weed is the only thing i have tried that i like. Would like to try acid, shrooms, and maybe dmt at some point.

Look at this homeschooled retard who thinks all drugs will destroy your life no matter what because his parents, who happens to be related, tells him so.


most of us have jobs to pay for our habits, thank you


it's not if they suspect something, it's if they see it. they're constantly searching that shit from above. it's hard to grow out in the woods, with wild animals to eat your crop, random passerbys snooping around, other people with the same idea as you, who will wait until your crop is ready to cut and take it out from under you. oh and not to mention all the fucking insects you will probably get.

weed can grow in a nice shady area tho, so if you find some overhead canopy that's not too dense, but difficult to see through, that might be ideal. some people use hanging baskets to keep it off the ground too

Go hug a tree faggot!

waiting on the plug is the worst. gl

Acid and music. Acid WITH music!


Finally someone who sees sense, might as well throw my money in the blender than spend fucking £100 for a gram of heavily cut coke which will give me a mediocre buzz for like fucking 20 mins, I feel sorry for cokeheads wasting their lives buying fucking garbage


Weed, never tried anything else, only other thing id do is acid


Pure, unrefined, rage.
I am constantly on it becuase i have the possibly the most bad luck any human could possibly have.
Its like i beat a mirror with a flail made of black cats tied together by their tails under ladders increasing in size stacked on top of eacher like how you stack cones.

When I was 16 I drove half an hour and then waited just over two hours for 5 grams of bud

Try it, do it with a few good friends and smoke some weed before to calm down. Smoking during it is something id recomend aswell

Thanks bud

Maybe after I succumb to these domestic violence charges...

Intrested in explaining abit? Could be fun

Ill try to find a guy but down here you dont see acid very often

Weed, alcohol, cocaine.

Yeah, that's why you have a computer. An hero, edgelord.

Just Green

>Acids my favourite
>only ever gotten the opportunity once
>jumped on it
>haven't ever had another opportunity

I have bad luck like if i tried to become an hero, not only would i fail to kill myself, but i would save someone in the process. Except that person would be a cop who would then charge me for attempted suicide.

the worst is when you get the "come thru" text but he doesnt even show up at the spot and calls you back 6 hours later saying he forgot and fell asleep. i hated dealing with blacks

I've many drugs, mdma, mxe, keta, weed etc. Weed remains my favourite due to the fact that it is more controlled high and probably most chill high

Fuck off nigger, im on a nokia phone.

Well having bad luck isnt a thing, but it sucks if bad things happends to you for no explainable reason. But hey you made me laugh abit so thanks

>bad luck isnt a thing
Oh right, i forgot god was the first creator of Shitty RNG
Fuck your homo matrix world.

1000 bucks ?

naw, i can make that out of tree branches and industrial strenth plastic

pic related

Luck isnt something, everything that happens, good or bad, is because of something that happened before.

It's just my view on it, nothing is random and so on. But who am i to think i could have somewhat of a discussion online and expect the other part to not have tunel vision. Guess im stupid, dang.

everything is cheaper when you make it yourself.

that thing looks like a fucking jungle gym from a playground. just steal one of those

alcohol and mdma


im not a nigger

My nigga

I doubt you ever tried good coke. And you should drink alchohol while under the influence