>Richest man in history was black
Richest man in history was black
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He was a trilluonaire
* In Zimbabwe
So what faggot
All that money, and yet he was still a nigger. That must have sucked.
>if he was alive today, he'd easily be able to bvy 5.11 Bill gates, the richest white man in history with a net worth of 78.2 billion.
You don't know your history, do you? He gave away his money to randoms as he traveled. He is not Just a nigger. He..
>If he was alive today
So he's a dead nigger, and no better off than some homeless bum that died too.
>implying blacks are people
>implying blacks count as people
If you're nice, I'll graciously accept 3/5 of his fortune as valid
Oh look. Black Revisionist History. It's right up there with Black Liberation Theology.
And what are you, white boy? What's your legacy? What are you leaving behind when you die?
A kingdom? Treasure? Enriching the lives of thousands through good deeds? Lol nope.
You are just sitting there shit posting about niggers. The only thing you'll leave behind is that cumstain on your chair. Shit, you'll be lucky enough if someone remembers you for something, but it'll probably just be the automated voice messaging system on the phone to for bill collectors.
Your life has no meaning. You ain't shit, boy.
Wrong Rockefeller was arguably the richest at the height of standard oil.
The assets and his net worth could not even be calculated, on of the reasons why his Monopoly was torn apart.
probably stole it
my keyboard is worth more than your life you fucking pastfag. Get out of my time portal, it's mine anyway.
shiiiii webs wer kigs
this jew that love nigger cock so much...
lol, sad really
"By the time Rockefeller died in 1937, his assets equaled 1.5% of America's total economic output. To control an equivalent share today would require a net worth of about $340 billion dollars, more than four times that of Bill Gates, currently the world's richest man."
Not even close. My nigger Mansa is worth $400billion in today's currency.
That's a lot of liquor stores he must have robbed.
Indeed, Mansa Musa was pretty boss. I like how he left destabilized, crippled economies in his wake after performing the hajj and giving out so much gold that he caused runaway inflation.
That's pretty bad ass. If Bill Gates were to do that now, he'd actually be worth a damn.
Oh hah look at this pastfag wondering at his awesome 21st century computer lol so amazing
lrn to history.
So did he build a legacy that enriched his nation? Or was he born into a wealthy family with an army, murder the shit out of all his competitors, and then sparingly doled out the fruits of his conquest?
Because that's how most wealthy kings worked.
That was when he died, when he was getting royalty checks from all the baby oil company's he had shares in.
Standard oil if it were still around today would be worth over a trillion. And most of Rockefeller life was when standard oil was still whole.
He was a muslim slaver. Musa I of mali
you talk as he is your father, get of the fucking internet you retarded jew, and go fuck an aids infested nigger whore
Bill gives basically all of his wealth to niggers.
it is becoz he himself is a nigger and jew
nigga is my hero
gave no fucks whatsoever
imagine all the islam pussy he got man. sheeit
He tried.
I'll need to look into this more. Looks like I have more shit to keep me awake
here's your (you)
>a slaver was rich
Whats your point, nigger? Want to be a slave again?
>here's your (you)
i guess that that only makes sense to a braindead jew
Who is he?
I nigras want to embrace Mansa Mousa I'm cool with that. Especially if it keeps them from trying to steal history from the Egyptian people.
Super rich dude who attracted attention to Africa and started the slave trade to Europeans
Thanks bro.Thanks.
The richest man was a man of Islam.
What does this mean?
as we all know...
it began like this
the jews and niggers made a cow out of gold, and made it their god, to this day jews and nigger only have one thing on the mind, gold, diamonds and to have sex with 800 wives.. this is also the reason why most niggers got aids, because they are cursed, and the reason why jewish scientist try 24/7 365 to create a cure for aids... but the sad truth of the future is, most nigger will die because of aids and the white man will rule this world again, and nourish the planet that freemasons, jews and niggers destroyed with their wars etc...
now gtfo
Finally the niggers found 'dey Kang' and he's actually black. Instead of claiming Pharaoh's were black (they weren't) or that Jesus was black (he wasn't) now they can have their healthy conversations about how they'd all be rich kangz in Africa if it wasn't for the white folk.
the funny part is, niggers say that jesus was black, but not even 200 years back they couldn't even read or write... LMFAO
>jesus was black
Its even worse, Jesus was a sandnigger.
Well it is just common sense.
He was born in the middle east/mediterranean.
Why would you think that he was white?
and he was jewish
or maybe it was just a story written by jews, to mock the gods, and say they have the power to kill God's son?
Only niggers think Jesus was black. Rational people know he was Jewish. Due to European race mixing most Jewish people are pretty much white, hence the modern confusion.
Can you prove that he was white?
i would say jews are 75% nigger, 15% sandnigger and 10% white
>he was jewish
no he wasn't, the jews killed him..
Can you prove he even existed at all ?
and this was his cock (which was almost always balls deep in white pussy)
Jesus' existence is pretty much universally agreed upon...
Proving he was "white" is just silly though. He was Jewish and in those times Jewish people were probably indistinguishable from modern middle-eastern populations.
Many Jews appear "white" today because of European race mixing.
what does it help you have a "big cock" but you're infested with aids?
LMAO at all the faggots who think Jesus even existed. Why don't you argue about whether the Easter Bunny was black while you're at it?
there is a fucking difference between JEW-ISH and Hebrew.. jews aren't even hebrews, they are fucking inbred, and am not the chosen people of God, so why would God sent his sun to be a nigger?
white = pure
those edges, they're so sharp!
lol universally agreed upon.
Romans had one of best and most thorough mandatory census
Jews were autistic about recording and memorizing their history
top tier rebuttal. You must have the bluest ribbon in your grade 8 debate club. Still no proof of Jesus
Yea! Pure CuCKS!
>richest man in history was black
now what
jews are so fucking anal, they cannot come up with anything solid, so they bring up silly little arguments about "how great niggers are"
i mean seriously, if you love a nigger with a big cock so much, why don't you go to africa and fuck them till you die of aids... it also a know fact, that niggers got the highest rate of homosexuals ... so you will fit right in faggot OP
You can research it yourself, historically speaking most historians agree that Jesus was a historical figure. I give zero fucks what you think though.
ghengis kahn ?
I have researched it. I have found no evidence. Where would these precious documents be held? What university or museum holds what would arguably be one of the most important historical relics of mankind? You don't know, because no institution holds any evidence, anywhere.
>There on religion
i am gonna take a nice hot shower and then get in my troll pajamas, will resume what you faggot jews got to say about niggers when i get back.
Richest guy in the world is stan munnich.
Deal with it.
>No crusader
NASA tells you the earth is round, and you believe that....
How about that family that owns every bank in the world. I forget the name
what kind of jew-hating internet white supremacist are you that you don't know the name rothschild?
Bocephus. youtube.com
You have not provided evidence of a historical person named Jesus.
I'm actually a black athiest.
Is it wrong for me to take interests in my heritage?
I can't talk about this irl because niggas don't even know shit about their own place of origin. All they know is "oh ye bruh egypt, we ran that shit" and it's not even true. You guys have your Hitler, and I have my Mansa.
There's no need for the hate fampai. I'm not looking to argue with you, nor am I interested in fueling the small flame that you have sparked.
Open your mind. Don't be a foolish sheep believing everything you hear out of a kids fairytale (the bible). There isnt some magic man up in the sky looking out for you. The user you commented on has a good point bc he's sees the world with his eyes OPEN.
>Bill gates
>Richest white man
Pick one
Ever heard of Rockefeller or Ford you retard
White people still do it better, man lol.
Mansa Musa had a net worth of $400 billion, which would've made him the 3rd richest.
John D. Rockafeller had a net worth of $663 billion and King Solomon had roughly $2.1 trillion.
Solomon controlled the world trade. Dude was a pimp. His bitches had bitches.
The general scholarly view is that while the Testimonium Flavianum is most likely not authentic in its entirety, it is broadly agreed upon that it originally consisted of an authentic nucleus, which was then subject to Christian expansion/alteration
Nigga you dumb? Go read about Josephus and his writings on Jesus.
see this
When they say 'authentic nucleus' you do understand that they're saying there was a historical Jesus who was crucified, right?
Not sure if you're agreeing with me or if you're retarded.
>king solomon
whatever mason
>pulling numbers out of his ass.
Literally who.
Implying if you had these you would be able to spot the criminal. This is wrong.
when they say "Not authentic in it's entirety" and "subject to Christian expansion/alteration", you do understand that it is not a valid source, right?
Actually, the richest man in history, especially when adjusting for inflation, is Marcus Crassus. Try again niggers
>King Solomon
kek he didn't even exist btw
>You are just sitting there shit posting about niggers
The fucking ironymeter is off the charts.
No, actually I am the richest man in history. You don't know who I am because I don't let the jews get a hold of me.
I'm rich enough to buy a billions of you.
hey guys, there once lived a nigger with a lot of money