Born black, that's dead on arrival

>Born black, that's dead on arrival
>My job is to fight for survival
>In spite of all these all lives matter ass white folks

The hell did he mean by this? Black skin gives him a bigger advantage if anything.

Tell me what advantage I have as a black person.

you can say nigger without anyone caring

>Black rapper supports race baiting sentiment
>In other news, the sky is blue.

......why would I even want to say that?

>I can say a word


>have an advantage
>doesn't use it

why wouldn't you


you wuz kangz

Please keep stamming race bait threads here. It's really improving the quality of the board

>Affirmative action
>You may not be white, but at least you're not Asian

Athleticism is a skill anyone can achieve through training and self-discipline. Are you implying that black people are the only ones capable of this?
You're only bringing you and your own race down.

you sound like the racist one m8

>asks simple question
>gets called racist

You lot aren't even trying anymore.

having ancient royal blood flowing in your veins

ITT: Middle to upper class white kids who think they know how it feels to live as a lower class black person

You are still stuck inside your own ego, kid.. so many worlds exist that you cannot even conceive

bait or not this album is fire af

if these people hate white society so much, why don't they just leave?

The nigger genome has evolved from an economy of resource extraction and so each particular nigger gains an immediate advantage in carrying on repetitive and indignant labor. This is not to mention the Nigger's evolutionary predisposal to a protein heavy diet which opens many doors others bred in a culture of chronic mental illness are far less likely to take. While it is true races adapted to sedentary forms of entertainment do suck the melanin straight from Negro skins, a black will almost always have a congregation of he can "recharge" in unless he's stranded in fuck-all North Carolina, or something. High profile business and technology employers understand niggers make for team players & if they have the credentials there's more incentive to hire for image reasons. It just so happens to be the case negro solidarity and fitness deters many a brownie from unreasonable societal/academic pressures which is not a sign of inferiority in the slightest but I suspect your liberal logic was just a mind-control starter pack1 and you are secretly racist yourself.

Where would they leave? Hell, He even brings this up in RTJ1

>My professor Emeritus say we been cursed being brought into the americas

the average white american tolerates asians a lot more than blacks

I gave this album a fair shot but I don't understand the acclaim. Every song they just seem to do the same trick, trying to create a "menacing" sound while rapping/shouting. The beats have some creative touches but it's boring how they have an almost clinical approach to creating angry bombastic hip hop.

more likely to become a successful rapper

>Implying most Sup Forumstants aren't white hood rats.

>psh, nothin personal kid

As a african-german immigrant who has been living in the United States for nine years i think I can explain this.
African Americans are constantly told that they are destined to be dead or in jail by the age of twenty. They are told that their ancestors where good for nothing slaves.White people and mexicans who aren't around alot of black people usually have a strong bias against any dark skinned african american and mistreat them.
All of this has feed an inferiority complex that the majority of the race has. Many of african americans have adopted this inferiority complex at early ages, its very hard to change ways of thinking and habits if they are at the core of your existence.

This has lead many african americans to a life of criminal activity due to their lack of confidence in themselves to make their way in the society. They don't believe that people will heir them. African American don't have a history that clearly portrays that their close ancestors ever succeed in coperate america.

The combination of racism that people have and the lack of confidence african americans have in job providers has created this cycle of hopelessness that perpetuates the idea of african americans not being capable to function in soceity when really its just plain racism and inferiority complex that is beaten into them by history teachers and parents.

Sorry if that wasn't clear. English is my second language.

Mike would be better making a new genuine Outcast album.

EL-P just needs to shut the fuck up & keep with the good beats.

I think he meant innate athleticism, which is of course still debatable

This is why I don't browse this bullshit no more. It's cause of all the artists who I once appreciated and enjoyed have turned into a bunch of whiny pussies.