Hi b/, I just recently had my IQ tested at my University and I scored 138 points.. the person applying the test told me that I was exceptional and showed me my position on a bell curve.. Funny thing is that I never felt exceptionally intelligent.. is IQ overated or being a "genius" is not that cool as I thought?
Hi b/, I just recently had my IQ tested at my University and I scored 138 points...
I am 173 and I feel good. Feelin quite normie, actually. Never came up with groundbreaking theories or anything. Just a normal dude with quite some humour. That's all. Cheers Sup Forumsro.
Same. Once i got tested by professional iq test and scored 125 not so many as u but that is still more than 95% of ppl. But still in school i was just average student. Totally sucked at math and im really not fast when need to learn new stuff. So basically IQ is just meme for some faggots to make them feel elitist
If you got 173 on an online test your real IQ is most likely lower than that.
IQ is definitely a meme. It only measures how efficiently you can understand existing systems or notice patterns and solve problems presented to you. There's nothing in IQ tests about original thoughts, coming up with your own questions or establishing your own systems
An IQ like that is pretty average in terms of "above average".
Really? Okay, then reply back to be if you will except my challenge I want to give you.
(the challenge is something anyone can do)
Scored more than Einstein? Sheet all kind of ppl browse Sup Forums. That just show that iq is meme
Same. Tested high, Newton high but didn't care much for school work. Maybe that is smart. I am a musician though so I think that helps. Was also an artist my earlier years in life. Only thing I notice is how stupid everyone else is around me. I have a mediocre job with middle class pay and I do fine with managing money but what good is being smart if you don't apply yourself?
Topkek. Your reference is outdated and doesn't prove anything. Let me update you: heard of kasparov, terence tao, christopher hirata, andrew wiles?
160+ IQ is not extraordinary at all. As stated above, it shows an efficiency in terms of calculation and memory, mostly.
Inspiration and therefore talent is given by something different. BTW Einstein was a bad student (not inspired by school??).
IQ isn't a good means of measuring intelligence.
IQ is, however, decent at determining intelligence, generally speaking, of large masses of people.
When you take, for example 5 billion people, the chances are relatively high that any 5 people chosen at random that have an IQ of 15-160 are more intelligent than people who have an IQ of 80-90.
>but what good is being smart if you don't apply yourself?
What good is being alive if you don't apply yourself?
When you take, for example 5 billion people, the chances are relatively high that any 5 people chosen at random that have an IQ of 150-160 are more intelligent than people who have an IQ of 80-90.
The thing abouut being smart is that you dont feel smart. You just feel like everyone else is retarded.
>I am a musician though
Listening to music and playing instruments is just self indulgent mental masturbation.
>you don't feel smart
>you just feel like everyone else is retarded
Isn't that what feeling smart feels like?
Mensa fag here.. there is no benefit from it at all other than bragging rights. Most interviewers for jobs are jealous or afraid to hire you. Really the best thing to do is keep it to yourself or you will have a bunch of idiots asking you stupid questions. Its not worth it just stay silent and enjoy laughing at the retards of the world.
Einstein was not a bad student...
He mastered integral calculus before the age of 16.
Yeah he had difficulty with language, WHEN HE WAS YOUNG. Which was mostly because he was mildly autistic and so was mostly a visual thinker.
I have an IQ around 138 and my life has been pretty much a hell of feeling like I'm a different species than other people.
It's likely that you were given an overblown result in an attempt to sell you something. If you are a genius, you know it. Your experience of life and the world isn't the same as other people.
142... still feel like the biggest idiot on the planet.
>Its not worth it
Does it not depend on what you want in life?
>my life has been pretty much a hell of feeling like I'm a different species than other people.
I could say the same thing, and it would be relatively true.
For years, I've often thought about human behavior, and thought to myself: "That's so weird."
I'm not too big of a fan of that word choice, but it has sufficed for a good long while.
115 iq detected
>If you are a genius, you know it.
Only if you think about it.
Way to show your intelligence, genius.
i got 14 is that a bad thning
>I just recently had my IQ tested at my University
crappy university ever
As an aspie I have been obsessed with IQ ever since I was young from being called a retard for not knowing common sense.
With that in my life I was motivated to become an expert on it.
After 10+ years of research I can confidently say I have found a method to become a genius.
The method is SOOOO simple. But drains me of willpower quickly. It only lasts 10-180 minutes a day.
How its outdated? U mean the test Einstein took do not apply our day standards? Well Stephen Hawking scored 154 if that or that is also outdated?
Also Einstein wasnt bad student he was just average but then again he studied math and average math student i guess is still smarter than for example average history student.
>did u took online test?
potato salad would have IQ higher than 15...
share it with us faggot
I have an IQ of 140 according to tests I was made to take in high school because I was falling behind other kids in math and science.
Never been able to focus on stuff i found boring, but I taught myself guitar to a pretty high level within a year.
Would egg salad have a lower or higher IQ than 15?
Its basically like the SAT, pointless unless you are either really hogh or reall low (you are neither)
The egg salad from the white neighborhood would have a higher IQ than the egg salad from the black neighborhood.
Not all egg salads from the white neighborhood are exposed to the same environmental factors.
Not all egg salads from the black neighborhood are exposed to the same environmental factors.
Scientists were on the fence about IQ being overrated, even the man who created the test and standard question its validity.
Now that you have tested high in it, scientists all are assured that it is shit. They are now convinced it is a test measuring retardation and autism. Also homosexuality.
Actually, Einstein was really gifted at math in school. Common misconception. But yeah, he was pretty average at most other things. Besides, we all know his wife, a gifted mathematician, did most of the theoretical work behind his projections.
is it time to start "egg salad lives matter" movement?
>even the man who created the test and standard question its validity.
That's part of science.
Science questions the validity of everything all the time.
I usually score in the upper 120s. Problem solving skills is one way to measure intelligence, but it's not the only way. Memorization and pattern recognition are two other big ones.
>Actually, Einstein was really gifted at math in school.
>tfw I was faster than everybody else at math in 6th grade, except for that one girl
>she was the only one I compared my score to, so I thought I was shit at math
Where can i take an IQ test online that wont ask for a phone number or survey?
Korean 3.9 EEfag reporting in.
I have never taken an IQ test.
If the ethnic/GPA/field of study correlations have some value, I should expect to be on the right tail of the Bell Curve.
There was never any big 'aha' moment in comparison to others or feelings of superiority, even outside of work or school.
Is that something that comes from a higher IQ than I might have, from personality, from other factors, or some combination?
I got 92 and I've been told that's average. But meh I feel like the whole iq thing is a scam
At that point the test probably isn't even an accurate measure of IQ, let alone intelligence.
>But meh I feel like the whole iq thing is a scam
Some of them are scams. There're so many scammers out there, and so many things to make scams in, just about everything has scams.
There are scammers that specialize in vacuum cleaners. Does that mean vacuum cleaners are scams?
This triggers me. I have respect for mathematicians and the field as a whole, but one can't expect Ramanujan to do physics research as much as one would expect a Doctor of Medicine to do biological research.
>or some combination?
It's almost always some combination.
If you think grades correlate with intelligence; not diligence and work, you aren't very intelligent. Sorry kiddo.
So are you saying I'm retarded?
>Sorry kiddo.
Sorry, kiddo.
FTFY, user. Did you do bad in school? I think it's funny you use a semicolon, which a large majority of people have trouble using, while you made a simple error like not adding a comma.
Except, there is nothing to laugh about as the retards are running the world into the ground and they drag the rest of is with them...
>and they drag the rest of is with them...
Then how do I explain my 92 score
Even autists are exceptional in something.
>the retards are running the world into the ground and they drag the rest of is with them...
That's the punchline!
hahahahahahahaha ahhhhhhh hahahahah
Good luck fighting 95% of the people when your strength is intelligence and theirs is violence.
>Implying I didn't couch my statement with "If...have some value
>Implying meant a strong correlation
>Implying the correlation if existent isn't stronger in the technical fields
>Implying I didn't list other possible factors
Kek. You know what I was getting at, though.
is not me
There's a lot of ways to explain it.
What's the right way to explain it? I'm not currently sure.
Maybe you could just say that you were tired when you took the test.
When something like how much sleep someone gets before they took the test effects their score, while that isn't accounted for, there's definitely something wrong with the test when it comes to accurately measuring intelligence.
The weapon of the stupid is rocks and sticks. The weapon of the intelligent is nuclear.
Nope, full night sleep
The effect of one bad night of sleep can last up to a week, as some scientists claim based on some scientific studies.
no. the intelligent never wanted nuclear to be weaponized. Only the dumb pick up weapons which are always weaponized versions of inventions that intelligent people made to do good. Violence is always stupid and counterproductive. Intelligent people want to build, sadly breaking down takes way less efford.
>thinking people care about grammar colloquial typing on the internet
yes, chink, you're so smart. you know what all the books say. that's how your culture defines intelligence.
don't be able to think, simply be able to regurgitate
Intelligence is relative.
Some people say that making assumptions based on a lack of information and evidence is stupid, faggot.
Deciding to pick up a weapon and be violent isnt.
Putin has 140 points. And i have 139. Overrated
I took an IQ test and I got a 110-ish. So i think your pretty smart
fucken kek
Which scale? Wechsler or Cattel or ...?
My bad dude, I meant to write most of the calculations, not theoretical work. You know, her being a mathematician and all. You're totally right.
I'm dumb and I'm 130
Really? Damn so I'm not stupid
you fucking peice of shit cucks
It's situational.
It's possible you're stupid, it's also possible you're not stupid.
Yeah keep telling yourself that. Violence is always a choice and any reasoning pro violence is just shortsighted and selfish.
I friend of mine with an IQ of 140 didn`t even finish high school, so it`s much about hard work.
>Yeah keep telling yourself that.
You, too.
I got 139 when I was 16, but i think IQ tests are stupid, if I scored more than Einstein I wouldn't feel more intelligent than him, what makes the difference is not a score in a test, is what you are/do in life.
>it`s much about hard work.
It's not as hard if you're more intelligent.
>is what you are/do in life.
It's also the knowledge you hold.
wow my dude 138 you my friemnd are like little babby wach this
158 checking in. i was a lousy student but I can read a 300 page novel in about 8 hours.
>iq doesn't tell you how smart you are, it only tells you what you capacity for being smart is. Think of it like a fuel tank. Higher IQ : bigger tank. It doesn't mean the tank ain't empty.
Its not like a big dick or a trust fund. You inherit both and don't have to work to get them.
It's more like hitting the gym. Some people get better results with less work at the gym because their bodies are a certain way. Some people could work out their asses off and still be weak manlets.
I guess I'm a normie.
178 here, its pure bullshit. I mean, Im not average, I can talk like a fucking person, I know 3 languages but im not a fucking genius
yes its true she did some work theoretically, but in practice she only made sandwiches
>I know 3 languages but im not a fucking genius
How would you know?
>claims IQ of 174
>calls a guy a "little babby"
>This triggers me.
Fuck off
>>calls a guy a "little babby"
On Sup Forums, nonetheless.
I think knowledge is like a tool that helps you in life, not an objective, however there is people whose objective in life is to know things, also sorry for my english, it's difficult for me to express my ideas in another language.
think he just learned it
nigger detected
So let me get this straight:
>niggers were bread to do slave work
>generations later they are genetically predisposed to be stronger and faster than whites
>therefore they get stronger and faster at the gym than a white does.
>people with high IQs get smarter with less work than people with low IQs
>people with high IQs are genetically pre-disposed to be smarter
So you're saying people with high IQs are the niggers of the thinking world?