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I'd bump more but I'm on mobile.


Pls tell me you know the artist of the pic?





Check em



Don't check these wicked singles.


Go to Pixiv and look up kemonomimi



God damn it, I said singles.

Mother yiffer

If i get dubs anthro while become real by 2050

Yiff em.



Satan makes anthros confirmed.

Whoop whoop, fuck with the police


Hey Watterson.


Hey Dash, how you doing?


I'm okay. You?


I'm A-Okay, I'm working at a calling center goofing off and really bored atm. It's so lonely with everybody gone here and there's nothing to do


Hey dash. I got 100$ left from my last check. Gonna buy some REAL dollar menu food now. No more about to discard food for me.

Fap at work.

Hold up brb in 25 minutes to grab a cheese burger


Lol I can't do that, I don't want to get fired. What have you been up to lately?

That's good to hear, man. Glad you got something good to eat. Well, good relatively speaking.

Considering suicide. Found the shotgun shells finally.


Really? You finally got some ammo? Thank god man, I'm happy for you! What are you waiting for now?

Gotta pay back Harpo for gifting me the Sup Forums pass. After that, I don't know. I'll admit I do have things to live for, but I'm still weighing my options right now since I know that I can kill myself.


Dash isn't going to kill himself.

More revealing clothing pics please?

someone give me company, weed doesn't really do that

I wouldn't say that. But I would say that I have to consider everything first before I make a final decision.

Huh, well. Whatcha planned for him, a free buttfuck into your nice boipussy?

I dunno. Whatever he wants I guess.


I'd be 54 by then


is NS working for you fucks?





It's a satanic trips that mean 2030

Oh thank god


You have 20+ yearsto see how life goes man. I'm a fucking half cripple with a fucked keg, rods in his back, a medical bill thats gonna fuck me for another year solid, and pain so bad the vicodin only numbs it.

But even I know that bitching out is retarded.

>muh bad childhood with no love
Yeah. Mom's fuckin' dead and my dad left me to go off and fuck a bunch of 20 year old sluts when I was 7. Not everyone has a great childhood. You just have to fuckin stick to it until you're on your own for a while.

I don't care who it hurts. Just don't quit on a fuckin possible future because now sucks.


don't encourage him
he thrives on attention

Gimme an actual reason boss.

I guess that's true. Sorry you have it so bad. But I still can't make any promises. The extent of my problems is way worse than just having a bad childhood. I have a lot of psychological problems. But I don't feel like talking about anything right now.
Anyway, I hope everything gets better for you.

Not really. I just speak the truth. I don't know why people are so uncomfortable with that.




saying you're going to kill yourself once and having a discussion on it: fine
going in every s/fur thread that ever existed, making a name of yourself, and saying you're gonna kill yourself in EVERY thread: not fine










check em



Trash art style, retardedly oversized eyes

Your opinion matters to me.

Any color fags want to color this in for me?













I read every single word in Frank's voice

