british subhuman hate thread
British subhuman hate thread
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Britfag here.
I'll happily contribute with some typical Labour voters.
I'd send these scum to the gas chamber.
Laugh all you like, but at least Britain doesn't have entire states that are subhuman.
I kek'd so hard. Labour voters.
no, it just the entire of Britain thats shit and subhuman
"Buumigam" comes close.
Check out this hairless chimp.
Spoken like someone who's never been to Newcastle
Implying OP is murican
>implying they are registered to vote
Subhuman Scum.
Don't worry my Trans-Atlantic chums, we're only going to get better from here!
>Be British
>receive letter asking if you want to be registered to vote by post
>tick yes
You'd be surprised how many fucktards are registered to vote here. Just look at our recent referendum.
The island of pasty, shriveled dick losers
Every dick I've seen here is large. And I've seen a lot of dicks.
it's illegal not to be on the electoral roll
no it's not.
Have another boiled eel pie
Gas! Gas! Gas!
Jellied eel eating faggots.
Oi! Givis me benefits m8. Givis me free money m8. Facking Pakis comin over 'ere and takin our facking jobs. Fish n chips m8. Plenty of salt n vinegar guvna'. Chim chimminy Chim Chim cheroo. Oi! Givis a fag m8. Bacon sarny? Go on den. U avin a giggle m8? I'll fookin bash yer 'ed in ya wanka. Oi oi! Weeeeyyy heyyyyyy. Let's av it! Let's go clubbin m8. Got any vera's? Laaaaaaaavlyyyyy. Ace! Diamond geeza.
Lukatar!! Lukatar
This guy gets it
I live in Newcastle you twat
Wot the fok did ye just say 2 me m8? i dropped out of newcastle primary skool im the sickest bloke ull ever meet & ive nicked ova 300 chocolate globbernaughts frum tha corner shop. im trained in street fitin' & im the strongest foker in tha entire newcastle gym. yer nothin to me but a cheeky lil bellend w/ a fit mum & fakebling. ill waste u and smash a fokin bottle oer yer head bruv, i swer 2 christ. ya think u can fokin run ya gabber at me whilst sittin on yer arse behind a lil screen? think again wanka. im callin me homeboys rite now preparin for a proper scrap. A roomble thatll make ur nan sore jus hearin about it. yer a waste bruv. me crew be all over tha place & ill beat ya to a proper fokin pulp with me fists wanka. if i aint satisfied w/ that ill borrow me m8s cricket paddle & see if that gets u the fok out o' newcastle ya daft kunt. if ye had seen this bloody fokin mess commin ye might a' kept ya gabber from runnin. but it seems yea stupid lil twat, innit? ima ****e fury & ull drown in it m8. ur ina proper mess knob.
you people are eating so much shit your starting to look like it
shut up fag
but muh council house, muh entitlements, i r deserve to be supported by societeh!!
Fuck off back to the sewer you crawled out of Geordie twat
Fucking disgusting. Why is that place even around still? We should nuke the fuck out of them. Take them all out of their misery. All Brits are fucking miserable whiny cunts. Every. Single. One.
I'm so glad this pasta is happening. The world needs to know how much brits suck. Your doing gods work OP.
"Inspiration" for abortions I'm guessing.
Pretty gutted I missed the bants in Sup Forums when this happened
aye ney bovva m8, we r gan dahn ze shitta by uhrselves fella
ITT fatass Americans ripping the shit out of the only country that is as pathetic as they are
Where you from mate? I'll throw the 1s and 2s with you fucking tonight you greasy shitter. I bet your mum wishes your dad wouldve just had a wank the night you were conceived you fucking cunt
jíst hovna
fukin get down libpool den ya soft cunts swear la fukin lot of yas will get webbed
Dumb nigger
Kill yourself, or find a new language.
Where do you come from friend?
yes it is
Doctorrrrr, doctorrrrr, my brain hurtzzz
Yes it is. Have to be registered from the age of 18. You can choose not to be listed on the publicly available register of course, which is what I always do.
good one m9
Germany. We're not good at world wars but we are pretty good at everything else.
Jellied eels mate, get it right
Germany you say?
Good at getting cucked by Muslims,, fucking Merkel spastic.
proof that niggerdom knows no race.
said the Americuck
Labour voters my arse, these are UKIP voters.
ask a Proud Yorkshire lad anything faggots ?
quints witnessed!!
Why are you all so arab over there?
Check em boys
So many zeroes
It's comfirmed America is forever obese
muriguns rekd hard.
Butthurt subhuman labour voter detected. Hows corbyn working out for you guys?
Is his sign wrong?
>fucking faggots
duely checked
Teeth are supposed to look like teeth. Not incandescent tomb stones. You guys are just fucking odd.
dont get cocky kid
I voted for him, but i have to say I'm glad he didn't win the general election. I also voted to leave the EU, which is an option I would not have had under a labour leadership. Scotland is going to get fucked in the arse by that stupid SNP bitch Sturgeon though. My poor homeland.
Picture makes no sense.
>guys don't have two bellybuttons
>> I'm glad he didn't win the general election
Just remind me when that happend again?
Alright then Muhammad laa
May last year
Try again but with a Geordie accent
Never voted Labour in my life you fucking ASBO case.
You clearly suck a lot of English knobs if you think Sturgeon is the problem, fucking fanny. Your 'homeland' wants fuck all to do with you, ya jobbystabbin prick.
She is a problem, but so are all the cunts who voted SNP.
imo haters are people who were going to get asylum in britain but can't without the EU
7th May 2015. Are you dense? Cameron won, not Corbyn.
Just gonna leave this here
Don't like it? Stay in England then ya useless unionist bawsooking spunktrumpet.
The majority of Scots, ACTUAL ones voted SNP so get it up ye.
# of citizens: 325m vs 63m.
stay mad fatty
end britain so the muslims don't prosper
You're making that shit up. He's making that shit up right?
These are the guys who were googling 'what is the eu' the next morning.
Well enjoy sucking at the tits of Europe and being forced into the disaster of the Euro when Sturgeon thinks Scotland can be great on its own as part of the EU
There's like... 1 Muslim in my city.
I'm a Brit too, and that's entirely the point I'm making - probably should have clarified that when I posted it. We're never gonna beat Murica in terms of medal numbers, but at least we can say we're better than the rest of the fucking world.
>325m population has more medals than a 1.3 billion population
>somehow 325m population cheated
this is your brain on britbong education