It's kind of sad that a freaking Warcraft movie is too deep for plebs to understand. Reviews are such a a joke.
It's kind of sad that a freaking Warcraft movie is too deep for plebs to understand. Reviews are such a a joke
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Keep telling yourself that, butthurt fanboy
Warcraft plot is pretty bad. It's all cliche. At least Arthas was a fun cliche, but I understand it's not Arthas story.
This. Literally all the villains are dark corrupt edgelords with no depth to them.
>a freaking Warcraft movie is too deep for plebs to understand.
We gud orcs, we dindu nuffin until da demons enslaved us and made us destroy our own planet. Now da white man is denying us his own planet, so we showed him how his privilege needs to be put in check.
This guy gave Warcraft 1/10
What do you guys think? Does he have good taste?
This desu
So how would you make Warcraft movie?
I would obviously base it on Warcraft III Alliance campaign since it's the one interesting part.
>Introduce Arthas, Jayna and all the other flock
>We can't stick with undead though, orcs are iconic. Make orcs the enemy
>Keep going on noble savage theme, so make them tricked by evil wizards and only because they are persecuted by humans
>Arthas gets corrupted by sword that he used to slay evil wizard
>Jayna is the hero of the sequal, feminists all extatic. She's best waifu anyway
>Evil wizard probably makes zombies, since they are important plot point.
Wrong picture but that picture is still relevant
>Movie you like: the reviewers are plebs, what a joke!
>Movie you don't like: reviewers rightly shat on this piece of shit, btfo
every time
you see it? or just mad that it sucks pussy lol
>Literally who: The opinion which didnt matter
It makes me laugh, that today at the midnight premiere I will be surrounded by people I might have met online, all grown up and adults now, maybe even bringing along the wife. All of us will get a rush of nostalgia from a childhood well spent.
And here on this meme-board there are people who make jokes about whether or not the film-studio will make a profit, or a loss from this franchise.
Sometimes I really ask myself if this is all satire like on Sup Forums...
Are you people really this incapable of enjoyment?
>"This movie is a pile of shit"
>6/10 score
Kind of bummed that it doesn't sound good but will see it regardless and make up my own mind.
Never played Warcraft but just want to see a good high fantasy movie again family
Stay mad, blizzdrone
I stopped playing WoW, when you were still in highschool child. Dont get mad that your parents didnt allow you to play vanilla.
I wouldn't. It's a stupid idea
>just want to see a good high fantasy movie
warcraft is not for you senpai
if this isn't a pasta/bait i'll be using it with the addition of "the wife and her son". thanks faggot.
Arthascucks are worse than capeshitters.
Meh. I was interested in seeing this more because of Duncan Jones than Warcraft really.
I played Warcraft games since Warcraft II, but the cool parts of those games were never the story. The story was always super derivative and just a simplified version of other classic fantasy cliches.
What made those games great was the gameplay and the fact that the cinematics were cool. Actually, come to think of it an animated Warcraft movie would've probably been cool.
And now, after all those years, you probably still spend most of your day playing videogames while still not having a girlfriend.
But yeah, good job on quitting WoW, LMAO
i think they should have done the human/undead campaign focus on arthas desu. This is the only moment where i loved the story of a blizzard game.
Heres your (you). You sure showed me.
Nice reverse baiting.
I saw it, already came out in my country today.
it was pretty meh at best
also vidyashit was a mistake
Are you for real?
Are you not?
Sure, it won't be an actual flop or terrible movie and it'll probably make decent cash, but did anyone seriously expect anything more than mixed/mediocre reviews after having seen the trailers? They all just screamed generic mediocrity honestly.
I predict 65% RT and 600 million box office
There's already another thread like this, read the fucking catalog faggot. MODS
54% RT
But I agree with you box office estimate.
The sad part about this is this is an actual set and not green screen.
The orc looks hot
Jesus, that looks like something Uwe Boll would shit out in a weekend.
Lel they all look they have a broom up their arses or something.
30-40% RT, $400 million included chinks
using real humans was a mistake. the exaggerated design doesn't work if the actors are 6 feet. humans in warcraft are much bigger than that
How is this even possible?
This looks like early Star Trek and its decorations.
Jesus. This movie is going to be total shit isn't it?
Actually, i take that back. After seeing another rotten review on RT being added, this is going to flop so fucking hard.
I've watched it. It's okay.
>Activision forget that it's not game industry
Lighting for the humans is just terrible overall.. no idea who was in charge .of it
So happy to see this. Maybe this will serve as a final wake up call to Metzen, or at least the people around him.
Is there any pic or vid where Gul'dan doesn't look like complete shit?
Every single one?
This is the best I took. Or you can just see the trailers again. It's basically the same.
Something about that shot looks specifically bad like the rendering around his spikes and fingers is not complete
Probably the same guy in charge of casting
Just look at that guy in your pic for example. Isn't he a king or something? He looks like he belongs in a straight-to-dvd movie, along with all the cosplay-tier armor and costumes this movie has
It must be a shock for them to realise they can't just bribe or coerce all the critics into giving 9/10, it's ok.
the trailer for that movie looked like garbage, so the reviews are probably accurate. Regardless word of mouth always kills the word of a shill
That's the whole screen, actually. You can also spot Durotan's son in his hand. Dude's a little cute orc.
>no idea who was in charge .of it
Blizzard forgot to develop Alliance the instant Warcraft 2 ended, so it is not completely out of question that humans are kept in a dim atmosphere to make them more mysterious than they really are.
Jesus Christ, that compositing
More probably they feels themselves like Warmachine.
Do you have that wretched screen from outside of the castle?
It's a fucking screenshot, retard
can you explain this scene, why does Blackhand look like he has no legs?
He's kneeling.
Meant to reply to
It doesn't look right for some reason
Maybe he's on the way to *actually* kneeling, he's after all failed his mission and is to be punished by Gul'dan.
>clickbait articles written to piss nerds off
No thanks
at least use the updated metascore
it'll make a comeback. screencap this post
I feel really bad for Duncan. He trusted Blizzard, and Metzen out of all people.
I mean, this is fucking Blizzard. Even during their worst times, I don't think they had something as poorly as rated as this (Except maybe Diablo 3, but those were from butthurt fans)
I mean, I waited 10 fucking years for this travesty, when they could have been making Warcraft IV?
The only thing Metzen can do is pic related now. Nothing will ever save him from this embarrassment.
You're cute. you're the OP? All ass-blasted that his beloved movie sucks balls? Does it hurts? Want me to call your momma so she can blow on your ass to make it feels better?
What the fuck bros
Man I took it from a video.. just looks off... w/e I haven't seen the film yet
Yeah, producing a movie that will be successful everywhere in the world except the land of the mouth-breathers and is basically a technological revolution regarding CGI will surely show Blizzard how mean they were to you.
Yeah it'll jump to 90.
Creators should have peddled their movie as a pro-refugee message - at least then they could have banked on the "If you don't like it or don't plan on viewing it, then you are a racist!" progressives.
why are scores coming out, when the film hasent been released yet?
but that didnt work for ghostbusters
>I don't think they had something as poorly as rated as this (Except maybe Diablo 3, but those were from butthurt fans)
No, everything Blizzard has done since 2007 is as bad or worse than this. What you don't seem to realise is that video game critics aren't the same as film critics.
>and is basically a technological revolution regarding CGI
This is how delusional blizzdrones have become
Not the OP, but yes, I'm kinda irritated about the lack of constructive criticism about the movie. Not because I am a Blizzard fanboy, but because it seems that this particular movie unchains a lot of retards like you, for some reason.
I've seen the movie, it doesn't look off on live screen. I didn't even notice he was kneeling in this 2 seconds of screentime since the attention is on Gul'dan on that sequence.
Sarcasm aside, I'm pretty sure it'll be 60-ish AT BEST. The most realistic one is around 45 to 50.
Early reviews or some shit, and it's actually out on some countries like mine. I've watched it.
racist white male critics who stole the movie, obviously
>the land of the mouth-breathers
Nice projection, Blizzdrone. :^]
I saw Captain America : Civil war two weeks ago, the terrible CGI ruined some of the most important sequences of the movie, for a budget way higher than Warcraft. But I guess they didn't make good CGI for Captain America because they didn't want to, not because they were incapable of doing better.
can you confirm that Blackhand gets 1 shot?
Where is Orgrim/Gul'Dan/Garona at the end of all this?
>No, everything Blizzard has done since 2007 is as bad or worse than this.
I'm a huge critic of Starcraft 2 and even that game was highly praised regardless of Blizzard's retarded decisions (no chat, no lan durrhurr)
This movie seems to be far far below Blizzard. If I were them, I'd feed Duncan to the lions. Poor him, but some things must be done to keep whatever they have left of their reputation.
Basically just trash the movie and whine about Legendary. It's the only way Blizzard can get out of this.
1. Blackhand gets two-shot, but he is in a berserk rage that makes him go full retard
2. They're all in the black morass, near the extinguished portal, where the final battle takes place
>Blizzard's internet defence force has the appearance of a textbook nu-male
O i am laffin
But for the 2nd question I kinda meant implied roles.
Is Gul'Dan still the leader? Is Garona seens as a traitor? ect ect
I rather be spoiled going in then disappointed
1. No. His ball's slashed (no, really), and then he's backstabbed.
2. Basically Orgrim inherits the whole Frostwolf clan or whatever lefts of it, while Garona, thanks to actually killing Llane, the whole Orc army. Gul'dan's salty about it and left.
Maybe because both the pictures and the trailers coming from it it looks downright atrocious?
But by any mean stay mad blizzdrone, you're amusing.
this film flopping is the best we can hope for.
Does anyone really want Duncan Jones to be yet another director making empty blockbuster franchises for the forseeable future?
I'd much rather have him doing smaller films anyway because his track record for that sort of stuff is solid. A loss for the studio could be a win for the audience in the big picture.
is this "Bloodhammer McOrcington" thing I've read in a review real?