/got/ general


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First for Maisie

>Promise me, Ned


You know they're going to kiss next episode.

cleganebowl do not get hype

Does GURM even watch this shit any more?

post best characters

Let's say the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros become independent kingdoms once again. This can even include areas that weren't formerly independent.

Now, years go by, and Westeros changes and develops.

Which regions or kingdoms would:

>Become an overseas Empire that sets up colonies or establishes a slave trade
>Have a revolution that ends feudalism and brings in democracy
>Have a revolution that ends feudalism and brings in dictatorship
>Have a revolution that ends feudalism and brings in communism
>Become an authoritarian absolute monarchy that silents opposition and has complete control of the state
>Become an authoritarian fascist state that silents opposition and has complete control of the state
>Becomes a neutral theocracy
>Becomes an aggressive and expansionist theocracy
>Becomes a territorial expansionist Empire
>A city which becomes a city state or a Republic like Braavos
>Becomes the quickest to use gunpowder and change military style
>Is the slowest to begin to use gunpowder and change its military style
>Industrialise the land
>Abolish the death penalty
>Introduce a working and middle class

Of course, watching TV is all he does

is the night's king a grumkin

Posting a real map for Real Men because everyone's obsessed with imaginary places like Carcosa, Leng, and Unknown Kathar.


When a red priestess wears a necklace like that, they're capable of disguising themselves, right? So she could be anyone! Is it Thoros of Myr? Quaithe? Gendry?

Gylbert Farwynd is going to find Americos

First for Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flame of Truth, the Light of Wisdom, and First Servant of the Lord of Light. For the thread is dank and full of memes.

My dick

hes so cute

What did she mean with this?

would it REALLY matter if Joffrey actually spared Ned?

>Becomes a neutral theocracy

this would be the North

>promise me, Benjen

Conan Stevens will always be Best Mountain.

Yes, it would have prevented all the conflict in Westeros and kept the Whitewalkers beyond the Wall.

Unless Dany wins Game of Thrones with her Dragons.

>top left and top right
>lyanna and rheagar
>a stark and a targaryen
>ravens and valyria
>horn of joramun and dragonbinder
>an other and a dragon
>ice and blackfyre
>theirs is the song of ice and fire



Why do the showrunners keep putting in all of these clues?
First Daario mentioned he captured 38 ships, the same number captured by Euron in the books.
Then Daario has a knife with a handle that matches the prow of the Silence.
Now this.

It fits.



you just KNOW



good job

Who is gonna give her the dick

>Become an overseas Empire that sets up colonies or establishes a slave trade
Dorne or the Iron Islands
>Have a revolution that ends feudalism and brings in democracy
The Riverlands, peasantry seem pissed off
>Have a revolution that ends feudalism and brings in dictatorship
The Westerlands
>Have a revolution that ends feudalism and brings in communism
The North
>Become an authoritarian absolute monarchy that silents opposition and has complete control of the state
The North, under Bolton rule
>Become an authoritarian fascist state that silents opposition and has complete control of the state
The Westerlands?
>Becomes a neutral theocracy
The Quiet Isle
>Becomes an aggressive and expansionist theocracy
King's Landing
>Becomes a territorial expansionist Empire
The Reach
>A city which becomes a city state or a Republic like Braavos
Gulltown or White Harbour
>Becomes the quickest to use gunpowder and change military style
The Crownlands
>Is the slowest to begin to use gunpowder and change its military style
The North
>Industrialise the land
The Crownlands or the Iron Islands
>Abolish the death penalty
>Introduce a working and middle class
The Reach

Fucking confirmed. It fucking fits.
Trips don't lie.

how would eurodaario respond to pseudoeuron just MURDERING his niece and nephew?

>muh great threat
>surely someone named STANNIS doesn't have an island full of dragonsto... oh wait

How's it going, /got/? Just got Carice over at my place for some vague business.

They could be the same person. The TV show timelines are all over the place.
If Daario goes off to leave for a while, then it is 10000% confirmed.

If not, then he probably doesn't care. Theon is a problem for Euron in the books because he could nullify the kingsmoot that made him king.

post yfw she could've done that to night's king and ended the entire thing there

you might have noticed they don't look alike

holy shit i forgot how bad that entire bit was

I cannot believe that he posted a THIRD Arianne chapter where nothing happens. The absolute madman.

>people actually believe Euron = Daario


Tell her to stop calling her pinball machine "Chip and Dale". It's No Good Gofers and it's based on golf.

>four others walk into the tree together
>this guy reaches them alone somehow
>gets jobbed instantly

Did nights king send him ahead as a prank? was he a dick and the others just wanted rid of him?

I thought the pace was gonna improve after AFFC/ADWD and he realised he needs to wrap it up quickly.

Nah just more fucking chapters describing traveling where nothing happens and we get pointless filler like a child getting lost in a cave

Euron is known to dabble in magic, he even uses a sorcerer on his ship. It's not a stretch to believe that he stole the knowledge of a faceless man.

The books are much more obvious about it, but hey whatever thanks D&D. Anything could happen there.

>haha you go ahead bro, it'll be cool, we just stay back here and wait for you to sort these shits out
>other 3 snigger to themselves as he walks into the room

oh shit, it's been set-up with Melly and the faceless in the show, you are right

They already fugged what's a kiss then lol.

Do they just make new replacements when these guys get killed? I mean if they keep getting killed by accident in random encounters, will there be any Ice Nazgul's left soon?

That's not horrible for TV standards

He wanted the bloodraven. Probably didn't know stuff was getting copy pasted to bran


imma bet a hundred dolla it won't work on night's king. I bet you gotta pull the dragonglass meme shard out of him to kill him, but it's pretty much impossible since you gotta take his armor off but if you touch his body you get made into a white walker

why didnt they throw those fire bombs at the WW?

WHY do they all look the same

Azor Meera. Twin to Jon Snow.
Together they are the song of ice and fire.

>tfw I believed R+L=J+M before it was cool

cuz they are all crasters sons?

Will probably be some big moment where someone stabs him with dragon glass and he just stares at them like "nigga please"

Yes, pic related.

They're probably going south to find new babies desu, since Crasters' supply ended.

nights king is indestructible or some shit, that's gonna be the 3rd twist that DABID was talking about


You missed the point of the cave scene

The sad thing is new Daario would make an infinitely better Euron. He's grown on me a lot and actually looks like the character.

There'll be a scene where he cuts down Jon and says "No man can kill me" and then Sansa will teleport in the Sneks and say "I am no man" then pick up Longclaw and cut the Nights Kings head off.


>Be a Gestapo officer
>"P-please Herr officer, leave us alone and I'll do anything you want"
What do?

>It's a quality post on /got/ episode.

Wow, that's surprising.

Probably the Reach. Geographically Dorne and Storm's End are better positioned for this but they lack decent sailors. Ironborn are decent sailors but they are too dumb to properly colonise anywhere.


Iron Islands.

The closest I can think of to this is the Faith gaining power in Crownlands and ending up creating some sort of a welfare state.

Aren't these two already the status quo in Westeros?


Maybe Dragonstone?

Maybe the North, towards the Lands Beyond the Wall.


The fat man said that there is no gunpowder in that universe. If we assume that it somewhat appears in the East, then the Westerlands as they are the richest.

Iron Islands.


LOL no.

The Reach.

>Only dragonfire can kill the Nights King. AND THE PROM'S TOMORROW
I can see it now.

Why remind me of the "we are not men" line? Shit was so stupid

>that's gonna be the 3rd twist that DABID was talking about


So if White Walkers are immortal (Night's King looks the same sans hair) then are Crasters babies still babies? Will there be a scene where Jon has to kill a bunch of baby white walkers like how they had the kid wights.

It has good memes.

But they don't have to look IDENTICAL, they could have armor, weapon, height, build, hair etc variation

Even then, they could've put in some effort even if they look the same, these looked great, what we got last episode looked silly

I've not seen Stannis' face in any of those dead face promo's

Arya almost certainly kills Cersei or Jaime though
>green eyes, brown eyes, blue eyes, eyes you'll shut forever

>This was cut for Meme dwarf


Nah the babies probably grow up because magic

Not even the younglings survived.

doubt it

the real question is... white walker female sluts when?

>meera will never look at you like that
why live

Gas her

So, how did this son of a bitch marry the most beautiful north lady again?

White Walkers cost money nigga

And the money is all going to bastardbowl this season

They even killed poor Summer because of it

>tfw you will never have a cutiepie slave to do anything you want
Remind me again who thought it was a good idea to abolish slavery?

Been here since season 2 and this is the most showpleb post I have ever seen.

>having to be spoonfed


It's not R+L=J since everyone was expecting it

He was quite the looker himself, user. Way more attractive than that pleb Rhaegar

So enlighten me bookworm

Those slaves weren't qt3.14s.

Can't wait till best character is back.

what said

except maybe the wall coming down, no more white walker dollars this season. even then, they could have the wall come down without showing the walkers, maybe have a cliffhanger from edd's POV


The broken man is Stennis le Mennis.

Was there a farts scene in the newest episode? I swear I remember the (farts) subtitle and laughing at it but I can't remember what it was or who dealt the blow. Anyone recall?


Me too, season 7 hype

Robert farted during the play before he died.

Fuck that arsewipe show Jon for conspiring with his murderer