Does anyone else just not prefer smoking weed? I mean, I like it sometimes...

Does anyone else just not prefer smoking weed? I mean, I like it sometimes, but I do not understand my friends who smoke fucking daily. Even at parties I just drink and MAYBE take one hit, that's it.

Do you like it??

(cont) I really like it for sleeping or being creative. These are lonesome things though. Just not a fan of smoking with a group of people.

I've smoked nearly every day for like a decade. So long as I'm not stoned all day and I don't get too high it's pretty nice.

Agreed about smoking with people though, generally just smoke with bros or alone but I'll take a tiny toke at parties. If I get as high as I normally do I just don't fare well in social situations. Always make sure I have at least two hours between when I smoke and when I leave to interact with people

What's the appeal? Does it not get old?

Smoking weed doesn't interest me personally, but I like it as a meme and a concept and an idea for recreation.

It does not get old.

I smoke everyday and it sometimes gets boring but idk its become a habit idk If its addiction or just used to it everyday

I tried doing my job while high, it did not work at all. Meanwhile my buddies can hit fucking dabs then function perfectly normally.

No, why would it? I do the same shit I'd normally do, I just feel more mellow and less bothered by monotonous tasks.

>tfw you're a painter and can do your job while stoned

You do you man

Some people like weed some people don't.
Same thing with Alcohol, Tobacco, Whatever the fuck else.

Personally I love weed, don't like mixing it with alcohol though, that pretty much just sucks.
Weed by itself and like an old school Nintendo game, that shit is fun as hell.

I used to smoke a ton of weed now I really don't like it.
Yeah now I prefer drinking over smoking weed any day.

I only smoke with close friends, I get awkward smoking with random people unless I'm blazed

I actually don't like weed. It had a tendency to knock me out so I usually find it not worth the effort. Bourbon on the other hand is magical. Well really almost any non bottom shelf booze, I'm not too picky.

>Just not a fan of smoking with a group of people.
I only like smoking alone or with 1 maybe 2 other people

It's a tolerance thing. You don't have one; your friends do.

Once you have a tolerance it can really be medicinal. If you use it more infrequently, it's for the "high" properties.

>i long for the day where I would get the giggles...

yeah it get olds

Yeah, I think since I do it so little I'm still the typical giggly kid. I guess I'll just moderate and keep it that way.

Not really my thing, but I enjoy it from time to time although I've recently quit.

Smoked daily from 14-23. Now just drink. Hit one joint 2 years ago and was dumb as hell. Paranoid as a criminal. Shit really is bad for me now. Now I just drink liquor and dip long cut Copenhagen.


When i can do a lot of noise. DRINK
When i can't do . SMOKE i usualy relax and laugh like a retard

Love it

Also, vastly superior to the prescription drugs I used to take

You're either very new to drugs including marijuana or just a prude. no offense. or weed doesn't work for you.

After doing certain drugs for years you learn how to improve your life with them and use them to your advantage. This includes moderation...Congratulations you seem to be good at that.

My personal reasons for using Marijuana daily is it eases my body pain in the morning from working many manual labor jobs over the years and allows me to live a normal life by sleeping at night from smoking, I've tried not using it daily and sleeping over the years and from simple tried and true self research I'm a happier person with Marijuana and can live a semi-normal life like you do without marijuana.

Sure i can do without it but sober me in pain is a miserable fuck and that.s not including my depression or anxiety, etc...

OP here. One of my favorite uses for it is to erase hangovers. That's why I like the ole one-and-done at the end of the night. Great sleep and easy waking up.

smoked a shit ton my first time, threw up afterwards. can't stand the smell or taste of weed now

Glad to hear it's helping. Sure as hell beats pills I'm sure.

It took me a long time to realize I did not like smoking weed in public.

I like to smoke at home but not out in the world. Not with people I don't know super well.

Smoking weed makes me super quiet around people.

I don't even smoke that much by myself. It's fun if I have the day off to take a few tokes and play vidiya every now and again but leave me alone!

Also I am 35 years old.

That workshop is strangely satisfying

I used to feel the need to smoke weed all the time, but nowadays it seems that every time I smoke shitty things happen. Hell, shitty things have already to my life because I chose not to control my habit for several years, and I wish I could get that time back but life goes on. So, I don't really smoke these days.

I know right. I aspire to that basement dwelling.

Very orderly.

I used to work at a 3D printing/wood shop and we had those little red bins like the one on the table. Shit was stackable, so cash.

My ex grill friend smokes constantly and it hinders her life. She wakes up late and misses shit all the time. Granted most people aren't this way.

I'd prefer it over alcohol, but only because i have morbus crohn and drinking anything stronger than beer gives me hardcore stomach pains. Weed on the other hand let's me chill a bit and makes a great pain killer if i really need one. Way better than throwing pain pills down my throat. But i never smoke weed 2 days or more in a row, because i want to be a functioning member of society. If i'd smoke every day, i'd be just trash sooner or later.